Tuesday, June 25, 2019

First 24 days of June 2019 running three degrees below average June temperature since records began in Grand Rapids, MI

64.7 vs. 67.7 degrees F through June 24th.

Temperature (dark blue line graph 1) in Grand Rapids has been skewed slightly cooler than normal in 2019 overall.

You can appreciate this best from Heating Degree Days (green line graph 2) which have run slightly ahead of normal, meaning slightly more energy inputs than normal have been needed to stay warm to date.

Cooling Degree Days (green line graph 3) on the other hand show that 2019 to date has been well below normal, meaning we have needed near record low inputs (1958) to stay cool.

Contrary to popular opinion, the extremes have been phenomena of the past, not of the present. 1912 was coldest on record through June 24th on a Heating Degree Days basis, and 1921 the hottest on a Cooling Degree Days basis. Not needing many inputs in more recent times, to stay warm in 2012 or to stay cool in 1958, is a sign of . . . c l i m a t e  m o d e r a t i o n.

Graph 1
Graph 2
Graph 3

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Save yourself, Jesse Kelly, from the libertarians like the Baptist (wuh?) Erick Erickson

Remember, Jesse, lots of Baptists used to be OK with abortion.

Maybe some day Jesse Kelly will figure out that libertarianism is the failed ideology which hijacked the anti-ideology known as conservatism

Trump has said his great unfinished business is healthcare reform, and now says the biggest thing he'd like a do-over on is personnel: In other words, Javanka should have appointed everyone

Sessions opposed Kushner over the since passed sentencing reform.

The 1977 Joe Biden letter in which he thanks Senator James O. Eastland for help with "my anti-busing legislation"

Mighty white of you, Senator Eastland.

Eastland's Wikipedia article doesn't want to call "The Voice of the White South" a Democrat outright, which is what he was, instead saying "he served as a Democrat" and "he became active in politics as a Democrat", but was really a "Dixiecrat".

Elizabeth Warren has a plan to tax you to pay reparations to gay people

Delusional Rush Limbaugh completely ignores how Javanka has co-opted MAGA, focuses on deep state straw men

RUSH: Back to the phones we go to Cedar Rapids, and this is Matt. Welcome, sir. Great to have you with us.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. My question is, is it possible that people are pushing and egging President Trump to strike Iran not so much because they’re anti-Iran but because they’re anti-Trumpers or they’re Never Trumpers and they know that if they kill scores of people in return for the downing of an unmanned UAV, that that will negatively impact his reelection bid?

RUSH: Well, in the first six months to a year, I would have said no question that there are possibly saboteurs up close and personal in the Trump administration. I guess it’s still possible that people like that are there. Whether they’re in the very close orbit now? (sigh) I would think that they’ve been weeded out by now. Now, don’t misunderstand. There are people around Trump who want to hit Iran because they personally want to hit Iran, because they personally think Iran deserves to be hit and wiped out.

And whether it hurts or helps Trump, that’s of secondary importance to them.

I’m not making this up. I’m not gonna name any names, but there are people who believe they’re citizens of the world and that Iran is a troublemaker and it’s gotta go. No matter what, no matter who the president is, they would be advising this. Your question: “Are there saboteurs there who want Trump to do this precisely because it would hurt him?” I can’t flat-out say “no” to that ’cause I know that in the first year of the administration, there were saboteurs there. They were all over the place. There are all kinds of Obama holdovers still there, like Sally Yates. There was a ton of ’em in there. But I would think most of those have been weeded out by now.
RUSH: I think by this time Trump has the lay of the land. I think Trump knows who’s who. Even if they are there, and even if they were advising Trump to do this — because they wanted Trump to do something that would inflict great harm on his presidency — he didn’t do it. So if they were advocating it, they bombed out. Now, Trump is gonna appear on Meet the Depressed on Sunday with F. Chuck Todd. The interview’s already been taped. NBC released an excerpt of the interview as a promotional technique, and we have the sound bite. It’s about 42 seconds, and it’s Trump explaining why he pulled back at the last minute in deciding not to hit Iran.

