Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The FBI illegally deprived Trump access to his papers, and the hullabaloo about classified materials is total crap: Merrick Garland is a renegade who should be impeached

The Presidential Records Act became effective in 1981, at the start of Ronald Reagan’s presidency. It established a unique statutory scheme, balancing the needs of the government, former presidents and history. The law declares presidential records to be public property and provides that “the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records.” 
The PRA lays out detailed requirements for how the archivist is to administer the records, handle privilege claims, make the records public, and impose restrictions on access. Notably, it doesn’t address the process by which a former president’s records are physically to be turned over to the archivist, or set any deadline, leaving this matter to be negotiated between the archivist and the former president. The PRA explicitly guarantees a former president continuing access to his papers. Those papers must ultimately be made public, but in the meantime ... the PRA establishes restrictions on access to a former president’s records, including a five-year restriction on access applicable to everyone (including the sitting president, absent a showing of need), which can be extended until the records have been properly reviewed and processed. Before leaving office, a president can restrict access to certain materials for up to 12 years. ...
In making a former president’s records available to him, the PRA doesn’t distinguish between materials that are and aren’t classified. That was a deliberate choice by Congress, as the existence of highly classified materials at the White House was a given long before 1978, and the statute specifically contemplates that classified materials will be present—making this a basis on which a president can impose a 12-year moratorium on public access.


Monday, August 22, 2022

I mean yeah, c'mon, doesn't the judge know there's a drought going on?

 Judge Accused of Calling Immigrants 'Wetbacks'...

Well, if that's how you're going to look at it . . .

 . . . then way to go, Brownie!

Every time you silence someone you make yourself a prisoner of your own action, because you deny yourself the right to hear something

 -- Christopher Hitchens, in

Fire in a Crowded Theatre 

. . . from David Irving’s edition of the Goebbels Diaries . . . I learned more about the Third Reich than I had from studying Hugh Trevor­ Roper and A. J. B. Taylor combined when I was at Oxford.


Sunday, August 21, 2022

John Locke did not believe in a chosen people, American let alone Jewish

 In the races of mankind and families of the world, there remains not to one above another the least pretence to have the right of inheritance.

-- John Locke

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

LOL Liz Cheney, trounced in her Wyoming primary, is "thinking about" running for president




When we had thought about it long enough . . . we declared war on the Union.



Monday, August 15, 2022

Jimmy Carter may very well be as upset as the next guy from Tehran that Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie [Ibn Rushd] has survived the knife attack

 Jimmy Carter doesn't have to work too hard to be unlikable, but he does it anyway.

Rushdie for his part, like Rush Limbaugh, is a serial monogamist who can't seem to find a wife he likes, or who likes him.

Or maybe the wives just couldn't stand living under the cloud of the Ayatollah's 1989 fatwa, after which Rushdie divorced three times.

Carter threw gasoline on the fatwa fire with this piece in the paper of record not even three weeks after the fatwa was issued.


I'm pretty sure just one of those guys is white


Biden lied about American citizens left in Afghanistan saying only 100 remained after the pullout when over 800 have been rescued in the interim

 Republican efforts in Congress are responsible for the new information coming to light.

It is unclear how many American citizens still remain in Afghanistan.

Nor is anything said about the fate of tens of thousands of Afghan friends of the US who never made it out despite American promises to bring them here.

600 legal permanent residents of the US have also been rescued.


Columbus Man who said he raped 10-year old on May 12 who eventually had abortion in Indiana on June 30 is allegedly in relationship with her mother who is pregnant by him

 10-Year-Old Rape Victim's Mom Is in Domestic Relationship With Child's Alleged Illegal Alien Rapist

He is thought to be an illegal alien from Guatemala and the mother an illegal alien from Mexico.

POLITICO has decided that Liz Truss has already beaten Rishi Sunak in the September 5 contest for UK Prime Minister resigned by Boris Johnson


Brave new world: The first 100 days of Liz Truss’ Britain

Pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute's own data show just 0.15% of all abortions in the US are because of rape, incest, and life of the mother

92.3% are purely elective.


