Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Stephen Curry thinks he's just oh so precious

About as authentic as 100% polyester.

Story here.

What's next from CNBC, an interview with a food server disgruntled with Trump?

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is taking so long because they know Trump's right

Coming up with a work around takes time.

Sessions confirmed 52-47

We were sayin' "Hey!" before this guy made it famous

Hey Neil Gorsuch, 30 states are pretty demoralized that their laws defining marriage were overturned by a few judges in DC

Neil Gorsuch, who just disqualified himself for not knowing the meaning of abhorrent, should have kept his big fat yap shut, here:

“I told him how abhorrent Donald Trump’s invective and insults are towards the judiciary. And he said to me that he found them ‘disheartening’ and ‘demoralizing’ – his words,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D- Conn.) said in an interview.

Gorsuch “stated very emotionally and strongly his belief in his fellow judges’ integrity and the principle of judicial independence,” he added. “And I made clear to him that that belief requires him to be stronger and more explicit, more public in his views.”

Wake up, dummies, using Medicaid means your estate is subject to recovery when you die

Welcome to Day 19 of Hillary Will Never be President

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Grand Rapids, Michigan, climate update for January 2017

Average temperature was 29.0 F in January 2017 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 5.2 degrees above normal but only 15th warmest on record.

Monthly lowest minimum was 2.0 F. The mean is -3.0.

The high was 61.0 F. The mean is 49.

Precipitation was 3.51 inches. The mean is 2.05.

January snowfall was 14.8 inches. The mean is 18.5.

Heating degree days came to 1108. The mean is 1271.

Presidents ranked by average per annum real GDP growth rates

JFK/LBJ: 4.8%
Truman: 4.7%
Clinton: 3.8%
Reagan: 3.4%
Carter: 3.2%
IKE: 2.9%
Nixon/Ford: 2.7%
Bush 41: 2.2%
Bush 43: 2.1%
Obama: 1.5%

And we thought Jimmy Carter was bad.

He would have been a 113% improvement over Obama.

Nancy Pelosi is as goofed up in the head as Maxine Waters, thinks Bush is president, but once she says "Bush" Maxine's eyes grow big!

Story and video here.

Senate women march on Betsy DeVos: Where's the solidarity, woman?

There are 21 women in the US Senate, but only three voted to confirm Betsy DeVos.

To these hypocrites liberalism trumps gender.

Since Ft. Hood 22 domestic attacks by Muslims on behalf of Islam, 102 deaths, 346 injured

Data here.

DeVos confirmed 51-50


Women's March on Washington excluded pro-lifers but featured convicted murderer/torturer Donna Hylton

What an ugly piece of work is this woman.

Read it if you dare, here.

Maoist struggle session: So-called president shames Supreme Court surrounded by Democrat jackals who give him standing ovation

Flashback to NYT here in January 2010 and video here:

Monday, February 6, 2017

Yeah, and The New York Times is a magnet for enchoriaphobic speech

Oops, top Republicans took money connected to George Soros in 2016

Breitbart is making these Republicans very angry, here in "Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016".

Heh, heh.

Republicans should impeach Judge Robart and the whole 9th Circuit Court of Appeals while they are at it

From the story here:

Beyond excoriation Robart needs to be impeached and removed from the bench for judicial incompetence. ...

By going to Seattle and finding a sympathetic liberal-inclined pet judge they accomplished two things: they got their TRO and they put the case into the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, the largest and most liberal (and most-reversed by the Supreme Court) federal court in the United States, which reacted to a well-formed and legally-sound appeal of the TRO with a one-page ruling rejecting the appeal without any analysis of the case or the law. This was not circumstantial, it was very deliberate tactic on the part of liberal progressive Democrats.

This makes the 9th Circuit Court as much of a co-conspirator in violating the separation of powers doctrine as Robart and the State of Washington are, which is a good reason for the plan to break up the 9th Circuit Court into several smaller courts to move forward. Impeachment of 9th Circuit judges should also begin immediately.

Rep. Maxine Waters strikes again, says Putin invaded Korea

Korea, Crimea, Gonorrhea, they're all the same to this box of rocks.

Story here.

Anyone remember President Obama attacking 5 justices of the Supreme Court at the State of the Union address?

Precedent for Trump attacking Robart.

Coulter, here.