Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hey John Tamny! Did The Electorate Get It Right Last Night?

The invisible hand of the electorate and the invisible hand of capitalism cannot be falsified by anything, because they are, well, invisible, here:

Put plainly, Wanniski argued that the electorate always gets things right, or in his words:

“…the electorate as a whole is wiser than any individual member in understanding its interests, it is wiser than any economist or group of economists.”

No doubt many readers are scratching their heads in response to the above, but as Wanniski put it to the late William F. Buckley (paraphrase), “You’re likely smarter than every individual inside a packed football stadium, but collectively those individuals are smarter than you are.” The wisdom of crowds….

We may not have always liked the end result, but the electorate has always been right. ...

The electorate unhappily gave [George W. Bush] another shot; one it presumably came to regret. ...

Obama ... [i]s as a result presiding over a sick economy that should be strong, and as the electorate dislikes failures, Obama’s days in the White House are numbered. ...

The electorate is dying to fire Obama, history says it will given its aversion to failures, yet Romney’s timidity with regard to policies actually meant to grow the economy point to a close win for Romney when it should be a rout. Wanniski’s electoral model says so.

The libertarians are as bat-shit crazy as the Keynesians.

Why WI Senator Elect Tammy Baldwin Loves Football

Presidential Aspirant Rep. Michele Bachmann Narrowly Re-elected In MN

Results here.

Her stand on many of the issues approximated real conservatism, but her district appears less inclined to vote for her after the presidential run. 

Romney's Path From 206 Ended At 266

Romney was competitive only in Florida with 49.3% (29), Virginia with 47.8% (13) and Ohio with 48.2% (18), with no evidence beyond that suggesting a path to victory, just hope (!) for the best.

Where've we heard that before? From a real liberal, Barack Obama. The opposition could smell our weakness in our imitation of them. And the voters wisely recognized that faux liberalism is no substitute for the real thing. Republicans didn't offer the country a clear alternative to Obama, just a facsimile.

This suggests money spent in places like Michigan was a big mistake, where Obama finished with 53.5% to 45.6%. And believe me, I received numerous robocalls and a fair number of live calls from Republicans trying to win the presidential here. Romney should have arguably allocated more time and money in places like Pennsylvania and Colorado.

Wisconsin Sends Rep. Paul Ryan Back To The House

Results here.

Have a nice time compromising some more with liberalism, Paul. You're good at it.

Thanks A Lot, Republicans: Liberalism Is No Match For Radicalism

Thomas E. Dewey
Thomas E. Romney

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Gov. Romney Upended In Democrat Tide

Former Romney Advisor Also Picks Romney To Win With 285

And +2 in the popular vote.

Power Companies Pretend News Doesn't Exist, Just Like Liberal Media

Power companies in Long Island and the Rockaways in Queens have simply removed some areas there from their outage maps because power cannot be restored to effectively destroyed service points, aka homes, reports CBS News here.

Kind of like how the media have pretended there's no there when it comes to problems with the Obama biography and record.

If you ignore them, they don't exist.

Gee, I wonder from whom the power companies learned that trick?

Benghazi? Who's that?

Rush Says Rasmussen Puts Republican Registrations +5.8 Over Democrats

Rasmussen's out with his final Summary of Party Affiliation, as of October 31st.

This is a huge sample of people that Scott Rasmussen asks are they Republican or Democrat or independent or what have you. He has the Republicans at their highest party affiliation he's ever recorded since he's been doing this. Basically it's Republicans plus six: Republicans 39, Democrats 33. The actual number is 5.8. We'll round it up to six points. Rasmussen had the exact turnout in 2008 at Democrats plus seven.

Rasmussen has a +/- 4 margin of error in his polling, which is basically dead even in the daily presidential tracking poll, so I'll go out on a limb and say Romney gets +5 in the popular because of his overwhelming advantage with independents and in Republican registrations, and maybe 285 in the Electoral College: 206 per Rasmussen's current assumptions, plus Florida (29, hello seniors), Virginia (13, hello defense industries), Ohio (18, Kasich and Co.), Wisconsin (10, Walker and Co./Paul Ryan) and Colorado (9, pro-family voters).

Monday, November 5, 2012

Male Median Earnings Are At 1960s Levels

"[T]he earnings of the guy in the middle have declined 20% over the last four decades. As a result, the median earnings of men are back to the levels that prevailed in the 1960s."

-- Michael Greenstone, MIT, quoted here

Your Congressman Could Be On His Parents' Insurance Under ObamaCare

Guess what?

Your Congressman could theoretically stay on his parents' healthcare insurance under ObamaCare, which allows a child to stay on his parents' plan until the age of 26.

How so?

"No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years." -- Article. I. Section. 1. of The Constitution of the United States of America

So an enterprising young individual could get himself elected to Congress at the age of 25 and still be on his parents' plan.

That's insane!

Gee, What Do Teachers Unions And Socialism Have In Common?

Study America Just Called Me On The Phone

I told them I'm voting for Mitt Romney tomorrow.

Neal Gabler Can't Face It That Democrats Have Betrayed Social Security

Here, for Reuters:

"There is no gainsaying that the basic purpose of the [Ryan] budget is to dismantle New Deal and Great Society programs that assist the poor and gradually remove the juice from the third rail by privatizing Social Security and essentially voucherizing Medicare. To save the country from the flood of debt, they must save us from FDR and LBJ."

The Ryan Budget isn't even the law of the land because Democrats have stopped it in the Senate. But for two years, two years!, Democrats have enthusiastically advocated and voted for reductions in the payroll tax, removing the juice from Social Security, in order to put cash into people's hands and stimulate the economy. Democrats did this in the lame duck session in December 2010, when they still had complete control of the US government: House, Senate, White House:

"In December 2010, as part of the legislation that extended the Bush tax cuts (called the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, the government negotiated a temporary, one-year reduction in the FICA payroll tax. In February 2012, the tax cut was extended for another year."

Looks to me like Democrats represent the biggest threat to the sacrosanctity of Social Security.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Jim Cramer, Who Said Sell It All In Oct. 2008, Predicts Romney Gets 98 EC Votes

hahahahaha! hahahahaha! hahahahaha! hahahahaha! hahahahaha! hahahahaha! hahahahaha!

On Tuesday The Choice Is Easy

Pass it on.

h/t 'Nita

If ObamaCare's Anything Like Feds' Response To Rockaways, We're In Deep Trouble

From a harrowing tale of narrow escape from Hurricane Sandy and subsequent abandonment of his neighborhood, Brian Kelly, a retired FDNY firefighter, in his own words in the NY Daily News, here:

“Listen, I was a firefighter, I know relief doesn’t happen overnight. But we’re four days out now. I’m staying with relatives in Staten Island. I drive back to Rockaway every day because I’m afraid of my house getting robbed. In that time I haven’t seen any help in Rockaway. There are some city cops. I saw just two city garbage trucks. I saw the National Guard drive by a few times. But I’m still waiting for the guard, FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers, Red Cross to set up shop in Rockaway and start helping people back to a life. I’m not seeing it.”

Power Outages In New Jersey Exceed 500,000

New York ConEd Power Is Out To 242,000

The number without power has really come down.