Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pompous ass Steve Gruber Show doesn't fact check while imagining it possesses journalistic integrity

"49 million on food stamps."

"McCain got more votes than Romney."

Marco Rubio, the intellectual who played football for Tarkio College in 1989-1990

Donald Trump again brought NFL-level ratings to Republican debate, this time 23 million to CNN, its most-watched program ever

Reported here:

"Wednesday's prime time GOP debate averaged 22.9 million viewers, making it the most-watched program in CNN's history. ... CNN's most-watched program overall was a special "Larry King Live" episode in 1993. The episode featured Al Gore and Ross Perot debating NAFTA and averaged 16.8 million viewers. ... These are NFL-level ratings -- affirming that the Donald Trump fueled Republican debate slate is one of the most popular television shows of the year."

Republicans in denial: 911 happened under George W. Bush's watch, as did the 2008 financial panic

George W. Bush remains the elephant in the Republican debate room. We're not safer since he was elected in 2000, and we're not richer, either.

Obama has failed miserably to fix it, and the "it" still needs fixing.

Discussed here

Destroying Trump means even disgraced Rolling Stone becomes a credible source

The Daily Beast, here:

'Asked what she thought of the comment and of Trump’s explanation that he was referring to her “persona” when he told a Rolling Stone reporter to “look at that face. Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?" Fiorina paused and then went in for the kill.

'“I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said,” she said.'

Feminism uber alles, even if all you've got is a made up story about campus rape.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Obama says America is great right now, on same day his own Census Bureau reports people are 6.5% poorer than in 2007

Obama here.

Marketwatch here:

"The Census Bureau reported that median household income was $53,657 in 2014. That’s less than the 2013 median of $54,462, but not statistically different. What is of significance is that, when adjusted for inflation, the median household generated 6.5% less than they did in 2007, the year before the recession."

Ben Carson's church believes carbon dioxide is a pollutant causing climate change and should be reduced

"To keep climate change within bearable limits, the emissions of greenhouse gasses, especially carbon dioxide (CO2), need to be significantly reduced. Industrialized countries are the main source of these emissions, while the first victims are the small island states and low-lying coastal countries."

Real Clear Politics poll average updated to show Trump in first with 30.5% in September first half

Something down is up in Russia

Normally traffic from Russia represents over 10% of my blog audience, going back years, but in the last week that has dropped off the cliff to zero.

It's like somebody turned off the spigot.

Reuters provides clues here:

"The large Moscow street protests of 2011 and 2012 illustrated the connection between economic growth and demands for greater political participation by the chief beneficiaries of Russia’s then-prosperity. Now, as the collapse in oil prices and Western sanctions undermine the economy, the mood inside Russia could hardly be more different. The creative class in big cities like Moscow is depressed and increasingly disengaged from political life. Some have given up and are just leaving the country. The combination of economic crisis, heavy propaganda, patriotic mobilization and hybrid war inside Ukraine have produced conformism, passivity and insensitivity."

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Warming over 100 years from 1990 predicted by IPCC is falling short by 62% due to 18 year, 8 month pause

Reported here:

"From January 1979 to August 2015, the trend was just 1.21 K/century.

"In 1990, the IPCC had predicted near-straight-line warming of 1 K to 2025, equivalent to almost 2.8 K/century. Of this warming, more than 0.7 K should have happened by now, but only 0.26 K has actually occurred. ...

"The UAH and RSS satellite data both show the Pause, though the terrestrial tamperature datasets have all been altered in the past year with the effect of concealing it."

Gold King Mine disaster video released by the incompetent EPA: let's dig here and see why it's leaking!

Link here for the video.
When you plug leaks at other old mines nearby, the water has to go somewhere. Minor toxic leaks are obviously preferable to releasing by accident 3 million gallons of heavy metal contaminated water into the Animas River.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

WaPo story continues the Hillary e-mail shell game: It's her CURRENT server which needs to be examined

Reported here tonight by WaPo:

'“Platte River has no knowledge of the server being wiped,” company spokesman Andy Boian told The Washington Post. “All the information we have is that the server wasn’t wiped.” ... All the e-mails from Clinton’s tenure at the State Department were on the server when the device was taken over in June 2013 by Platte River Networks, four months after Clinton left office. A company attorney has said that all of Clinton’s e-mails were then migrated to a new server. The e-mails were removed from the second server in 2014, with Clinton’s lawyers storing those they deemed work-related on a thumb drive and discarding those that they determined were entirely personal. Copies of 30,000 work e-mails were turned over to the State Department in December and are being released to the public in batches under the terms of a court order.'

All the e-mails were migrated to the current server in June 2013, five months after Hillary's January 23, 2013 testimony before the Oversight Committee and nine months after it asked for her emails about Benghazi on September 20, 2012. They were combed, sorted, some distributed to the State Department in December 2014 and everything  supposedly "deleted". But all that is theoretically recoverable from the current server, which evidently remains in Chappaqua, NY.

Some might also be recoverable from the New Jersey server. And there might be backup servers no one has yet learned about, but it is the current server which needs to be examined.

But just try getting in to Bill Clinton's stuff.

Hillary is still exploiting him for all he's worth, and right now his sacrosanctity is worth everything.  

Friday, September 11, 2015

Ex-Gore-Democrat Rick Perry drops out of Republican race for president for a second time

Story here.

Santorum, Jindal and Graham should drop out, too.

Does anyone know if Pataki is still in?

Who? Gilmore? What?


Counting Perry, there have been no fewer than 37 running for the Republican nomination.

It's the 14th anniversary of 9/11 and we're still waiting for a president who will send in the troops to kill everybody and break everything

Everybody. Everything. Yesterday.

Hooah you maggots.

With nine days to go before Greek elections, Syriza recaptures the lead in the latest ProRata poll

The latest Greek election poll result appears here today, showing left wing Syriza back on top with 28.5% of the vote and center right New Democracy roaring back strongly in second with 23.5% as more undecided voters in the last two weeks have made up their minds. Syriza had been taking a beating in various polls over the fortnight.

Nationalist Golden Dawn remains in third with 6.5%, unchanged from the end of August. The communist KKE and socialist PASOK are duking it out for fourth place with 4.5% of the vote each, while the Syriza rebels who formed Popular Unity have lost support and fallen below the 3% threshold necessary to get representation in the parliament. Two weeks ago Popular Unity had been polling at 3.5% but evidently as time has passed voters have realized these former compatriots of Alexis Tsipras really do mean to dump the Euro and go back to the Drachma, and want none of it. 

Greeks overwhelmingly continue to favor remaining in the Euro, but really like Tsipras over Meimarakis of New Democracy 37% to 25%.

The election is a week from Sunday.

Thursday, September 10, 2015