Thursday, March 2, 2017
Foreign influence flashback March 2016: Top donor to Hillary, Saudi Arabia, also bankrolled Trump critic Senator John McCain
This is real news. Jeff Sessions is fake news, which is why Jeff Sessions is being crucified, and John McCain rolls in the dough. The elites protect their own.
Reported here:
Reported here:
A nonprofit with ties to Senator John McCain received a $1 million donation from the government of Saudi Arabia in 2014, according to documents filed with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. ...
Founded in 1998 to raise money for then-President Bill Clinton’s presidential library, the Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars from foreign governments over the years, including while Hillary Clinton, now running for president, served as secretary of State during President Barack Obama’s first term. The foundation says that Clinton was not involved in its work when she worked for the Obama administration.
The Saudi donation to the McCain Institute Foundation may be the first congressional instance of that trend coming to light.
“The extent of this practice is difficult to gauge, of course,” Holman said, “because we only know about it when a nonprofit or foreign government voluntarily reveals that information.”
Bill Clinton,
Donald Trump 2017,
fake news,
Hillary 2017,
Jeff Sessions,
John Mccain
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
There's lots to like in Trump's speech, but . . .
We can't afford $1 trillion in infrastructure spending and it won't accomplish what people say it will. We are $34 TRILLION behind in spending of all kinds, but that's obviously out of the question. Debt service payments at rock bottom interest rates already exceed 10% of the $4 trillion budget. This is the price we are paying now . . . FOR PREVIOUS "PROSPERITY", which was only borrowed.
Paid family leave, a new entitlement, will cost government and employers a fortune, subduing hiring.
Adding refundable tax credits for health insurance premiums paid by taxpayers to a tax system which already includes the Earned Income Tax Credit is a back door introduction of another new entitlement. It could end up costing the country tens of billions in lost tax revenue each year.
These proposals could be political feints on which he will ultimately never deliver, simple red meat for moderates and liberals thrown out there to garner bipartisan support for his overall program.
Only time will tell.
Ryan Zinke confirmed by Senate to Interior Dept. 68-31
WaPo admits part of the delay had to do with politics, here.
President Trump sends Vice President Mike Pence to sell his speech to conservative talk radio
So far today I've heard Pence live on segments with Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and Sean Hannity.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Wilbur Ross confirmed to Commerce by Senate 72-27 last night
And that took almost 40 days with that kind of support because why? Why because Chucky Schumer tried but failed to tar him with a connection to Russia.
Reported here.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Michael Savage is right, "gender" is misused
Gender is an aspect of inflected language, as in gender, number and case. Sex is an aspect of human reproduction, as in male or female. The equation of the two is a phenomenon of contemporary times.
For example, "the dummy" in German is "der Dummkopf".
"Der" signifies it is a masculine noun, singular in number, and nominative as to case.
"Der Dummkopf" functions as the subject in a sentence, for example when Michael says "The dummy says gender when he means sex".
When it is the indirect object in a sentence, it is spelled "dem Dummkopf", in the dative case, as in "Michael said to the dummy . . .. "
Michael Savage talks to many dummies, "den Dummköpfen", who are plural in number and dative in case, who don't understand the difference between gender and sex.
There is no answer to "What is your gender?"
To "Sex?" the answer is either male or female.
And sometimes "Yes".
My hometown is a small town: Libertarians chafe at staying in the same place
Tyler Cowen, here:
Americans traditionally have thought of themselves as the great movers, and indeed that was true in the nineteenth century and even through most of the twentieth. But since the 1980s, Americans have become much less restless in movements across the country, and more people are looking to simply settle down and entrench themselves.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Repeal the income tax of 1913: It facilitates the massive growth of our enemy the administrative state
After the passage of the income tax in 1913, outlays doubled from $2.9 billion in 1911 to $5.7 billion by 1917, and they keep doubling and doubling and doubling . . ..
In 2016 over 36% of GDP is diverted from the free market and misspent, poorly spent or destroyed. Almost $6.7 trillion . . . phhhhhht.
To kill the beast, stop feeding it.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Tom Perez, supported by Obama and Biden, beats Ellison, supported by Sanders, 235-200 to head DNC
But WaPo, in sympathy with the defeated far left Ellison, can't bring itself to report it that way here, making you do the math:
The race was close enough that it required a second round of balloting, with Perez winning 235 of 435 votes cast. With tensions still high as the result was announced, nine Ellison supporters chanted “Party for the people, not big money!” and stormed out of the room.
Liberal insanity in Texas: Girl taking testosterone to become a boy permitted to compete and win girls' state wrestling title
They call her a transgender boy to confuse you.
She advanced through the competitions due to forfeitures by girls who refused to wrestle a girl who gained an unfair advantage from taking drugs.
But the story here doesn't tell you that.
The Chicago Tribune here has the true story which the Fort Worth, Texas Star-Telegram didn't want to tell you:
Mack Beggs, a junior at Euless Trinity High School in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, won a regional championship after two opposing wrestlers forfeited, apparently over concerns that Beggs has an unfair advantage because of testosterone treatments that are part of the transition.
Beggs, who has a 52-0 record, has a first-round match in the state tournament Friday in suburban Houston.
Obama hollowed out the military and SECDEF Mattis wants to keep those responsible in place at DOD
Kimberley Strassel delivers the bad news here:
President Trump promised to rebuild our hollowed-out military, a cause as urgent as any domestic priority. Years of Obama budget cuts and neglect slashed force sizes and provoked a readiness crisis. Over half the Navy’s aircraft are grounded. Of 58 Army brigade combat teams, only three are ready to immediately join a fight. The Air Force is short pilots and aircraft maintenance workers. ...
[Mattis] wanted, for instance, former Obama undersecretary Michèle Flournoy for a top post. He’s looked to recruit from Ms. Flournoy’s liberal-hawk think tank, the Center for New American Security. And he’s pushed for some names who hail from Never Trump backgrounds, including Mary Beth Long, an official in George W. Bush’s Pentagon.
Perhaps only to make a point, Mr. Mattis is blocking some rock-star conservative talent. One is Mira Ricardel, a former Boeing executive and Bush Pentagon alum who helped with the Trump transition. Mr. Mattis continues to nix a long list of names offered by the White House team. ...
The Pentagon today remains in the hands of Obama holdovers who have spent years thwarting congressional requests, minimizing readiness problems, and generally covering for Obama failures. Those holdovers include Deputy Secretary Robert Work, an opponent of reform, and Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Stephen Hedger.
Mr. Hedger helped write an infamous 2016 Pentagon memo outlining how the Obama administration could use a presidential veto of greater defense spending as a “weapon” to get other Obama priorities. Civil servants are also place-warming other key positions. As well-intentioned as many are, it’s unrealistic to expect this crew to march in a new direction after eight years under President Obama.
Mattis isn't a Mad Dog. He's just mad, as in crazy.
bad news,
Barack Obama,
Bush 43,
Donald Trump 2017,
Jim Mattis,
Kim Strassel,
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