Saturday, May 21, 2016

Goodbye libertarian moment, we hardly knew thee: "Man has a proclivity for safety, not liberty"

James E. Miller at Takimag, here:

Man has a proclivity for safety, not liberty. Human history is littered with war after war, conflict after conflict. Whatever liberty we eke out of our constant warring state is always in danger of being lost. As philosopher John Gray noted, “To think of humans as freedom-loving, you must be ready to view nearly all of history as a mistake.”

As the ancients maintained but we never seem to remember, even when we study them:


Hooah NRA! Hooah Donald Trump!

Rasmussen: Trump 42% to Clinton 37%

Trump earns 42% support to Clinton’s 37% when Likely U.S. Voters are asked whom they would vote for if the presidential election were held today. ...

Rasmussen Reports will update the Clinton-Trump White House Watch matchup numbers every Thursday morning from now until Election Day in November.

States so far where Trump was bested by McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012

McCain beat Trump in:


Romney beat Trump in:

North Carolina

McCain's total vote in 2008 was 9.9 million.

Romney's total vote in 2012 was 9.8 million.

With six contests remaining in 2016 Trump is already pushing 11.2 million.

Yesterday Rush Limbaugh said Hillary's momentum was "plundering", or something like that

Evidently conflating "plunging" and "floundering".

But the transcript here has been cleaned up, indicating Rush said "plummeting" when that's not what he said.

For once his transcriptionist is covering for him.

Friday, May 20, 2016

With 7% of the vote still not counted, Oregon Republican turnout in 2016 bested 2012 by 26%, 2008 by only 3%

So far Donald Trump in 2016 was bested by John McCain in 2008 in the popular vote only in Idaho, Kentucky, Oregon, Vermont, DC and Arizona. With six contests to go Trump has 11.1 million popular votes versus 9.9 million total votes for McCain in 2008, the most recent analogous contest.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

I'd post on the total popular vote in Oregon, but 7% of it remains out on the Republican side two days since the primary

You probably didn't see it but voters prepare a ballot which is mailed to them ahead of time and then they drop it on election day in designated secure boxes all around the state.

How hard can that be to tally everything in a timely manner?

Maybe tomorrow, man.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The perverse Kevin Williamson says presidents aren't in charge of the economy after Hillary says she'll put Bill in charge

Which of course means he has to discredit Reagan's economic achievement (by never mentioning it), which came because Reagan reduced the top bracket from 70% to 50% and for a brief shining moment to 28%.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Drudge has anothr crappy spellur workin' the nite shit

There's something you don't see everyday: Takimag makes the lineup at Real Clear Politics

And you should read it. It's the inside story of the terrorist attacks in Paris from the band leader of Eagles of Death Metal.

He claims the terrorists were in the building hours before the attacks, having seen them himself.

What's up with John McLaughlin's hair?

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of Mao's Cultural Revolution

From the story here:

Millions of people were persecuted, publicly humiliated, beaten or killed during the upheaval, as zealous factionalism metastasized countrywide, tearing apart Chinese society at a most basic level. ... The Cultural Revolution is considered to have begun May 16, 1966, when the Communist Party's Politburo purged a number of leading officials. Over the following decade, Mao deposed two heirs apparent, his "Little Red Book" of sayings was elevated to the level of holy scripture, and millions were imprisoned, sent to labor camps or exiled from the cities.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Prove it Paul Ryan: "My plan is to support the nominee," he said on March 1st

Quoted here in The Washington Post.

Hey Mark Levin you big dope: Tariffs were the main source of all Federal revenue from 1790 to 1914

That's why the federal government stayed SMALL from 1790 to 1914.

IT'LL NEVER BE SMALL YOUR WAY (just a little smaller

STARVE THE BEAST! A spillover effect we can all appreciate.

West Virginia and Nebraska Presidential Primaries, Final results

Laugh of the Day: If you have principles, you should at least know how to spell it consistently

Newt Gingrich endorsed Donald Trump last night

It obviously didn't push Paul Ryan over the line today, but it did push Hannity.

Story here.

Sean Hannity endorses Trump, too bad Paul Ryan still hasn't

Just now on the show.