Saturday, October 13, 2018

Typhus, which claimed the greatest number of lives at Auschwitz in 1942-1943, breaks out in LA

It spreads when fleas become infected with bacteria known as Rickettsia typhi or Rickettsia felis. The illness reaches humans when fleas bite them or when infected flea feces are rubbed into cuts or scrapes in the skin, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ... [S]evere cases can lead to damage to the heart, brain and lungs without treatment. 

The article never mentions lice, blaming the outbreak on fleas passed by stray and wild animals, especially rodents and cats, but also on trash left uncollected in the streets for some reason (now why would that be?), and on pet owners who fail to use flea reduction products. That's it, it's the fault of pet owners.

It couldn't possibly be dirty, filthy homeless people, you see.

Democrats threaten with chaos and tyranny, stand for overturning all basic American political institutions and norms

Voting Republican has literally become a vote for survival and is no longer simply a policy preference:

The Electoral College is a civic abomination, Damon Linker of The Week, September 19, 2018

Democrats’ ‘Fighting Words’ Take on an Ominous Tone, Carol M. Swain, The Epoch Times, October 12, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh and America's vanishing presumption of innocence, Edward Morrissey of The Week, September 19, 2018

140 House Democrats Refuse to Condemn Illegal Aliens Voting, John Binder of Breitbart, September 26, 2018 

Friday, October 12, 2018

Byron York analyzes prospects for Republicans without once observing dramatic Kavanaugh shift in Rasmussen generic poll

The improved GOP numbers appear to be the result of the much-discussed Kavanaugh Effect, referring to the recent confirmation of President Trump's second Supreme Court justice. But it's not just Kavanaugh. 

Ford testified Sep 27th. The Dem +5 lead vanished within a week in the biggest and best poll of likely voters out there. This was all Kavanaugh.

The current secular bear market in stocks matched the length of the Reagan secular bull in September 2018

Average investors since August 2000 have underperformed the great Reagan secular bull market by nearly 70% annually through September 2018, but the current secular bear marches on.

Average investors aren't just severely underperforming the Reagan bull, however. The average 5.77% per annum return since August 2000 also underperforms the S&P 500 annually from 1871-1982 . . .  by 29%.

When the current secular bear ends is anyone's guess. While already long in the tooth, there's nothing that says it can't last even longer.

But you'll know it's over when stocks are universally shunned, as they were in the summer of 1982. Unfortunately, that would mean the S&P 500 would have to fall, and fall hard and deep, from here. In a worst case scenario that would mean to a level of, say, 283, which is today's inflation-adjusted level of the S&P 500 in July 1982, 89.6% south of yesterday's close at 2728. That's what it would take to match that buying opportunity, not just of a lifetime but of the whole history of the S&P 500.

On an inflation-adjusted basis a more likely future washout range would include a level something well north of 283, however, say between December 1987 at 527 and March 2009 at 898. The feeling has always been that the catastrophe of 2009 was arrested by draconian interventions, and that the market wasn't allowed to do its work and destroy the weak as it should have.

The Reagan secular bull was an extreme outlier in the history of the market. Nemesis is still lurking out there somewhere in its relentless quest to revert to the mean. Best not to stand in its way. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hillary's not going to let another black person steal the limelight from her like in 2008

Maybe floating a rumor about Maxine's birth certificate would help.


Rush Limbaugh isn't even in touch with today

He just said the stock market was positive when it's negative again. This, at the lunch hour when the early morning action, whatever it is, usually moderates a little.

Rush Limbaugh still isn't leading with yesterday's generic Congressional Rasmussen poll

Somebody call the guy and tell him Dems were +5 on the day of Ford's testimony, September 27th. That lead had totally EVAPORATED by October 4th.

Wake up Rush!

The housing bubble may be over, but the mortgage debt bubble sure isn't

How bad was Hurricane Michael?

The Panama City Beach, FL, Waffle House was closed.

Story here.

W-2 payroll data for 2017 just out shows huge slowdown to monthly additions from 2016

Monthly additions dropped from 227,000 (revised up 4,000) in 2016 to 160,000 in 2017 (figures rounded to the nearest thousand).

There were a number of other revisions to the data in this series of more minor significance (incorporated).

Total nonfarm December 2017 on December 2016 was up 182,000 monthly. The civilian employment level was up 149,000 monthly.

You know, Obama didn't follow the so-called Biden Rule in 2016, but Mitch McConnell sure did

You can listen to Biden in 1992, here, when he said Bush should refrain from nominating anyone if a vacancy occurred on the Supreme Court in that election year.

Biden also said the Senate should refrain from holding hearings on any nominee if Bush happened to nominate anyone anyway against this advice.

Well, fellow Democrat Obama ignored the Biden Rule in 2016, an election year, by nominating Garland, which goes little remarked.

But even more little remarked is that the Republican McConnell acted in agreement with the rule in 2016, and refused to conduct hearings on Obama's nominee.

The Executive and the Legislative act as they please in these matters, as is their right. They make their own rules, no matter how much the partisans of this world may try to constrain them.

Elections have consequences.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Real Clear Politics has Toss-Up seats down to 32 from 43 in the last month

Seats leaning Dem vs. Rep were 205 vs. 198 as of 10-9-18.

Of the 32 Toss-Ups, 11 are Open seats undefended by an incumbent (2 formerly Dem, 9 formerly Rep).

The remaining 21 are defended by Republicans but are too close to call as of 10-9-18. Retaining all those and losing all the Open seats would give Republicans a slim 1-seat majority of 219 to 216. 

Republican surge from Kavanaugh crucifixion in generic Congressional poll: Rasmussen goes from Dems +5 to Tie in a week

The Body Snatchers' president: Real Donald Trump spotted in convenience store

The leader of Antifa calls her mobs to arms

If only this is what Robert Redford meant

Also, Stephen L. Miller channels Max Boot: If you wear a MAGA hat you're a loon

Like I said, "conservatarians" think you're ridiculous WrestleManiacs for wanting Senatrix Feinstein locked up

The damage done to conservatism by Conservatism Inc. is Orwellian

The very essence of conservatism used to be all these things, American culture, history, nation, heritage, family and faith, spokes on the wheel of its organic whole. But the libertarians have co-opted all that away and replaced it with an ideology of materialism which has erased the memory of it to the extent that the two, conservatism and libertarianism, are now indistinguishable in the popular imagination.