Thursday, September 14, 2017

And the headline at Breitbart is . . . the has-been Sarah Palin

And at the so-called American Conservative the lead is about sex, not antifa

Meanwhile at Takimag they're arguing the fine points of hurricane coverage while the Maoists plan more violence

The Maoists are openly justifying their antifa violence, and The Hill is right with them

The Hill would never give serious consideration to an argument for violence from the right, because, well, the left is right and the right is wrong, right?

Antifa violence story "most popular" at The Hill today



As usual Trump has it ass backwards

First you get The Wall, then you maybe compromise a little on the dreamers.

The art of the deal has become the fart of the schlemiel.

The radio news at the top of the hour just referred to Ben Shapiro as "far right"

Yeah, the guy who resigned from Breitbart in support of Michelle Fields, who claimed Corey Lewandowski assaulted her in front of God and everybody.

Ben Cuckhero.

To avoid this morning's shitstorm, maybe Trump should have invited some Republicans to dinner last night


Now if we could just get some strong men in The White House

Hillary's entire life is a blind spot

Gutfeld, here.

Ann Coulter joins the impeachment club

James Woods to Trump: It's The Wall, stupid

Rep. Steve King: Trump blows up his base, no promise is credible

Trump's about-face on dreamers means he's dead: Democrats positively rushed to the suicide

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Seattle Times story about pedophile allegations against resigning Mayor Murray never tells you he's been out as gay since 1980


Story here.

Big whoop: Real median household income rises $384 to new high after 17 years, says Census

From $58,655 in 1999 to $59,039 in 2016.

That's a total rise of 0.6546756 percent.

Don't spend it all in one place.

Like liberals everywhere, Canada's can't take a joke, suspend judge Bernd Zabel 30 days without pay for wearing Trump hat Nov. 9 in court

Story here.

The real joke's been on the taxpayers, as the judge has been suspended with pay since last December.

He's had a nice long vacation at their expense, saving up for the next 30 days without pay.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Just when you think you are talking to a sane person, he cites Paul Craig Roberts

"Others maintain the U.S. government seriously undercounts the national unemployment figures for political effect. Paul Craig Roberts is one whose view I would take over yours, no offense intended. He is a highly respected authority on political/economic issues."

You know Paul Craig Roberts:

Today, April 15, 2017, is the fourth anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing, a hoax event performed by crisis actors and tell-tale bright red Hollywood blood. Sheila Casey has done a good job of exposing the hoax just by using the time line and photos of the event.

A number of agencies run training programs in which amputees working as crisis actors have a prosthesis afixed to resemble a bone as a remaining piece of a leg or arm. Casey examines the Boston event by timeline. First the crisis actors are assembled. Then the prosthesis is attached. Then the blood appears. ...

A person has to be extremely gullible and inattentive to believe the official story. But that is what most Americans are.

Hillary bought the home next door in Chappaqua in August 2016 for her future White House staff

The story is here.

The best laid plans of mice and femen.