Delusional MAGA people: This will just show that Democrats will do nothing when it's another example of Trump doing nothing about his signature issue

Trump himself finally comes down with Trump Derangement Syndrome

The end is near.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Same as the military

I have a dream that in a future full of Kim Foxx's we'll have just as many independent counsels

It must have been hard for President Obama to tolerate having to have lunch every week for 8 years with a segregationist

When Joe Biden Collaborated With Segregationists:

“I want you to know that I very much appreciate your help…in attempting to bring my anti-busing legislation to a vote,” he wrote the Mississippi Democrat, a virulent opponent of civil rights who frequently referred to black people as “an inferior race.”

John McCain, useful idiot

Hitler thought it over and decided he didn't want to ruin the first official weekend of summer for everybody

There's always Monday to bomb, bomb, bomb . . . bomb, bomb Iran.

Joe Biden Democrats 2020: Blackface is the new sunscreen and segregation provides safe spaces

Trump majored in stopping illegal immigration during his 2016 campaign, but he's flunking the subject

Obama annual deportations averaged about 385,000 a year while Trump hasn't yet cracked the 300,000 level, according to the latest figures.

Big talker, doer of little. 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

You ran out of gas at the end there Miller, it should have read "and a self-confessed sex offender"

Fixed it for ya.

June cold snap in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Using Cooling Degree Days (the more of which you have the more you need to run your air conditioner) Grand Rapids, Michigan has been about 56% cooler than normal to date.

Through June 19 we've had 33 CDD. A normal full June would have 139.   

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

"If [Trump] gets distracted with irrelevant messages, he will fail"

Wow, I'm among the elite 5%

Incompetent CNBC runs headline saying Fed rate hike could be near, story mentions cuts only!

Sure, blame it on a summer intern.

Update: And then they fix it.

Rate cut: stocks go up.
Rate hike: stocks go down.

Got it now?

LOL, Mexico soccer fans ruin Gay Pride Month at Rose Bowl, shout "Puto!" with abandon

Rose Bowl and Concacaf allow anti-gay chants throughout Mexico’s Gold Cup match

Mexico fans chanted the homophobic ‘puto’ chant repeatedly at the Rose Bowl with no consequence.

Wow, pro-amnesty Zuckerberg funded fwd dot us is running an ad on Rush Limbaugh's show asking me to thank Fred Upton for protecting the dreamers

They're taking the battle to the enemy, folks.

Republican turncoat Fred "lightbulb" Upton represents MI-6.

Trump 2016 vowed to deport 11 million, then 2-3 million, but actually expelled only a quarter million in fiscal 2017

Trump's all hat and no cattle. The illegals know it, the Democrats know it, the only people who don't know it are the Trump voters.

ICE already has been stretched thin by the near-record influx of migrants at the southern border, chiefly from Central America, over the last year. Its record of deportations was relatively low even before that. In fiscal 2017, which includes Trump’s first six months in office, ICE deported only 226,119 immigrants, according to federal data.

Traditionally, ICE has prioritized criminals for deportation. Of the 160,000 arrests made by ICE in 2018, about 120,000 were picked up illegally crossing the border, or were in custody of law enforcement for criminal offenses. Only 40,000 were detained in ICE raids or other actions inside the country.

Randy Capps, a research director at the Migration Policy Institute, a Washington-based think tank, said ICE doesn’t have the manpower to carry out a vast surge of arrests.

“How are you going to get from 40,000 to a million?” he said. “Are you going to hire 25 times as many ICE officers?”

At 7,000 deportations per month it will take Trump only 12 years to deport one million with expulsion orders

What a clown.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is averaging approximately 7,000 deportations per month from the U.S. interior, according to the agency's latest data. With unauthorized border crossings soaring under Trump to their highest levels in more than a decade, ICE has been facing a shortage of funds and detention beds, and experts say that a large-scale push to arrest and deport hundreds of thousands of migrants would be exorbitantly expensive and highly unlikely. ...