There's nothing radical about limiting abortions to the first trimester except in America, where Democrats want abortion on demand through week 36


The Party of Violence desperately wants Election 2022 to be about abortion



Right off the bat this story lies, as usual from The New York Times, by omission:

 In Michigan, Democrats took aim at the Republican nominee for governor almost immediately after the primary with a television ad highlighting her opposition to abortion, without exceptions for rape or incest. ...

Some abortion ads use the specific words and positions of Republican candidates against them. ... Some use Republicans’ unyielding stances on abortion to cast them more broadly as extremists.

The ad in Michigan actually says without exceptions for life of the mother, too, which is by itself a drive-by editing lie by "Put Michigan First".

A lie by insertion. Dixon never answered a life of the mother question that way, with "no exceptions".

You see how that works?

The New York Times sort of tells the truth about Dixon's position, which is no exceptions for rape and incest, but lies about the ad, which lies about Dixon's position by making her say something about the life of the mother which she didn't say.

Then later the former paper of record edges close to telling the truth about what's going on in the ad without actually telling you the truth about what's going on in the ad.

The chutzpah.

Democrats lie to you coming and going, and so does the New York Times, but I repeat myself.

Republicans, however, seem hopelessly, perennially, unequipped to counter this disinformation war. 

They're like deer in the headlights.

And when the Democrats spot them, they floor it.


Because there's an election coming up

 Schiff: "I Don't Know" Why DOJ Waited 18 Months To Retrieve Sensitive Documents Trump Kept

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The CDC is no longer saying, as it did in June, that mRNA from the vaccines lasts in the body only "a few days", and that the spike proteins last only "a few weeks"

 Here's the screenshot from the "Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines" page as of June 16th:





As of July 15th, the facts have changed!

There's no "few days" language anymore, and no "few weeks" language either. Instead at the bottom of the page there's a link off-site to this page, which talks about how long the mRNA and the spike protein last in monkeys and mice, but not in YOU.

After all this time the CDC has no human data?

I'd be upset if I were you. They've been claiming for more than a year that the mRNA and the spike proteins are gone from the human body within days and weeks. They're not claiming that anymore.

The CDC is sweeping this under the rug hoping you won't notice, announcing, as it is, the new guidance.

Why do excess deaths in the US consistently outnumber pandemic deaths?

In 2020 the difference was a whopping 118,000.

In 2021, when vaccination got into high gear, the difference was way down, but still high at about 36,000. That's at least equivalent to a whole year of influenza deaths.

Many skeptics are convinced the vaccines have something to do with this, and the CDC's deletion of "facts" from the fact box above isn't going to help convince them otherwise.

Good news for Baltimore, maybe

 Woke social justice prosecutor Marilyn Mosby roundly defeated July 19th, leaves abject destruction in her wake:

In her first year in office, homicides surged 62 percent, jumping from 211 to 348. Murders have remained above 300 for each of her seven years in office—now surpassing 2,500 victims, of which at least 92 percent have been black. The sustained increase in murders is directly connected with Mosby’s pro-criminal policies.

Last year was the deadliest in Baltimore’s history, with a per capita homicide rate of more than 58 per 100,000 residents. And 2022 has been even worse, with the homicide rate increasing faster than anywhere other than New Orleans and with 215 murders already on the books. ...

Not one Democrat, elected or appointed, ever criticized or opposed Mosby’s policies, no matter how many black bodies piled up. 


AP Obama: Judge Roy Moore awarded $8.2 million for defamation from Democrats' Senate Majority PAC in 2017

A federal jury awarded Republican Roy Moore $8.2 million in damages Friday after finding a Democratic-aligned super PAC defamed him in a TV ad recounting sexual misconduct accusations during his failed 2017 U.S. Senate bid in Alabama. Jurors found the Senate Majority PAC made false and defamatory statements against Moore in one ad that attempted to highlight the accusations against Moore.


