Thursday, September 20, 2018

Senator John Cornyn is right: We've already had a hearing, and Ford & Democrats are hijacking the process

WaPo reports here:

Earlier Thursday, Senate Republicans had reiterated their resolve to press forward with a vote on Kavanaugh in the coming days if Ford chose not to testify before the 21-member Judiciary Committee.

“If she doesn’t want to participate and tell her story, there’s no reason for us to delay,” Sen. John Cornyn (Tex.), the No. 2 Republican in the chamber, told CNN. “I think it all depends on what she decides to do. We’ve all made clear this is her chance.” ...

Cornyn said Thursday that he sees no reason to call additional witnesses since the committee had already held a full hearing on Trump’s nominee.

“We already had a hearing,” Cornyn said. “That’s what I call hijacking the regular committee process to accommodate political interests.”

The news just now said Senator Susan Collins is moderate and believes in abortion rights

In what world is murder moderation?

If Christine Ford is apolitical, why did she hire such a political lawyer?

It's far more likely that Christine Ford premeditated this entire episode with the help of her attorney for political reasons and that her protestations of wanting to remain anonymous were a cover for the desperation of this Hail Mary attempt at the end of the confirmation process. Knowing the slim margins Republicans enjoy in the Senate for confirmation of Supreme Court nominees, all it would have taken to derail them is sowing just enough doubt in the minds of a few to sway a vote or two at the last second. They almost succeeded in the gamble. Retiring Republican Jeff Flake went on the record right away saying he was no longer comfortable voting Yes on Kavanaugh. It almost worked.

From the story here:

Since 2004, [Debra] Katz has donated at least $26,000 to Democratic politicians including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Kerry. She also donated to groups such as, the DNC Services Corp, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. 

Likewise, in March 2017 Katz declared via Facebook that, "These people are all miscreants. The term ‘basket of deplorables’ is far too generous a description for these people who are now Senior Trump advisors," after a report surfaced that Department of Homeland Security advisor Frank Wuco made anti-Islamic remarks which prompted his resignation. 

Rep. Anna Eshoo says Christine Ford doesn't have a political bone in her body, which is utterly ridiculous

Hasn't Ford involved politicians from the very beginning?

Here's Eshoo:

Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., met July 20 for roughly 90 minutes with Ford, who lives in her Bay Area district and is a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University, after Ford contacted Eshoo's office about Kavanaugh.

"It was more than obvious to me that she bore the scars of what she had been subjected to," Eshoo said in an interview with The Washington Post on Wednesday. "She doesn't have a political bone in her body. And she obviously was really terrified about what could become of her and her family." ... 

Eshoo said her actions were dictated by Ford's desire for complete confidentiality about her allegations as she worked through whether and how to bring them to the attention of those vetting Kavanaugh and, potentially, the public. "I think it's difficult for people to understand if you haven't dealt with people that have been subjected to something like this," she said. "They keep it to themselves. They feel guilty. They bury it. They tell themselves to move on. And so there wasn't any kind of political process in her mind whatsoever."

The pair then took it to a higher political level in Senator Feinstein:

Ford's request for discretion was observed to the point, Eshoo said, that in her office only she and one other senior aide were fully aware of Ford's claims. When Eshoo and Ford mutually decided to take the matter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Ford's letter laying out her account was hand-delivered to a Feinstein aide in Washington, Eshoo said: "In other words, you don't drop it off at the receptionist's desk."

Ford is hardly otherwise apolitical:

Christine Ford ... signed a letter with other health professionals demanding that President Donald Trump stop his controversial policy on family separations at the border . . . an exhibit in an ACLU lawsuit against the Trump administration. ...

The Washington Post reports that she is a “registered Democrat who has made small contributions to political organizations.” A review of federal campaign finance records shows donations earmarked for Bernie Sanders, the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. ...

A 2017 article in the San Jose Mercury News says that Blasey was planning to attend a science march wearing a knitted brain hat that was supposed to resemble the pink p*ssy hats that many have used to protest Donald Trump and advocate for women’s rights. “It’s a science party!” the article quotes “biostatistician Christine Blasey, of Palo Alto” as saying. It says she would “wear an elaborately knitted cap of the human brain — yarn turned into a supersized cerebral cortex — inspired by the ‘pussy hats’ donned during the Women’s Marches.”

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Latest victim of the Stalinists of #MeToo is the editor of the NY Review of Books

"All I know is that in a court of law he was acquitted, and there is no proof he committed a crime. The exact nature of his behavior — how much consent was involved — I have no idea, nor is it really my concern. My concern is what happens to somebody who has not been found guilty in any criminal sense but who perhaps deserves social opprobrium, but how long should that last, what form it should take, etc."

Christine Ford is Emma Sulkowicz, still carrying around a bed under her arm from 36 years ago

From the post here:

“We now have feminism that should be a movement of freedom and empowerment, but it has become an instrument of repression. I always identify very strongly with people like Charles Baudelaire, Oscar Wilde, or those figures from the last century who were very anti-bourgeoisie. That minister of justice of yours is just a bourgeois voice, it has nothing to do with the liberation of women. It is repression, shutting down the mind. But your mind must be completely free – expression must be completely free. Women should read great literary works. Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, for example, Dostoevsky, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, to understand something about men. Instead of: “We need to reform men.” Stop it. Feminists discourse of sex and gender has become hopelessly careless and naive, okay, it is a self-cannibalizing ideology without reference to important research on human nature and other cultures.

