Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Which first lady do you want to look at for four years?

This one?

Or this one?

Obama and McCain reverting to type, calling their respective opponents crazies

John McCain quoted here in Politico in July:

“It’s very bad,” the Republican senator said. “This performance with our friend [Trump] out in Phoenix is very hurtful to me,” McCain said. “Because what he did was he fired up the crazies.”

And here's Barack Obama now at the end of August, also quoted in Politico:

Ruddy from the sun, Obama described himself as “refreshed, renewed, recharged — a little feisty.” And he delivered, recounting the ride he and [Senator Harry] Reid had just taken from the conference to the fundraiser in his up-armored presidential limo, where they talked about old times and getting back to Washington to “deal with the crazies in terms of managing some problems.”

If anyone should know crazy, it's Barack Obama and John McCain.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Scott Walker has nothing up his sleeve

In the last week Governor Scott Walker has stated he's for the 14th Amendment as currently (mis)interpreted, establishing birthright citizenship as the law of the land, for repealing birthright citizenship going forward, and against taking a position on the subject for now!

Scott Walker is a fish out of water, flopping on the pier.

CNN (justly) crucifies him for it, here.

On the merits of the issue Walker's flip-flops clearly show that he perceives the acceptable establishment view to be out of step with what he thinks the voters feel about it. Regular middle class folks with whom Walker identifies hate it that they're footing the bill for people who cut in line, go on government assistance and even commit crimes without serious consequences.

On the politics Walker looks unprofessional and unready for primetime, and when you get down to it, divided in his own mind about the issue.

The real Scott Walker has always been a little soft on illegal aliens but keeps changing his position because he senses voters aren't soft on them.

In view of his previously stated support for a pathway to citizenship, it's pretty obvious Walker has never had the fire in the belly on this subject which the Americans whose vote he's angling for possess.

And it's too late to do anything about it now.

He's done.

If he were wise he'd find a way to bow out, throw his support to Trump, and hope for a position in a Trump administration where he can do to government unions nationally what he's done to them in Wisconsin.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

In Greece the popular PM Alexis Tsipras resigned last week in order to consolidate his power

Alexis Tsipras, Greece's hope peddler
Most reports put the resignation of Alexis Tsipras last week down to an act of desperation due to a loss of support in his own coalition in Syriza. 25 MPs have split off to form Popular Unity, basically composed of Syriza's old Left Platform. This party intends to stay true to the Syriza platform of an end to austerity, evidently adding in Grexit and a return to the drachma as planks.

How wonderfully conservative of the lefties. The Greek left has moved so far to the left it's become the bourgeois nationalist right.

True as all this is, Tsipras' resignation was actually an exertion of his power in the current circumstances and a demonstration of his political acumen.

By resigning now instead of sometime later, Tsipras is able to do two important things. One, he can select the candidates himself according to the rules who will replace the defectors, for whom he will use his popularity to smooth their way to election, presumably on 20 September. But he also catches the opposition flat-footed thereby, giving them no time to prepare to stop him. If Tsipras is successful in this gambit, he will be able to form a less leftist government committed to the Euro but also committed to breaking the privileges of the Greek oligarchy, approximating a key leftist political aim of more social equality.

Tsipras is proving himself to be quite adept at discerning politics as the art of the possible, for which he is already much hated by the overly principled figures populating his own and the other political parties, even as the Greek people keep supporting him.

For all the mistakes he has made this year, Alexis Tsipras has proven himself remarkably capable for such a young man.

Greece could do a lot worse, and it has.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Donald Trump lives rent free in Larry Kudlow's mind

Larry Kudlow devoted his entire three hour radio show today on WABCradio.com criticizing, ridiculing and caricaturing Donald Trump's campaign for the presidency. If there was a way to discuss Trump, he found it, and if the air in New York stank, that was Trump's fault, too. It reminded me of the relentless criticism of George W. Bush by the main stream media.

It was embarrassing. The callers to the show supported Trump and Trump's policy on illegal aliens, but Larry was having none of it, marginalizing every single caller as ignorant and uninformed about the real state of affairs despite the fact that they were living it.

That's what Larry Kudlow's big tent Republican Party stands for, inclusion for elite liberals and illegal aliens, but not for working stiffs and law and order patriots.

If Republicans lose in 2016, it will be Larry Kudlow's fault, not Donald Trump's.

Please explain to us how and why "and" is superfluous in the 14th Amendent

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens . . .."