With hundreds of ICE agents deployed to the border in recent months, interior arrests have dipped. From October to December, the most recent period for which statistics are available, ICE deported 22,169 people from the U.S. interior, down 7 percent from the same period in 2017. About 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants are in the United States, according to the Pew Research Center.

To meet the president's goal of "millions" of deportations, ICE would need significantly more agents and funding. ICE's division of enforcement and removal operations has fewer than 6,000 officers nationwide who are potentially available to carry out the kind of arrests described by the president, which would entail higher risks because they would involve knocking on doors and arresting parents and children in homes and apartments. ...

John Sandweg, acting ICE director in 2013 and 2014 during the Obama administration, questioned ICE's capability to undertake such a massive operation, given the agency's staffing and budget constraints. ICE is detaining the largest number of migrants in its history - more than 50,000 a day - and is under "incredible strain" because of an influx of Central American migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, Sandweg said.

At its peak, ICE deported more than 400,000 immigrants during the entire 2012 fiscal year, and more than half of those were border-crossers who could be quickly sent home. "The idea that somehow by just presidential will the agency's going to go [up] 250 percent to the biggest, largest number of removals in its history is just ridiculous," Sandweg said. ...

The Justice Department, which runs the immigration courts, said it is aware of at least 12,780 removal orders issued to "family units" from Sept. 24 through Friday. Of those, nearly 11,000 orders were issued in absentia, meaning the immigrant did not appear in court. The orders were mailed to their houses, said Justice Department spokesman Alexei Woltornist, with the largest numbers in Houston, Miami and Atlanta. ...

Trump told a cheering crowd in Phoenix three months before his election that he would deport millions of immigrants who had allegedly committed crimes. "Day one, my first hour in office, those people are gone," Trump said. "They're going to be gone. It will be over. They're going out. They're going out fast."

Remembering the most irresponsible stock market call of our times: Jim Cramer on Monday, October 6, 2008 on The Today Show before the markets opened

“I thought about this all weekend,” Cramer told Curry. “I do not want to say these things on TV.

“Whatever money you may need for the next five years, please take it out of the stock market right now, this week. I do not believe that you should risk those assets in the stock market right now.”

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Just great, like Trump the UK's Boris Johnson wings everything and is hopelessly disorganized

Now where did I put that submarine?

Advice to Fed Chair: Give Trump the finger, raise rates some more

Trump's intimidation of the Fed is disgraceful.

P. J. O'Rourke: Capitalism Gets Rid Of Things That Don't Work [You Know, Like Babies]

About 56 million are aborted annually worldwide at the zenith of global capitalism.

And of these other systems which spend money in strange and silly ways the smallest is the heterosexual nuclear family, with its ethos of never requiring work of children commensurate with the cost of subsidizing them, strange and silly as it may sound, nor of the elderly commensurate with the cost of subsidizing them.

Because some things are more important than working.

The entire Democrat Party is in revolt against human nature

Well then, the next logical step is for them to commit mass suicide.

Ann Coulter says no other word is like the n-word

Tell it to the subjunctive.

David Cole for allegedly white supremacist Takimag: Mixed race is the way of the future

Mr. Murderface must've skipped "Against the Jews and their Lies" in his Luther 101 course

Know-nothing Rush Limbaugh just said the Flores Settlement goes all the way back to Obama, when it goes all the way back to Bill Clinton, with Bush in between doing zero, zip, nada about it

The History of the Flores Settlement

The shrunken Trump economy is still over 5 million full-time jobs behind the Great Recession average

The 2-point average percentage difference applied to current population amounts to nearly 5.2 million full-time jobs behind what used to be normal for more than two decades.

Trump's do-nothing government: More than 1 million illegal aliens have deportation orders but remain in country

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is threatening to remove millions of people living in the country illegally on the eve of formally announcing his re-election bid. ...