Friday, August 12, 2022

Fashion these days


gay, gay, gay, gay, and too expensive so still gay

Anita Dunn, $48 million special, takes 8 months to disclose her financial holdings: One law for me, another for thee

Biden senior advisor Anita Dunn has to divest investment portfolio worth between $16.8 million and $48.2 million to avoid conflicts :

Dunn’s newly released financial disclosures, which are 93 pages long, show extensive stock, options, bond and private equity holdings . . ..

Dunn worked for the president as one of his senior advisors from January 2021 through that August before returning for a brief stint this March.

She was considered a special government employee for both posts who was exempt from disclosing her assets publicly.

She wasn’t required to file a public disclosure form until her most recent appointment in May. ...  

also made tens of thousands of dollars exercising put options in the iShares Core S&P 500 Index, which could create conflicts of interest with “every single company” in the S&P 500, according to Walter Shaub, who used to run the Office of Government Ethics under the Obama administration and briefly served in the Trump administration.

“Options are not exempt from the conflict of interest statute under any circumstance. That means that she came into government with a conflict of interest with every company whose stock she wrote an option for and with every company in the referenced indexes,” Shaub said after reviewing Dunn’s financial disclosure.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

AP Obama: In all, nearly 180 Trump-endorsed candidates up and down the ballot have won their primaries since May while fewer than 20 have lost


Only two of the 10 House Republicans who supported Trump’s impeachment after the Jan. 6 insurrection are expected back in Congress next year. Rep. Jaime Herrera-Beutler, R-Wash., who conceded defeat after her Tuesday primary, was the latest to fall. Leading Trump antagonist Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., is at risk of joining her next week. 


Phony Democrat SALT Caucus is out there today boasting it is going to vote for the Manchin bill anyway, which doesn't undo the Trump tax increases on the wealthy they promised to get rid of

  a group of House Democrats say they will still vote for the party’s spending package without SALT reform . . . members of the SALT Caucus ... have vowed to oppose a bill without SALT relief


From their website:


April 15, 2021  
Press Release 
32 Democrats and Republicans join

Today, April 15, 2021, Tom Suozzi (NY-3), U.S. Representatives Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5),  Young Kim (CA-39), and Andrew Garbarino (NY-2) announced the formation of the new bipartisan SALT Caucus to advocate for new tax relief from Congress. 


“Our effort to restore the SALT deduction is gaining momentum. Together, Democrats and Republicans alike, we will advocate for the restoration of the SALT deduction and highlight the middle class families who have been unfairly hurt by the cap,” said Rep. Tom Suozzi, SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “The cap on the SALT deduction has been a body blow to New York and middle-class families throughout the country. At the end of the day, we must fix this injustice.”


“We’re formally launching a new bipartisan group — the SALT Caucus — because, for all our Members, and for the tens of thousands of middle class families we represent, it is high time that Congress reinstates the State and Local Tax deduction, so we can get more dollars back in to the pockets of so many struggling families — especially as we recover from this pandemic,” said Rep. Josh Gottheimer, SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “This bipartisan group we’re founding today, with members from coast to coast and across the political spectrum, are all banding together to reinstate the State and Local Tax deduction, to find a way to get this done in Congress, and to actually get tax relief for the hard working middle class families we represent.”


“Hardworking Californians in the 39th District and across my home state have been burdened enough by high state and local taxes. It is estimated that in the 2022 tax year, California’s 39th District will pay on average more than $640 million due to the SALT cap,” said Rep. Young Kim, SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “I am proud to fight for lower taxes for my constituents as Co-Chair of the SALT Caucus and am looking forward to working together to ensure California workers and families can keep more of their hard-earned money.” 


“The SALT cap penalizes working class Long Islanders. From firefighters to police officers, to teachers, to nurses, and small business owners, I hear from people every day about what a crushing blow the SALT cap has delivered them. I’m proud to be a Co-Chair of the bipartisan SALT Caucus to fully restore the deduction once and for all,” said Rep. Andrew Garbarino, SALT Caucus Co-Chair.