This Amendment had a specific meaning, not a broad meaning. Its intent was to settle the citizenship of emancipated slaves who had hitherto been State-less, that is, in a kind of limbo with respect to jurisdiction because they had been property, not persons. The Amendment meant to state that once freed they became persons who came under the jurisdiction of the United States, whether they were born slaves here or abroad.

Indians were not understood to be subject to the jurisdiction of the United States at the time, but were subjects of the Indian nations, and were thus not granted citizenship by the Amendment in 1868, else the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act making them so had been unnecessary.

Children of diplomats born in the US while their parents were representing the countries whence they came were not thereby granted citizenship either, because they like their parents were subjects of foreign jurisdictions. Senator Jacob M. Howard of Michigan, the author of the citizenship clause, said the Amendment excluded “persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.”

Thus children born here to illegal aliens, like their parents, are subject to the jurisdictions whence they came and should not be granted American citizenship now, unless it please the people to do so.

It's that simple.

And the Congress has every right to make that rule consistent AT ANY TIME if it has not been so in practice or in litigation, as Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution makes clear:

The Congress shall have Power . . . To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

Meanwhile the importance of jurisdiction for citizenship is otherwise seen to be paramount because no one except an idiot or a malcontent questions the citizenship of a John McCain or a Ted Cruz because they were born to citizens while living abroad.

And even if it could be proven that a Barack Obama was born abroad it wouldn't make any difference to his citizenship because his mother was a citizen of the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.

Anyone in the world can renounce jurisdiction and pledge allegiance to another flag if one chooses, and it is entirely within our rights as Americans to set the conditions for welcoming as well as bidding farewell to those who do so. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Taking a position on birthright citizenship is above Scott Walker's pay grade

What a disappointment this guy has become. He is so finished.

We might as well wait for Godot.

Rasmussen poll finds Trump is persuading Republicans to support him

  • Very likely to be the nominee two months ago 9%, 25% now
  • Likely to be the nominee two months ago 27%, 57% now

Libertarian Ben Domenech, like every sick liberal does, descends into the politics of personal destruction

Libertarian Ben Domenech, here, sensing his own marginality, states quite seriously that deporting law-breakers and enforcing the constitutional concept of jurisdictional citizenship is nothing short of racism and despotism:

"The idea that America is going to endure the blood and moral outrage over the deportation of 11 million people, including young children of illegals born here who are constitutionally American citizens, is absurd. Even one of the most prominent immigration hawks, Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies, dismissed this mass deportation as impossible on my radio show this week. But Donald Trump has proposed this, and loudly insisted he will do it. And the faction of the country that believes not in freedom but identity politics for white people adores it."

Sprinkled throughout he calls Trump supporters a bunch of narrow-minded, disaffected, angry street thugs who are motivated by an unprincipled and frankly anti-constitutional emotionalism to support a dangerous man who is only too willing to rule in a dictatorial and autocratic manner in the style of Obama but for the "right" reasons. Why, they'll even abolish the US Senate!

It's that simple you see. You knuckle-dragging conservatives have an insufficient concept of freedom. How dare you have a border and stop other people from exercising their right to be free by crossing it! How dare you successfully deport over a million illegal aliens in 1954 with just 750 agents!

The outrage! The horror!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras has resigned today

Blow by blow coverage is provided in the UK by the Telegraph here and the Guardian here.

The next two largest political parties have a chance to try to form a government, but it is thought likely that they'll be unsuccessful and that snap elections will occur in a month.

Tsipras remains very popular, but will have to shed Syriza's Left Platform rebels to consolidate power in the new election with new blood, if he can get that far.

There is zero evidence Hillary's server was in Platte River Networks' Denver bathroom while Hillary was Secretary of State

The sensationalist tabloid article in the UK Daily Mail here admits Platte River Networks didn't begin working for Hillary until mid-2013, months after Hillary's tenure as Secretary of State had ended:

"Clinton's 'homebrew' computer system housed her emails while she was Secretary of State between 2009 and 2013. Platte River Networks provided its services in mid-2013 according to Barbara Wells, the company's lawyer."

