Sunday, April 17, 2022
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Friday, April 15, 2022
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Mamet: The New York Times isn't a newspaper, it's a rag for The State
Mamet declined through a representative to comment for this article; in “Recessional,” he dismisses The New York Times as “a former newspaper” and suggests that The Times and other media insist on works that “express ‘right thinking,’ that is, statism.”
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Vaccine failure: Gridiron Club dinner on April 2 was a superspreader event among the triple-jabbed elites of Washington
New York City Mayor Eric Adams tested positive for the virus on Sunday after waking up with a raspy voice. Adams attended the Gridiron Dinner in Washington, an annual event that brings together prominent government officials and journalists. At least 80 people who attended the dinner, the first since 2019, have tested positive for Covid including several senior government officials, according to Gridiron Club President Tom DeFrank.
Attorney General Merrick Garland, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Reps. Joaquin Castro and Adam Schiff, and Sen. Susan Collins all tested positive after attending the dinner.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D- Calif., also tested positive for Covid last week but wasn’t experiencing any symptoms and didn’t attend the Gridiron Dinner. Pelosi’s positive result came a day after she stood next to President Joe Biden at a bill-signing ceremony. Biden, who also did not attend the Gridiron Dinner, subsequently tested negative for Covid.
In calendar year 2021 in the US 99.85% didn't die of COVID, with mass vaccination, and in calendar year 2020 in the US 99.89% didn't die, with no mass vaccination.
Abortion has left a "million empty spaces" every damn year since 1973 but we're supposed to view the COVID-19 death toll as cruel somehow
Million empty spaces: Chronicling Covid's cruel American toll...
A reckoning is surely coming, and a million dead from COVID-19 is nothing compared to the utter evil cruelty and complacency of Americans in the face of this unspeakable holocaust of over 60 million.
We're as bad as any of the evil perpetrators of communist democide in China or Russia.
LOL, the record used goes back only to 2009
Producer prices rise 11.2%; Biggest gain on record...
The oldest measure goes back to 1913: .
The percent change from a year ago is really bad, as in 1974 bad, but hardly the "biggest gain on record", as you can plainly see.
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
The purchasing power of the US dollar is down 9.4% since Joe Biden was elected in November 2020, just sixteen months ago
Monday, April 11, 2022
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Another incompetent FBI sting operation against the vast right wing conspiracy comes a cropper in Michigan
Obama's FBI tried to transform them, a bunch of yahoos living in a trailer park, into some sort of "armed revolt" against the government hot on the heels of protests after passage of Obamacare.
"Five days away from fundamentally transforming America", lol, meant sending in paid government operatives to fabricate a dangerous political threat to the nation from the right.
The m/o hasn't changed.
Now the 2020 Wolverine Watchmen Militia conspiracy to kidnap Governor Hitler has unraveled along similar lines, involving FBI infiltration with multiple actors, orchestration, and entrapment, all of which resulted in a lot of "tough talk" from the so-called conspirators, who were high on drugs and alcohol supplied by the FBI, but no planning of a mission, let alone no possession of an independent capacity to carry one out.
Two Defendants Found Not Guilty in Alleged Plot Against Whitmer
Mistrial Declared for Two Others
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Republican Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Romney vote to confirm soft-on-sex-crime Judge Jackson to Supreme Court
There was clearly a rush to push Breyer out and confirm a candidate before Biden becomes any less competent in office than he already is.
AP Obama's coverage is comic:
Jackson will take her seat when Justice Stephen Breyer retires this summer, solidifying the liberal wing of the 6-3 conservative-dominated court. ... Jackson could wait as long as three months to be sworn in, as the court’s session generally ends in late June or early July. She remains a judge on the federal appeals court in Washington, but she stepped away from cases there when she was nominated in February.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
We won't have Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan to kick around anymore
It's amazing how the new Democrat redistricting law was able to bump off a Republican who has been in Congress since 1986 when beating him fair and square in an election never worked.
That said, Bill Huizenga better represents West Michigan conservatism than Upton ever did, but the redrawn district may mean he'll have a tougher time of it in country club Republican Berrien County.
GOP Rep. Fred Upton to retire :
... redistricting put Upton on a collision course with Huizenga for the newly drawn district.
Remember last fall when a bunch of Nobel economists assured us that gobs more spending by Joe Biden wouldn't have serious inflationary impacts?
Here's what the ring leader of Tom Nichols' vaunted expert class of economists had to say at the time:
Some, however, have invoked fears of inflation as a reason to not undertake these investments. This view is short-sighted. ... We need safe school buildings and bridges, and affordable child and elder care, whether inflation is 2% or 5%. With the investments being financed by tax increases, the inflationary impacts will be at most negligible ...
