Sunday, February 7, 2016

John Hart says the pro-legalization of illegals Sen. Ben Sasse is the real conservative, not Donald Trump

Of course, Hart never mentions Sasse is pro-legalization.

The last thing we need is another Rubio posing as a conservative.

Like pornography, Donald Trump may not be able to define conservatism, but he knows it when he sees it.

Do you think National Review's candidate is Marco Rubio or what?

Headlines about Marco so far today at The Corner are 50% of the fourteen since the debate began last night at 8:00 PM (the other 50% are mostly about Hillary):

"Rubio Better Buckle His Chin Strap" 

"Rubio vs. Christie and Bush on Life" 

"Rubio's Tough Night"

"On Marco Rubio and Chris Christie's Brutal Exchange" 

"Christie Bests Rubio in GOP debate while Cruz and Trump Coast" 

"How Much of a Stumble?" 

"What a Bad Debate Night Means for Marco Rubio". 

Don't blame the Flint River for Flint's water problems

So says the Flint River Watershed Coalition, here:

"It was improper treatment of the water, rather than the health of the river itself, that sparked the suite of issues with Flint’s drinking water."

clear waters

diverse habitat
thriving wildlife

Jeb Bush resurrects Bush Doctrine: "if a preemptive strike is necessary to keep us safe, then we should do it"

Video here.

Jeb Bush is just like his brother in this respect.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

"Michigan Man" (aka "Not the face of Islam") arrested in terror plot against Christian church

Mlive reports here:

A 21-year-old man charged in federal court with illegal firearm and drug possession is also accused of making threats and planning a terrorist attack on a church congregation.

Khalil Abu-Rayyan has not been charged with crimes directly related terrorism, but the complaint filed against him in Detroit federal court includes allegations of threats made to a Detroit church and a Dearborn police officer.

The FBI has been watching Abu-Rayyan, of Dearborn Heights, since May 2015, because of what federal agents called "increasingly violent threats he has made to others about committing acts of terror and martyrdom -- including brutal acts against police officers, churchgoers and others -- on behalf of the foreign terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraq and Levant."

Marco Rubio was in the tank for illegal immigrants before he became the junior senator from Florida

From a Politico story in March 2010 here which should have put off Republicans on his candidacy but didn't:

A leader for a progressive group that used to heap praise on Rubio says there’s been a clear change in his approach to complex issues. Arturo Vargas, the executive director for the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, said Rubio, the son of Cuban exiles born in Miami, blocked “scorched-earth” legislation that sought to clamp down on illegal immigration. “He, as speaker, kept many of those from coming up to a vote,” Vargas said. “We were very proud of his work as speaker of the House.” In 2006, Rubio even voted for a bill that would have allowed the children of illegal immigrants to pay the same tuition rates at Florida colleges as residents.

Vargas now says Rubio, the candidate, takes a more pointed, less nuanced tone as he stresses border enforcement and his opposition to amnesty. “He’s become your typical candidate in terms of playing to his primary election base,” Vargas said, acknowledging he’s more disappointed than surprised.

Bobby Jindal endorses the anchor baby

“Marco can unify our party. His optimistic message is bringing voters from across the party lines, from across different demographic groups. He can unify our party, he can win this election in November,” Jindal said.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Phyllis Schlafly slams Marco Rubio as an agent of the Republican establishment who has wanted amnesty all along


“When Marco Rubio ran for the Senate in Florida, I think I was the first one to endorse him."

“I made a trip down to Florida in 2009 just for the purpose of helping him.”

“Once he got elected, he betrayed us all."

“He said he was against amnesty and against the establishment. And once he got in, right away, he became an agent of the establishment. And now, of course, he’s big for amnesty and letting all the illegal immigrants in. He betrayed us a number of times on that issue.”

“Immigration right now is the biggest issue. All you need to do is look at Europe, and you can see that."

“But there are other issues like trade where Rubio has aligned with the establishment against the American worker.”

"Trade is a big issue."

"The whole thing with how they are pushing these trade agreements and mass immigration is a cheat and a lie to the American people. And Rubio has joined the group that is pushing it."

Ben Domenech says Trump and Cruz stole Rand Paul's libertarian foreign policy

Here for The Federalist.