That's why the employees interviewed for the article expressed disbelief that the small operation they knew and worked for long before 2013 could have had such an important client:

"Speaking to Daily Mail Online at her home in Castle Rock, Colorado, Tera [Dadiotis] said: 'I think it's really bizarre, I don't know how that relationship evolved. At the time I worked for them they wouldn't have been equipped to work for Hillary Clinton because I don't think they had the resources, they were based out of a loft, so [it was] not very high security, we didn't even have an alarm.' ... Tera thinks Platte River was an unsuitable choice for Clinton, she said: 'It's so weird, because it's just a small IT company. I know they've expanded quite a bit since I left but I do think it's strange, we only had the three owners and like eight employees. We didn't do any work in other states. No offense to them, but who are they?'"

The sneaky use of the word "homebrew" throughout the article is meant to unite in the reader's mind Hillary's server operation and the pre-Hillary bathroom of the fledgling company in the Denver apartment loft when there was no basis in fact for it. It's meant to make Hillary look bad, which is irresponsible, and unnecessary.

Hillary can do that all by herself.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The developing server story distracts from the basic fact that Hillary's Chappaqua server needs to be examined by the FBI

The many moving elements of this story can and do mislead and distract from the basic fact that Hillary late in 2014 set the server which currently sits in the Bill and Hillary Clinton Chappaqua home to save no e-mails older than 60 days. It was from this server that Hillary produced the record of e-mails she says she provided to the State Department. Older servers may or may not retain evidence of those e-mails.

The FBI needs to examine the Clinton's Chappaqua server, to which Hillary's emails were last transferred after June 2013 with the help of the Denver firm Platte River. Hillary has implied she provided e-mails to State from this server in December 2014 and then deleted everything, including her personal e-mails. Her lawyer has stated that the method employed to delete everything was to set the server not to save e-mails older than 60 days. The lawyer's letter to Congress says nothing about wiping the server. Sometime late in 2014 after copying out her State Department e-mails and providing them to State Hillary Clinton stopped saving e-mails on this server according to her testimony.

The Denver firm Platte River reportedly started work for Hillary in June 2013, removing the old server from the New York home to New Jersey after transferring everything to the new, present server. So this means the Denver "bathroom servers" we all went crazy over in recent days are irrelevant because those long pre-dated Hillary and had nothing to do with this story. The only relevant server Platte River had was the server removed in 2013 to New Jersey and now in the possession of the FBI. 

The New York Post reported here on August 13th:

"Platte River says it began work for Clinton in June 2013, after she left office, to upgrade, secure and manage her e-mail server. The company retrieved the server from her New York home and housed it at a data center in New Jersey, said company spokesman Andy Boian."

The Washington Post had reported here on August 12th:

'Before it was taken to the data center in New Jersey, the server had been in the basement of the Clintons’ private home in Chappaqua, N.Y., during the time she was secretary of state, according to people familiar with the Clintons’ e-mail network.

'After she left government service in early 2013, the Clintons decided to upgrade the system, hiring Platte River as the new manager of a privately managed e-mail network. The old server was removed from the Clinton home by Platte River and stored in a third party data center, which are set up to provide security from threats of hacking and natural disaster, Wells [representing Platte River] said.

'Platte River Networks has retained control of the old server since it took over management of the Clintons’ e-mail system. She said that the old server “was blank,” and no longer contained useful data. ...

'The Clinton’s private e-mail system passed through different hands. In 2008, responsibility for the system was held by Justin Cooper, a longtime aide to former president Bill Clinton who served as a special assistant helping the former president with his books. ...

'Those briefed on the server setup say the device installed for Bill Clinton was deemed too small for the addition of a sitting Cabinet official [Secretary of State Hillary Clinton]. Instead, a server that had been purchased for use by Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign was installed at the Chappaqua home.

'With the new server came an additional specialist who had worked as her campaign’s Internet technology director and later went to the State Department as an IT specialist.'

It's that 2008 server which ended up in New Jersey in 2013 when Platte River Networks entered the picture and helped Hillary transition to the post-Benghazi environment (9/11/2012).  Remember, it was early in 2013 immediately after she left the State Department that Hillary all of a sudden decided to upgrade the system hide the evidence.

Hillary needs to answer why a server upgraded to be suitable for a sitting US Secretary of State had to be replaced for a retired one. As surely as the sun also rises, the new 2013 server has not been wiped and must be investigated before it is.

The pea is under shell three.