“A critical component of our overall economic recovery must be the repeal of the state and local tax deduction cap that was imposed by the 2017 tax law,” said Rep. Mikie Sherrill, SALT Caucus Vice Chair. “There is a misconception that the SALT deduction doesn’t help middle class families. But in high cost of living areas like my district, SALT does in fact make a critical difference in helping make ends meet for our middle class residents like teachers and law enforcement officers, who depend on this deduction to afford the high cost of living in our area. To be clear, the 2017 tax bill specifically targeted states and communities like mine that have prioritized key investments in our public schools, living wages for workers, environmental protections, the list goes on. I’m proud to be launching this bipartisan caucus to ensure we deliver a win on this issue for families in New Jersey and across the country.”


“The cap on the state and local tax deduction hurts middle class California families,” said Rep. Katie Porter, SALT Caucus Vice Chair. “During the coronavirus pandemic, our state and local governments have led public health efforts on testing and vaccines—a potent reminder of the important work they do. Restoring the state and local tax deduction, which has been in our tax code since its inception, gives taxpayers and communities the ability to invest in their priorities and levels the playing field across states for federal taxation.”


“Counties are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting nearly 1,000 hospitals, more than 1,900 public health authorities and other services essential to residents’ safety and well-being. The human and financial impacts of addressing this health and economic emergency are staggering,” said National Association of Counties Executive Director Matthew Chase. “We applaud the formation of this bipartisan caucus committed to repealing the state and local tax deduction cap, which would reinstate our local control of our tax systems and strengthen the ability of our counties and local communities to deliver essential public services, such as emergency response, public health and infrastructure.”


The SALT Caucus leadership consists of: 


Co-Chair Tom Suozzi (NY-3)

Co-Chair Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5)

Co-Chair Andrew Garbarino (NY-2)

Co-Chair Young Kim (CA-39)

Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-9), SALT Caucus Vice Chair  

Katie Porter (CA-45), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Jamie Raskin (MD-08), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Chris Smith (NJ-04), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Lauren Underwood (IL-14), SALT Caucus Vice Chair


The other founding members of the SALT Caucus include: Reps. Danny Davis, Nicole Malliotakis, Julia Brownley, Judy Chu, Lee Zeldin, Michelle Steel, Mike Levin, Jimmy Panetta, Jimmy Gomez, Brian Higgins, Jerry Nadler, Tom Malinowski, Jeff Van Drew, Alan Lowenthal, Anna Eshoo, Andy Kim, Ted Lieu, Brad Schneider, John Larson, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Mike Garcia, and Gregory Meeks.


Rush Limbaugh, MD, was only off about coronavirus vs. flu deaths in 2020 by about 6.5 times

 "The coronavirus is the common cold. 2% [who] get the coronavirus die. That’s less than the flu. That is a far lower death statistic than any form of influenza. There’s nothing unusual about the coronavirus".

-- Rush Limbaugh, 2/24/20, here

Rush's coronavirus death statistic ended up being off by about only 6.5 times, per the CDC leading causes of death data for 2020 below.

Rush died in 2021 of the second leading cause of death in 2020.

There were approximately 20.024 million cases of COVID-19 in 2020, so 1.75% died according to the CDC data.

CDC estimates an average of 29.6 million cases of influenza annually 2010-2020. Deaths from influenza and pneumonia of 53,417 in 2020, below, is 0.18% of that, a far lower rate of death than for any form of COVID-19, heh heh.

The rate of death for COVID-19 was thus far, far worse than for influenza . . . by about 9.7 times in 2020. 

Republicans hate it when the Consumer Price Index declines, as it just did from June to July 2022

 It causes cognitive dissonance. Zero increase to the index, zero percent inflation!

See how easy that is?

Shouldn't they be able to understand Rush Limbaugh style math by now when they hear it from the president himself? Or was the Rush Limbaugh Show all for nothing?