The Build Back Better package ... would transform the U.S. economy to be more efficient, equitable, sustainable, and prosperous for the long run, without presenting an inflationary threat.
From Joe Stiglitz' letter last September, here. Robert Shiller of all people signed on to this load of hooey. Carl Schramm unloaded on all this yesterday, here.
Stiglitz wrote that with a straight face when inflation had already soared to 5.3% in July. The orgy of coronavirus spending in 2020-2021 was already stoking the inflation engine, but the experts then simply ignored it, and called for more! more! more!
Now look where we are, even without more.
Government spending in the United States hasn't been financed by tax increases in decades. We wouldn't be $30 trillion in the hole if it were. It's financed by borrowing, and the interest payments on that borrowing progressively accumulate to crowd-out other spending. One day soon interest payments on the debt will become the biggest part of the budget, severely limiting our ability to allocate resources responsibly.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
US COVID-19 cases and deaths both steeply declined in March 2022
There were about 980 deaths per day in March 2022 from COVID-19 in the United States.
Normal flu deaths per day in an average year are 98.
COVID-19 remains at least ten times more deadly than influenza as Omicron becomes dominant.
There were about 948 deaths per day in 2020, and about 1,310 per day in 2021.
So far in 2022 deaths per day are 1,726 through March.
Case counts are increasingly unreliable as mass self-testing, which usually goes unreported, becomes more commonplace.
Average temperature in 2021 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was the eighth highest on record in 124 years
The trend line after 123 years of data shows average temperature in Grand Rapids, Michigan, rising 0.7 degrees F, or 0.388 degrees C, 65% less than the 1.1 degrees C claimed for the world by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change yesterday.
And the minimal warming in Grand Rapids may in fact be misleading. Five of the data points in those top eight are from the last twenty-five years, during which increasing development around the KGRR measuring station may well be contributing heat island effects.
Monday, April 4, 2022
Climate change lunatics must be more pissed off today than Hillary was when Obama robbed her of the Democrat nomination in June 2008
CNBC on UN IPCC's third installment "now or never" report of the current sixth assessment cycle today:
It has been feared that Russia’s unprovoked onslaught in Ukraine may eclipse the findings, despite the fact that the report could be the last comprehensive assessment of climate science while there is still time to secure a liveable future.
Drudge right now:
Anti-capitalist climate scaremongers of the UN IPCC delayed another report because of "disputes over the exact wording of the document"
The story oddly mentions the dispute without elaborating.
IPCC scientists also repeated calls for a substantial reduction in
fossil fuel use to curb global heating, now at 1.1 degrees Celsius above
pre-industrial levels. ...
“Climate change is the result of more than a century of unsustainable energy and land use, lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production,” the IPCC’s Skea said. “This report shows how taking action now can move us towards a fairer, more sustainable world.”
What these liars won't tell you is that it was MUCH warmer on Planet Earth in the Late Bronze Age, during the period of the Roman Republic and Empire, and in Medieval times than it is today. Ancient warming made human civilization flourish, and the warming wasn't caused by humans using "fossil fuels", nor has using fossil fuels returned global temperatures to anything like they were in antiquity.
Holocene warming peaked long ago and is trending lower even as human civilization has flourished, and staying alive in future will depend on STAYING WARM and growing enough food to support the increased population, which means developing and using every energy resource at our disposal.
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Saturday, April 2, 2022
America's idiotic green dream will end up in disaster just like Germany's
Hans-Werner Sinn, here:
To cushion the twin phaseout of coal and nuclear, and to close supply
gaps during the long transition to renewable energy, Germany decided to
build a large number of additional gas-fired power plants. Even
immediately before Russian forces invaded Ukraine, policymakers assumed
that the gas for these facilities would always come from Russia, which
supplied more than half of Germany’s needs. ...
Germany’s pledge to abandon coal and nuclear, the very energy sources
that would have given it a degree of self-sufficiency and autonomy, has
thus placed the country in great danger. Not so long ago, Germany was
the world’s second-largest lignite producer, after China. And it easily
could have procured the tiny amount of uranium needed to run its nuclear
power plants, and stored it domestically for many years. ...
Despite the fact that turbines and photovoltaic panels now dot much of the landscape, in 2021 the share of wind and solar power in Germany’s total final energy consumption, which includes heating, industrial processing, and traffic, was a meager 6.7 per cent. And while wind and solar generated 29 per cent of the country’s electricity output, electricity itself accounted for only about a fifth of its final energy consumption. Germany would not have come close to achieving energy autonomy even if the renewables sector had expanded at twice the speed that it did. ...
If Germany suddenly halted Russian gas imports, gas-based residential heating systems, on which half the German population, approximately 40 million people, rely, and industrial processes that rely heavily on gas imports would break down before replacement energy became available. The government would be unlikely to survive the resulting economic chaos, public uproar, and outrage should gas become unavailable or heating costs rise dramatically. In fact, the likely scale of domestic disruption would call into question the cohesion of the Western response to the Ukraine war.
