Sunday, July 2, 2017

Reuters gets it exactly backwards on $1.42 billion Taiwan arms deal: It pressures China to help on North Korea

Trump is playing chess with China, which has been provoking the free world by building illegal islands in the South China Sea and militarizing them. Arguably Trump needs to move even more pieces in their direction on the board.

China's anger over the U.S. plan to supply Taiwan with weapons risks undermining Trump's attempts to press China to help on North Korea. ... The sales, which require congressional approval, would be the first since a $1.83 billion sale that former President Barack Obama announced in December 2015, also to China's dismay.

Reuters should stick to reporting the news instead of opining about it.

Friday, June 30, 2017

CNBC's Jake Novak says Trump finally came to his senses with Obamacare "clean" repeal tweet

[I]n a tweet Friday morning, President Trump strongly suggested the Republicans just repeal Obamacare and worry about the replacement later. Thank you for finally coming to your senses, Mr. President!

Dan Bongino for Sean Hannity brings on Mark Meadows to talk about Obamacare repeal, and do they discuss Trump's clean repeal tweet?

No. Zip, zero, nada, bupkis.



This is talk radio malpractice.

OK, we're basically 0-5: Neither Michael Savage nor Dan Bongino on Hannity are leading with Obamacare repeal

We'll see about Levin in three hours.

It's pretty disappointing that conservative talk radio can't follow President Trump's talking points even when he spells them out on Twitter.

Trump has made a YUGE move to the right and everybody's just shrugging their shoulders today.

Gallup: Middle-class self-identification normalizes at 62%, same as in 2003 after bottoming out at 50% under Obama

Mark Belling turns to Trump Obamacare repeal tweet

Finally. Right now.

We didn't elect a king to worship like Obama's slaves worship him, we elected a fighter

Not to be outdone by P. J. O'Rourke, libertarian Mark Perry also genuflects toward the hypocritical French today

Namely toward Frederic Bastiat, here, who wrote against "legal plunder", never once mentioning that the estate off of which Bastiat derived his living had been stolen from the aristocracy during the French Revolution.

Mark Perry is not just a one-off, either. Bastiat is a hero to libertarians generally. For example, to Rep. Justin Amash, who not coincidentally owes his fortune to the family business in tools, which are manufactured in China, not the united States.

Protestations against legal plunder, my foot.

And Mark Belling also wastes our time defending Trump in L'Affaire Joe Mangina

Filling in for Rush Limbaugh today.

Trump hands off the rhetorical baton on repeal of Obamacare, and so far today 3 talk radio hosts have dropped it.

Trump moves far right on Obamacare, morning talk radio gives us crickets

Both Laura Ingraham and Chris Plante had more important things to talk about today than President Donald Trump expressing willingness to forego Obamacare replacement for simple repeal.


P. J. O'Rourke discovers the limits of individualism, gets wet for (French) state capitalism



When regular capitalism won't do, there's always the comparatively smaller French state capitalism:

"An individual could not build a rocket like these, no matter what his wealth or how much time he was allotted." 

Hey, P. J., would it be too much to ask you at least to admire our own?

Yes, it would be from a frog-licker.

Justin "Might as well be a Democrat" Amash also voted against "No Sanctuary for Criminals Act"

Amash and six other Republicans (Curbelo of FL, Diaz-Balart, Donovan, King of NY, Reichert, Ros Lehtinen) went down to defeat with 188 Democrats.

HR 3003.

Republicans Chaffetz, Gosar, Long, Mark Meadows, Nunes, Scalise, Smith (NJ) and Stivers did not vote.

Defeated Leader of the Party of Street Violence and Abortion Death calls the kettle black

Laura Ingraham is ripping Justin Amash as an embarrassment right now, the only Republican to vote against Kate's Law

HR 3004.

If you're a big fan of John Locke, you're not a conservative

Read What is Conservatism? to understand why.

FINALLY: Trump tweets support for full repeal of Obamacare without "replace"

Send him HR 3762, stat.

Laugh of the Day: Traitor Joe is bleeding from his mangina

Seen here, in the comments section.

"Sorry mom"!

The servile Kim Strassel has no fight in her, thinks the Senate healthcare bill simply comes down to pre-existing conditions

From the story here, where Strassel counsels bowing to federal mandates, which means bowing to the left-wing extremist who bankrupted America:

Republicans lost this argument nearly a decade ago, when Mr. Obama won. More than 90% of Senate Republicans understand this.

Which is another way of saying that protections for pre-existing conditions are here to stay, and conservatives face a choice. They can work with their colleagues to minimize the costs of the mandates (there are innovative ways to do this) and build in different free-market reforms to lower premiums. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the current Senate bill will reduce premiums by about 30%, and the GOP can and should build on this.

Yes, the simple solution is always to bow, to submit, whether to the king, or to Allah.

Real Americans don't settle for easy.