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Everybody's making fun of Biden's claim that there was zero percent inflation last month, but they're all morons


Rich people pay rooms full of tax attorneys, the rest of us pay the IRS

The IRS advertises for agents with these qualifications because auditing rich people can be really, really dangerous


It's odd how this guy never mentions the post-election shenanigans which DEFINE the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which would REQUIRE faithless votes in the Electoral College

Time To Eliminate the Possibility of Faithless Electors :

In spite of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Chiafalo v. Washington that states can bind electors to the popular vote, only 14 states have laws in place to do so. This leaves open the possibility that as many as 420 electors across the country could still cast faithless votes with the only remedy being whether or not Congress would choose to count those votes in their Jan. 6 joint session. This is the type of scenario the ECRA is trying to avoid.  

He doesn't say anything about the National Popular Vote Compact here, either, which would potentially nullify the will of the people of a state who voted for one candidate but whose electors were forced to vote for another under the compact. That would be done legally by state signatories, but it would still be wrong.

As of June 2022, [the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact] has been adopted by fifteen states and the District of Columbia. These states have 195 electoral votes, which is 36% of the Electoral College and 72% of the 270 votes needed to give the compact legal force



All 50 states certified their results in Election 2020, making Joe Biden the winner. Rogue electors weren't recognized by Vice President Pence, correctly, under already existing laws.

Electors would be no less rogue under the NPV.

It would be less ambiguous to these people if the Supreme Court had ruled "shall" instead of "may", but the whole opinion is clear:

A State may enforce an elector’s pledge to support his party’s nominee—and the state voters’ choice—for President.

The Supreme Court on July 6, 2020 concluded by saying that

electors are not free agents; they are to vote for the candidate whom the State’s voters have chosen

which ought to settle the matter, but apparently can't in some minds.




FBI run amok seizes cell phone of five term Pennsylvania Congressman Republican Scott Perry, head of House Freedom Caucus since January

  "My phone contains info about my legislative and political activities, and personal/private discussions with my wife, family, constituents, and friends. None of this is the government’s business."


Labor productivity hits record low in the post-war under Joe Biden, even worse than 1974


Present inflation is much worse than the Fed graph indicates, according even to Larry Summers



This is 1974 all over again, not 1951.





Markets cheer 8.5% inflation because of all the money they're making off of you because of it




Planting "evidence": Dirty rotten FBI spent 9 hours "searching" Trump's residence on Monday after fruitless hours-long May recon mission


A source close to the former president expressed concern that FBI agents or DOJ lawyers conducting the search could have “planted stuff” because they would not allow Trump’s attorneys inside the 128-room building to observe the operation, which lasted more than nine hours. ...

In May, Corcoran granted access into Mar-a-Lago’s windowless storage room to FBI agents who spent several hours searching through the boxes. Trump stopped by the basement to say hello at one point, says someone who was there.


Monday, August 8, 2022

I thought they didn't have any money in Mississippi, and now I know why: The IRS torments black folks the most


Little Marco gets it right


'Using government power to persecute political opponents is something we have seen many times from 3rd world Marxist dictatorships But never before in America,' wrote Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida on Twitter.  

Oh look, the FBI finds a way to make EVEN ME vote for that SOB again





The Federal Government has been collecting record taxes for months, but that's not good enough for The Beast: The Manchin inflation bill gives the IRS $80 billion to collect even more, $204 billion extra in the next ten years

Meanwhile Sean Hannity on the radio is talking about anything but.






Reconciliation bill includes nearly $80 billion for IRS including enforcement, audits: What that means for taxpayers :

Collectively, those improvements are projected to bring in $203.7 billion in revenue from 2022 to 2031, according to recent estimates from the Congressional Budget Office.


Gee, I guess it didn't work so well

 The singer has credited her husband, who founded Amazon Herb Company, purveyors of botanical supplements, with helping turn her on to medical marijuana as a treatment for cancer.

Meanwhile the rich get a $14 billion gift in the Manchin "inflation" bill because the carried interest loophole fix was dropped to please Senator Sinema


Democrats estimated that the proposed changes to the carried interest rules would have raised $14 billion over 10 years.