Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
George Bush: Mushy-Headed Liberal
George W. Bush has been beating his little isolationism, protectionism and nativism drum for years now, but it seems like conservatives such as Laura Ingraham are finally looking at it in the right way. She's even suggesting that if we knew in 2000 what we know today about George and his family (people should be free to marry anyone they love), maybe conservatives wouldn't have supported W back in the day.
I know I didn't. I admit it. I was one of the few, the proud, the (top!) 500,000 Americans who voted for Pat Buchanan in 2000. And I've still got the lawn sign to prove it! In 2004 I had to be drawn kicking and screaming to vote for Bush. The alternative was too horrible to contemplate (a man who won't stop for stop signs while behind the wheel of his Jeep is a dangerous man, willing to break any law), as it was also too horrible to contemplate in 2008, as events prove everyday.
Bush's continuing antagonism against, for example, advocates of border security doesn't surprise me, and Laura is right to perceive that his sort of Republican poses a threat to the policy initiatives championed by Tea Partyers and conservatives. Her show this morning is devoting considerable time to Bush's remarks at Southern Methodist University on January 24th.
But Bush was making similar remarks already in November 2010 in Britain as part of his book tour, and Pat Buchanan eviscerated him way back in March 2008 for the very same kind of loose and silly talk:
In smearing as nativists, protectionists and isolationists those who wish to stop the invasion, halt the export of factories and jobs to Asia, and stop the unnecessary wars, Bush is attacking the last true conservatives in his party.
Which is understandable. For after the judges and tax cuts, what is there about Bush that is conservative? His foreign policy is Wilsonian. His trade policy is pure FDR. His spending is LBJ all the way. His amnesty for illegals is Teddy Kennedy's policy.
The truth is George Bush hasn't changed, and has never been a conservative. Ever true to his self-described role as The Decider, he once boasted that he would be the one who decided what is Republican and what isn't:
Even liberals have recognized Bush as one of their own. So Richard Cohen in The Washington Post in 2007, after cataloguing Bush's liberal intentions in No Child Left Behind, in affirmative action hires in his administration, and even in the Iraq war, he adds:
You only have to listen to Bush talk about the virtues of immigration -- another liberal sentiment -- or his frequent mention of the "soft bigotry of low expectations" to appreciate that the president is a sentimental softie, what was once dismissively called a "mushy-headed liberal."
Cohen leaves out Bush's greatest liberal achievement: Drugs for Seniors, the single largest expansion of federal government to that time since Lyndon Johnson. He leaves it out because that's what really drives liberals crazy, how George Bush out-liberaled the liberals, and co-opted them for eight years.
That's why they really hated him.
border security,
Bush 43,
Iraq War,
Laura Ingraham,
Matt Latimer,
Pat Buchanan,
Tea Party,
Monday, January 31, 2011
Obamacare Declared Void in its Entirety by US District Judge in Florida
"Because the individual mandate [requiring Americans to buy health insurance on pain of fine] is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire act must be declared void."
-- US District Judge Roger Vinson (reported here)
The judge sided with the 26 (!) states which brought suit. His ruling will be appealed by the Obama regime.
The judge sided with the 26 (!) states which brought suit. His ruling will be appealed by the Obama regime.
President Pothead Meant Iraq, not Afghanistan
“As I said, we will be out of Afghanistan by the end of this year,” Obama said, a fairly significant misstatement of his administration’s Afghanistan policy, which doesn’t call for a troop withdrawal until 2014. did not attribute the mental lapse to damage caused by prolonged exposure to THC.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Preliminary Report of GDP for Q4 2010 at 3.2 Percent
Up from 2.6 percent in Q3.
This according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis here, which issued the customary caution:
The Bureau emphasized that the fourth-quarter advance estimate released today is based on source data that are incomplete or subject to further revision by the source agency . . .. The "second" estimate for the fourth quarter, based on more complete data, will be released on February 25, 2011.
When you consider that for all of 2010 GDP is estimated in some quarters at about only 2.9 percent overall, the economy is barely treading water seeing that GDP was negative 2.6 percent in the previous year, 2009. And to get it there it's been thrown a life preserver in the form of extreme government spending, loans and guarantees worth trillions upon trillions of dollars. We're not working on our third consecutive trillion-dollar-plus deficit for nothing.
Applying these paddles and shots to the heart of the American economy has the patient out of intensive care, but its condition is still serious.
It's still a sham GDP for a sham economy. Says Obama Parties While Cairo Burns
The key point being the American journalism profession a bunch of hacks had nothing better to do than fete the president's political adviser while a real crisis, unlike the kind they usually spend their time manufacturing, was staring them in the face.
When oil hits $200 a barrel will anyone remember the Energy Secretary was there instead of planning how to contain the damage?
Feckless bastards one and all, but especially one Barack Hussein Obama.
Here's the link to the post at the left.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
To the Left, Enforcing the Law is Right Wing Extremism
As in this from Conor Williams for The Washington Post:
Yet [the ex-governor's] views are hardly moderate at all: [Tim] Pawlenty has advocated fining or jailing business owners who employ undocumented immigrants. He's even suggested amending the Constitution to repeal birthright citizenship.
This approach to immigration policy could be disastrous for a region already suffering from economic hardship. The Midwest needs more immigrants - not fewer.
What the Midwest needs is fewer coastal pricks telling fly-over country what's what, and a vigorous emigration policy for liberals, from wherever they hail, including the Michigan governor's residence.
TSA's Pistole Pulls Plug on Private Screener Program
"It's unimaginable that TSA would suspend the most successfully performing passenger screening program we've had over the last decade," [Rep. John] Mica [R-FL] said Friday night.
"The agency should concentrate on cutting some of the more than 3,700 administrative personnel in Washington who concocted this decision, and reduce the army of TSA employees that has ballooned to more than 62,000."