An administration official said the effort would focus on the more than 1 million people who have been issued final deportation orders by federal judges but remain at large in the country. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to explain the president’s tweets.

"I really mean it this time, Johnny, boy are you going to get it when your father gets home."

"Publicizing a future law enforcement operation is unheard of at ICE"

Large-scale ICE enforcement operations are typically kept secret to avoid tipping off targets. In 2018, Trump and other senior officials threatened the mayor of Oakland, California, with criminal prosecution for alerting city residents that immigration raids were in the works. ...

Publicizing a future law enforcement operation is unheard of at ICE. Trump administration officials blasted Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf last year for warning immigrants about an impending raid, saying she endangered agents’ safety.

“The Oakland mayor’s decision to publicize her suspicions about ICE operations further increased that risk for my officers and alerted criminal aliens - making clear that this reckless decision was based on her political agenda with the very federal laws that ICE is sworn to uphold,” then-ICE deputy director Thomas Homan said at the time.

Not a serious president to millions of illegal aliens: Hey! We're coming to deport you! Next week! Get ready! We really mean it this time!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

And if you won't git out Bret Stephens will be happy to use you as cannon fodder against Iran

Just a reminder that Bret Stephens of the NYT wants all the white, brown, black and yellow trash of America to get out

They really do believe that we should be replaced, because they really do believe that they are superior.

And we saved them from the camps why?

Bottom line: So-called real Americans are screwing up America. Maybe they should leave, so that we can replace them with new and better ones: newcomers who are more appreciative of what the United States has to offer, more ambitious for themselves and their children, and more willing to sacrifice for the future. In other words, just the kind of people we used to be — when “we” had just come off the boat.

We're not demanding he stay even the full first term

The Trump restaurant food isn't what we ordered, and all of it is overdone.

Note to Hillary Democrats: Boston Bruins won the popular vote, but still lost Stanley Cup to St. Louis Blues

Boston scored 22 goals to St. Louis' 18, still lost the contest 3 games to 4.

Cathy Young interrupts her visit to the heart of Christianity in Rome to vent her hatred for the entire religion of the empty tomb over some nut in Tennessee who's an ex-detective

See how sneeky they are? Had she said "Who moved the stone?" it would have been a dead giveaway. Better to use language in such a way that you think you can plausibly deny.

The point of going on vacation is to go to some place you love, not to some place you hate. And they say the self-hating Jew is a myth, a calumny of the goyim.

Meanwhile in France the yellow vests appear to be running out of gas

The yellow vests achieved some of their modest objectives already before Christmas and should have packed it in then instead of continuing all the destructive protests into 2019.

Macron was chastened, and he made concessions.

And then the Notre Dame Cathedral fire helped unify what the yellow vests were still trying to divide. Game over, but they were clueless.

Protests continue for a 31st week, but the numbers are way down. Time to hang it up.

Obama did nothing to support Iranian democracy in 2009, and Trump is doing nothing to support democracy in Hong Kong in 2019

Once upon a time we were the leaders of the free world, and of the world which wanted to be free.

No more.

Jonah Goldberg, Charles Cooke and NATIONAL REVIEW have it all wrong: The Founders' modest goal was to keep CHRISTIANS from killing each other

The post-liberals think that Enlightenment-based liberalism is the disease afflicting society because it has no answer for how people should live. They have a point: It is not a religion or moral philosophy. But it wasn’t meant to be. Instead, as National Review’s Charles Cooke rightly put it, classical liberalism was a system designed to keep people of different religions from killing each other.

This is hubris, but not American hubris. America wasn't about people of different religions, broadly conceived. To say otherwise remains the Big Lie of contemporary liberalism.

The Founders sought to create a unique home for mostly English Christian diversity, which meant Protestantism in relation to Catholicism, where its citizens would "assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them". 