Adam Tooze's maternal grandparents were both commies, and the grandfather Arthur Wynn wasn't exposed as a Soviet spy until 2009, eight years after his death
Assiduously avoided here in "The Cult of Adam Tooze":
Another model Tooze said he looks to in his role as public intellectual is that of his maternal grandparents. “Leading synthesizers of global data on childhood nutrition,” Peggy and Arthur Wynn published research on poverty and family policy and together wrote a pseudonymous book attacking Tory business connections called England’s Money Lords. (Arthur was also, for a time, a Soviet-spy recruiter at Oxford.) They continued their work into their 90s. Arthur died over his word processor one night after Peggy had gone to bed; he was making a list of things to do.
Friday, April 1, 2022
Recession is inevitable according to the chart-readers
The US House, controlled by Democrats, wants you high 220-204
CNN -- The House has voted with a slim bipartisan majority to federally decriminalize marijuana.
Stonks have really sucked for the last 21.5 years
Average per annum return of 4.77% has been 26% off the long term historical return from 1871 and over 61% off the immediately preceding 21.5 years beginning in February 1979. The Great Reagan Bull didn't even begin until 1982.
The secular bear continues.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Phony Russia lies to its people same as the West lies to its people: Demand for payment in rubles starting tomorrow is just face-saving for Putin at home
Meanwhile Russia continues to sell natural gas which Europe desperately requires, and Putin continues to rake in the dough he needs to continue the war and undergird his regime.
The headline is purely for Russian public consumption.
Putin signs order demanding gas payments in roubles from Friday :
The decree Putin signed on Thursday authorises the state-controlled Gazprombank to open foreign currency and rouble accounts for gas purchases. European buyers would pay in foreign currency and then authorise Gazprombank to make the conversion into roubles, which would then be used to formally purchase the gas.
Fox News freak show hires man now known as Caitlyn Jenner to normalize perversion
The former Olympic gold medalist [Bruce Jenner] and reality TV star will provide commentary across Fox’s programming and platforms. Jenner will make her first appearance on Hannity on Thursday evening.
“Caitlyn’s story is an inspiration to us all,” Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott said in announcing the hire. “She is a trailblazer in the LGBTQ+ community and her illustrious career spans a variety of fields that will be a tremendous asset for our audience.”
He doesn't need the money.
This is simply more libertarianism normalizing perversion in order to co-opt conservatism.
Same as Glenn Beck, Matt Walsh, Dennis Prager, et alia normalizing "conservative" homo Dave Rubin or Pete Bootyjudge's "husband". Let's throw Stephen L. Miller in for good measure, even if he thinks it matters that he won't go as far as saying with the trans nuts that some men can get pregnant. Not one of us.
Phony western nations have excluded just one Russian bank from SWIFT, hard currency from energy sales continues to pour in, Ruble recovers to 84 on the Dollar
At the moment, only one of Russia's five largest banks, VTB, has been cut off from SWIFT and subjected to full blocking sanctions, said Fishman, who is now adjunct professor of international and public affairs at Columbia University.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
You'll notice that for Drudge now it's NOT an echo of the eight-hour unknown whereabouts of Obama during the Benghazi attack
Monday, March 28, 2022
Will Smith should have decked Chris Rock with his fist instead of slapping him like a sissy
The Oscars have no standards anymore.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
All NATO has is 100-150 B61 thermonuclear gravity bombs vs. thousands of Russian theatre nuclear weapons aimed at Europe
Russian hypersonic missiles armed with nuclear warheads could destroy these B61s in their bunkers in Western Europe before NATO even orders them deployed on aircraft.
Saturday, March 26, 2022
I swear Joe Biden is going to get us all killed
So far on this trip to Poland to rally NATO to the defense of Europe, Joe Biden has
1) threatened to respond "in kind" if Russia uses chemical or biological weapons;
2) told members of the 82nd Airborne they're about to deploy to Ukraine ("when you’re there, you’re going to see women, young people standing in the middle, in the front of a damn tank saying 'I’m not leaving.'");
3) specifically called for regime change in Russia (“For god’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”).
We're not supposed even to possess chemical and biological weapons.
Russia has stated NATO intervention in Ukraine is a cause for war with NATO.
Making removal of Putin the NATO objective is the existential threat Putin also says is a cause for war.
At least in 1984 when Ronald Reagan quipped in a sound check, "My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.", he was only joking.
The Reagan joke was deliberately leaked to embarrass him, which it did. But today's White House scrambles to correct all these Biden statements because none of them are jokes.
Joe Biden is the loose cannon on the ship of state.
And they used to call this guy a dunce.