But Domenech never mentions how Trump stole something else: attracting hordes of people to his appearances who come from all walks of life, but especially blue collar independents and Democrats.

That's what Rand Paul hoped to do all along, recreating the Republican brand.

Trump is succeeding at what elite libertarians have only been able to dream of politically, but now that they've got what they wished for they want nothing to do with it because Trump is uniting people through a conservative value: patriotic American nationalism.

Rand Paul doesn't get it, and neither does Domenech: Americans are conservative much more than they are libertarian.

As usual, Republicans carry the liberal water for Democrats on social issues

FOX's Frank Luntz was paid over $345,000 by Florida's Republican Party when Marco Rubio was Speaker of the Florida House

Story here, questioning Luntz's objectivity in his current role praising Rubio in the debates.

Luntz was caught in an audio recording in 2013 complaining that conservative radio talkers Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin were destroying Rubio over the Gang of Eight immigration amnesty bill which Rubio co-sponsored.

It's safe to say that Luntz has been loyal to Rubio for a long time for a reason.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Will the Texas cross be big enough to crucify Donald Trump?

After all, it will be only 210 feet tall.

Story here.

The two candidates with no accomplishments

excels at falling down
excels at mouth breathing

Rush Limbaugh never mentioned the Karl Rove expose of Ted Cruz' lying today

Rush Limbaugh did his best to cover for Ted Cruz today by not mentioning the bombshell story which should persuade every honest observer that Ted Cruz is a lying sack of shit.

Real Clear Politics had video of the story here for at least 11 hours already, but Rush wouldn't touch it today.

As far as I can tell, neither did Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity nor Mark Levin, whose shows I could not listen to in their entirety. However Mark Levin spent considerable time ridiculing Karl Rove in the second half hour for some reason, but you can guess why.

Voicemail left by the Ted Cruz campaign to Iowa precinct captains at 7:29pm caucus night proves Cruz has been lying for the last 48 hours

From the story quoting a voicemail here:

"Dr. Ben Carson will be [garbled] suspending campaigning following tonight’s caucuses." 

According to Breitbart:

"The calls were placed after the Carson campaign had already clarified that Carson was not suspending his campaign. ... [T]he Carson campaign had already clarified at 6:53 p.m. that he was not dropping out."

Jimmy Carter tries to give Donald Trump the kiss of death, preferring him over Ted Cruz

Story here.

Des Moines Register says something smells in the Iowa Democrat Party

From the story here:

“Too many of us, including members of the Register editorial board who were observing caucuses, saw opportunities for error amid Monday night’s chaos.”

Iowa Governor accuses Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Steve King of unethical and unfair behavior during Iowa Caucus

“This thing that they distributed on Caucus night saying that Dr. Carson was likely to drop out and his supporters should support Cruz, that is, I think, unethical and unfair,” Branstad said this morning. “I think there’ll be repercussions to that.” Cruz has apologized to Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who finished fourth in the Caucuses on Monday night.

Iowa Congressman Steve King, a Cruz backer, helped spread the drop out rumor and Branstad said King owes Carson an apology. “You know, we have a strong sense of fairness in Iowa,” Branstad said during an interview with Radio Iowa. “Distributing information that was not true about a candidate right at the time people are voting in the Caucuses is an inappropriate thing.”

Republican Iowa Caucus polling was off on average by 23%

Republican Iowa Caucus actual final results v Real Clear Politics poll averages on the day of the election:

Trump: 24.3 v 28.6, overestimated by 17.7%
Cruz:    27.6 v 23.9, underestimated by 13.4%
Rubio:  23.1 v 16.9, underestimated by 36.7%
Carson:  9.3 v   7.7, underestimated by 17.2%
Paul:      4.5 v   4.1, underestimated by 8.9%
Bush:     2.8 v   4.1, overestimated by 46.4%

Average miss for the top six: 23.4%
Average miss for the top three: 22.6% 

Smoking gun: Here's the message Ted Cruz sent to 1500 precinct captains before Iowa voting began

From the story here:

"There are 1,500 precincts. Do the math… If that message cost Carson four votes per precinct to switch to Cruz, then Cruz beats Trump. If he doesn’t switch four, then he loses."