More here.
"The agency should concentrate on cutting some of the more than 3,700 administrative personnel in Washington who concocted this decision, and reduce the army of TSA employees that has ballooned to more than 62,000."
More here.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Proof That Education Improves Neither Character Nor Intelligence
As reported here in The San Francisco Chronicle:
A California university professor has been charged with peeing on a colleague's campus office door. ... Investigators say a dispute between Petrov and another math professor was the motive.
He did it twice. They caught him on tape on the second go, so to speak.
Sarah Palin Jumps Down in the Gutter with the Rest of Them
What a disappointment, in a string of disappointments:
His theme last night in the State of the Union was the "WTF," you know, "Winning the Future." And I thought, "OK, that acronym, spot on." There were a lot of "WTF" moments throughout that speech, namely, when he made the statement, Greta, that he believed that we can't allow ourselves to, I guess, eventually become buried under a mountain of debt. ...
That was another one of those WTF moments, when he so often repeated this Sputnik moment that he would aspire [sic] Americans to celebrate. ...
-- Sarah Palin, January 26, 2011, quoted here
Leadership seeks to elevate the discourse, to model the good that people may follow it. And this isn't it.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Obamacare Waivers Explode to 729 from 222 Since December 2010
Can we still say "explode"?
We've gone from 1.5 million to 2.2 million Americans on waivers in under two months.
The new health care law applies to fewer and fewer Americans because specially privileged groups seek and get waivers from the requirements. Which is to say that healthcare inequality under Obamacare is a growing problem.
How much you wanna bet under Obamacare the specially privileged never reach 85%, the proportion of Americans who had private health insurance before the law was passed and wanted to keep it? Which is to say that more Americans will lack "desirable" coverage because of Obamacare than will have lacked it before it (15%).
View the burgeoning list here.
Hu Jintao Embraces Lang Lang for White House Propaganda Coup
From Nicholas Eberstadt for The American, here:
But what, exactly, is this “gorgeous” and “beautiful” (Hu’s words) tune that so entranced China’s visiting leadership?
“My Motherland” is not a “Chinese song” in any ordinary meaning of the term. Instead, it is a Mao-era propaganda classic: the theme from "Triangle Hill" (Shangganling), a film in which heroic Chinese forces fight, kill, and eventually beat Americans in pitched battle during the Korean War.
“My Motherland” epitomizes the “Resist America, Aid [North] Korea” campaign that Beijing embraced during and after the Korean War. It celebrates Sino-American enmity.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Wikipedia Lang Lang Article Softened 'Jackal' to 'Wolves' for Political Reasons
Here's a screen shot of the Wikipedia discussion of the Lang Lang article between Arilang and Jim101 late on the night of January 23.
Arilang initiates the discussion saying he thinks the article will contribute to a "political storm" for Obama.
He immediately focuses on the word translated "jackal" from the song Lang Lang played at the White House state dinner for Hu. He seems to accept it as the natural translation (as do most unbiased observers), but he notices the new change of the translation in various places to "wolves" and asks Jim101 about it, obviously because he thinks Jim101 is responsible.
Jim101 admits he uses sources for posting which conform to translations which are guided by "the Chinese perception" of the US:
Jim101 appears to have foreign loyalties, and a political axe to grind as heavy as the one he thinks Glenn Beck carries.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Lang Lang and "Jackals": Famous 1951 North Korean Novella by Han Sorya Vilifying USA, Celebrates Unpredictable Spontaneous Outbursts and Fits of Rage
According to BR Myers for The New York Times in May 2003, reproduced here:
In North Korea, the people's spontaneity is seen as one of the country's greatest strengths.
North Korean novels and movies often show the hero casting off the restraints of his book learning in a fit of wild, sometimes suicidal rage against the Japanese or American enemy. This political culture induces officials to tolerate a high level of violence in daily life; North Korean refugees attest that fistfights are the accepted way for men and women to settle even minor differences. While communism was always an internationalist movement, juche (literally, self-reliance) sees the world in ethnic terms. North Korean propaganda makes no distinction between American capitalists and American workers; the entire "Yankee" race is presented as inherently evil, degenerate and ugly. Dictionaries and textbooks suggest that Americans be described with bestial attributes ("snout" for nose, for example).
The central villain of Han Sorya's novella "Jackals" (1951), the country's most enduring work of fiction, tells of an American child who beats a Korean boy so brutally that he ends up in a hospital -- where he is murdered by the American's missionary parents. Since the South Korean government began pursuing its policy of rapprochement, the North's ethnocentric world view has become even more stark; the United States is now presented as being exclusively responsible for all tensions on the peninsula.
This propaganda appears to be effective even among North Koreans opposed to the rule of Kim Jong Il. When I visited a resettlement center for refugees near Seoul last year, many of those to whom I was introduced as an American recoiled in terror or glared at me in hatred.
Yeah, that song that Lang Lang played for Obama, with the lyrics about the jackal, that's just a complete coincidence! And totally innocuous and lacking in any cultural specificity whatsoever!
(image source here)
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Han Sorya's 1951 'Jackals' is about an American missionary who deliberately kills a Korean boy by injecting him with germs. |
Han Sorya,
Kim Jong Il,
Lang Lang,
Michael Savage,
North Korea,
South Korea,
Super Bowl "Unmanned Helicopters" is Code for DHS Spy Drones
The NBC DFW affiliate reports here:
Arlington Police have acquired some new equipment with homeland security grants including unmanned helicopters to watch over the stadium site [for the Super Bowl].
That's code for DraganFlyers, provided by DraganFly Innovations, Inc., teeny tiny little spy drones which look like little remote control toy helicopters but have sophisticated camera capabilities, as described here:
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