“There are a lot of neurotic women who have clung to that feminist discourse, take Emma Sulkowicz, a 21-year-old student at Columbia University who spent nearly a year on campus with a mattress under her arm because she had allegedly been raped in her own bed by a fellow student. She received an award from the ‘National Organization of Women‘ because she is a ‘hero’. It was sick and neurotic behavior. That woman lied and every attempt to find out what happened was thwarted by herself, her story was inaccurate. But neurotic behaviour is apparently celebrated. The only thing that it accomplishes is that it alienates men even more from women. We are back in the fifties!”

Camille Paglia: Treating women as more credible than men is reactionary

From the essay here:

Modern democracy is predicated on principles of due process and the presumption of innocence. ... For all its idealistic good intentions, today’s #MeToo movement, with its indiscriminate catalog of victims, is taking us back to the Victorian archetypes of early silent film, where mustache-twirling villains tied damsels in distress to railroad tracks.

This nitwit from New Jersey thinks he can be president

Story here.

Blue wave evaporates in Texas: Newcomer flips Senate District 19 Republican for first time in 139 years, defeating former congressman Gallego

Story here.

Possible foreclosure motive for Ford accusation falls apart: Kavanaugh's mother dismissed the motion

FOX reports here:

The records suggest that the dismissal was granted after the Blaseys and the bank cut a deal that avoided a sale of the property at a foreclosure auction.

Martha Kavanaugh signed off on the motion after the case had initally been assigned to another judge.

Breaking news: Christine Blasé Ford will testify when her picture replaces Jackson's on the $20

The icky Jeffrey Toobin was targeting Brett Kavanaugh already in March 2012 in The New Yorker

Here, over Obamacare.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Send the FBI to Kavanaugh's accuser to take her statement

We'll see if she tells the same story she's peddling in the media.

You can't lie to the FBI and get away with it. (Oops, unless you are Hillary)

Hillary must be laughing to herself that Kavanaugh's accuser touts passing a lie detector test

Clinton is heard laughing as she describes how she succeeded at getting her client a lighter sentence, despite suggesting she knew he was guilty.

"He took a lie-detector test! I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs," Clinton said about her client on the tapes, which were initially recorded, but never used, in the early 1980s.

The rest of the ABC News story from 2014 is here. 

Ten years after fall of Lehman, lawyer still tracking down borrowers who committed fraud

From the story in The Denver Post, here:

“What I kept seeing over and over again is how greed manifests itself,” he said. “There was an unprecedented amount of fraud.” ... People lied about their income, they lied that a home would be a primary residence, they lied about how indebted they were, they even lied about who they were, using other people’s identities to take out loans.

“It was crime on a massive scale, but nobody viewed it that way,” he said.

Banking expert Chris Whalen sums up 2008 the same way, here:

People keep asking what we think of the 10-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers.  Our answer is that not much has changed.  Lehman once had the best performing bank in the US and then it was gone.  Why?  Fraud on loans and securities.

It seems our biggest problem, from the top of our society all the way on down to the bottom, is that it is shot through with liars.

Remember that next time you read a poll, or a resume.

Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar. -- Romans 3:4

Monday, September 17, 2018

Wi Gu Wong Wei: China stock markets are down big since their 2015 highs

Shanghai is down 48.7% from its 2015 high.

Hong Kong is down 6% from its 2015 high.

Meanwhile the broadest measure of US stocks, the Wilshire 5000, is up 33.6% tonight from its 2015 high. Its total stock market capitalization currently represents about $36 trillion, up about $9 trillion in the last three years.

Rush Limbaugh ends his show saying the voters are idiots . . .

. . . Sean Hannity starts his show saying they're smart enough to decide for themselves if Brett Kavanaugh stands unjustly accused.

Brett Kavanaugh's accuser might have had revenge motive for foreclosure on her parents' home

Brett Kavanaugh's mother apparently was the presiding judge in the foreclosure on the home of the parents of Kavanaugh's accuser.

Reported here.

Brett Kavanaugh's accuser has reviews by students in her classes saying she's vengeful, has something wrong with her

Story here.


Story retracted, here.

Hm. Two Christine Fords.

Anne Applebaum for The Atlantic refuses to acknowledge the facts of illegal immigrant crime

The crimes of illegal immigrants, apart from being here illegally, continue as we speak, and continuously are noted in the Twitter feeds and websites of conservatives. Of course all of that is illegitimate to the Anne Applebaums of the world. Nothing is legitimate unless it is sanctioned by coverage in the press which her side owns, and this story is not covered by her press, for political reasons. That story forms the heart of the Trump political campaign, and to give it expression is to do the work of her political enemy, which is what the essay is really all about, her political enemies, in Poland, Hungary and the United States. At one point she even solemnly informs us that "(A ruling party that has politicized its courts and suppressed the media is a party that finds it much easier to steal.)", as if that isn't a perfect description of liberal democratic rule in the United States since FDR. It's now a country where the words "illegal alien" are banned on Twitter. That's how important cheap landscapers are to The Establishment.

From the story here:

Much as Trump used birtherism and the fabricated threat of immigrant crime to motivate his core supporters, KaczyÅ„ski has used the Smolensk tragedy to galvanize his followers, and convince them not to trust the government or the media. Sometimes he has implied that the Russian government downed the plane. At other times, he has blamed the former ruling party, now the largest opposition party, for his brother’s death: “You destroyed him, you murdered him, you are scum!” he once shouted in parliament.