Classical liberalism in America was as much a creature of Protestant Christianity as it was of the Enlightenment. It wouldn't have existed without the unique history and interaction of the two phenomena. By importing non-Christian religion into the Founders' equation as liberals do today, however, private hostility among Christians has been all but replaced by public hostility toward Christians. Some parties actually want to kill Christians just as much as some Protestants and Catholics once upon a time wanted to kill each other. Some think that's actually their plan.

It's been a recipe for disaster, and we're living it more and more.

It was a difficult enough game of chess before non-Christianity got introduced. The history of Protestant-Catholic relations in America proves that. But now it's 3-D chess, and very few can play that game, or want to.

But the last person who is going to reset this game board, touted by Goldberg, is the atheist George Will, an open borders libertarian who wants any and every immigrant who can get here to come here. Nor, frankly, will the Catholic enthusiasts at First Things Magazine be of much help. They are not inspired by American sensibilities, by definition, and represent Protestantism's fiercest theological opponents and are at the same time Catholic illegal immigrants' most practical defenders. Their loyalty is plain. All the ills of America and the West they blame on both the Enlightenment and Protestantism.

Both of these parties, ostensibly opposed to each other, seem to agree on one thing: reducing the Protestants to minority status.  

The hatred for what we were and what we are, coming from our supposed allies on the right, should astonish more Republican voters.

Jews now have Israel, thanks to the West. They should move there. Muslims have Arabia, and much more. We don't need them here. Catholics have Rome.

America is the once and future home of Protestantism. Everyone deserves a home.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Same as when a government which fails to spend enough to end a recession didn't spend enough

All ideologies are non-falsifiable.

MIT's living wage calculator is a joke

For my location and our family size we have been getting by on at least 1/3 less than the calculator says we need, and we have been doing it FOR YEARS on end.

The reality is about 65% of individual wage earners in this country make less than the calculator says our family must make in order to get by, which must mean a lot of people are in the same boat as we are.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Bill de Blasio getting zero votes from Iowa Democrats is almost as good as Obama creating zero jobs in August 2011

Employers advertize for extreme candidates who are ninjas, gurus and rock stars for jobs which don't pay accordingly

When everything's awesome, nothing is.

It's Friday, and five o'clock can't come soon enough.

In other words, few people seem to want to do the duties of a rock star if they’re not going to get paid like one.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

WaPo/Minneapolis Star Tribune can always be counted on to soft-peddle Democrat crimes, including tax fraud, marriage fraud, immigration fraud and incest by not using those words

The joke state which once gave us Gov. Jesse Ventura follows up with the punchline Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Back when I was in 'Nam (in the movies), I was 61 years old!

Trump avoided military service with bone spurs, Biden with childhood asthma

Joe Biden’s Draft Record Looks a Lot Like Donald Trump’s. Do Democrats Care? :

Just a few months before President Donald Trump received his now-infamous diagnosis of “bone spurs in the heels,” former high school football star Biden got the same 1-Y draft deferment for “asthma as a teenager.” It was one of five deferments Biden received (the same number as notorious GOP “draft dodger” Dick Cheney) and allowed him to avoid being drafted at the height of the war. The year 1968 was one of the bloodiest of the Vietnam conflict with 296,406 Americans drafted into military service — the second-highest during the war.


Trump is a fool to insist his hands are tied by bad immigration laws when the US Code already gives him the power to act

HAMMER: Trump Has The Unilateral Power To Stop This Migrant Influx. He Just Needs To Act:

If properly enforced, 8 U.S.C. § 1182(f) could single-handedly eliminate this Central American-originated, Mexican cartel-orchestrated, harrowingly physically dangerous assault on our nation's collective sovereignty. Here is the relevant statutory text (emphasis added):
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

Libertarian upset with all the stupid opinions spawned by human nature

The libertarian mistake begins with a mistaken view of human nature: You were born a blank slate, and you can erase your slate anytime you choose and start over

Democrat voters born after 1969 prefer Sanders over Biden 1.8:1

Pathetic president Trump tolerates acting DHS secretary's nostalgia for Gang of Eight amnesty