Hillary's e-mail still exists: She admitted in March only that she set her server in 2014 "to retain only the most recent 60 days of e-mail"

An atypical report from last March had it that way here:

'Clinton's attorney has confirmed to a House committee on Benghazi that, after handing over work-related email to the State Department, the politician both "chose not to keep" personal messages and set a 60-day limit on what the server retains. In short, she effectively wiped it clean. There's no going back to mail from her Secretary of State days beyond the 30,490 messages on the record, or roughly half of what the server held during the period.'

But notice that Hillary wouldn't answer affirmatively yesterday that the server was wiped when she was directly asked. That's because it wasn't, and any such statement would conflict with her counsel's statement.

Hillary's position was stated clearly in March through her attorney's letter to Congressman Trey Gowdy here:

"After the review was completed to identify and provide to the Department of State all of the Secretary's work-related and potentially work-related emails, the Secretary chose not to keep her non-record personal e-mails and asked that her account (which was no longer in active use) be set to retain only the most recent 60 days of e-mail. To avoid prolonging a discussion that would be academic, I have confirmed with the Secretary's IT support that no e-mails from hdr22@clintonemail.com for the time period January 21,2009 through February 1, 2013 reside on the server or on any back-up systems associated with the server. Thus, there are no ... e-mails ... on the server for any review . . .."

That means that the e-mails are still recoverable. The unsaved mail would have to be overwritten actively to be truly deleted.

There has not been any statement by Hillary that the server was wiped. It's only been the assertion of the press, probably by design to buy time and throw investigators off the scent, and only by inference from her lawyer's letter, also intended to stymie further interest.

It also means that the server now revealed to be in Denver and seized by the FBI was likely the backup, and that the main one is still in the house located at 15 Old House Lane, Chappaqua, NY 10514, or perhaps it's really at 3067 Whitehaven Street NW, Washington, DC 20008.

Let's have some search warrants already, looking for evidence of obstruction of justice.

Eighty percent of likely voters favor some deportations, fifty-one percent a wall on the border

Rasmussen, here:

"Among all likely voters, 51% favor building a wall on the border; 37% disagree, and 12% are not sure. Eighty percent (80%) support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; only 11% are opposed."

Deportation will not work without a wall, as Operation Wetback in 1954 proved.

Hillary Clinton wore orange yesterday in an omen of what's in store for her for wiping her server

Video here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

In March Hillary said her email server was on property guarded by the Secret Service when it was in a Denver bathroom

Hillary, quoted here in March, lying through her teeth:

“Well, the system we used was set up for President Clinton’s office. And it had numerous safeguards. It was on property guarded by the Secret Service. And there were no security breaches.”

Uh huh.

Now we learn five months later from a former employee at the heart of the small operation that the servers were in some guy's bathroom in a Denver loft apartment:

'I don't know how they run their operation now, but we literally had our server racks in the bathroom. I mean knowing how small Platte River Networks ... I don't see how that would be secure [enough for Clinton].' ... 'At the time I worked for them they wouldn't have been equipped to work for Hillary Clinton because I don't think they had the resources, they were based out of a loft, so [it was] not very high security, we didn't even have an alarm.' ... The server is now in the hands of the FBI who took it off Platte River Networks hands last Wednesday.

And what will we learn five months from now?

And five months after that?

And . . ..

When will the Obama Justice Department stop stalling? And the State Department? There's a cell waiting somewhere with Hillary's name on it.

Hormones transcend thinking: Republican Carly Fiorina for Hillary in 2008

“She was a great candidate. She has helped millions of women all over this country. Women of any political party owe a debt of gratitude to Hillary Clinton and I will bet that every woman up here agrees with me.” ...

“I have such great admiration and empathy for Hillary Clinton,” she says. “I have great admiration for her because I know what it takes in some small measure to do what she has done. She is obviously incredibly intelligent, focused, tough, determined, empathetic of all the tens of millions of people that she was trying to represent in her quest to become the first woman president of the United States.”

Buzzfeed has the video here.

Back when America was great: Operation Wetback's 750 agents expelled 1.1 million illegals in 1954

Three post-debate polls show Trump still handily in first by 11.3 over Bush in Real Clear Politics average, liberal favorite Kasich in ninth

Monday, August 17, 2015

My favorite line in Trump's immigration policy paper

"Mark Zuckerberg's personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities."

Discussed in some depth here.

Liberal media love John Kasich, and so does Michigan's libertarian radio talker Steve Gruber

Liberal media love Governor John Kasich of Ohio.

For example:



MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell:

Fake conservative radio talker Steve Gruber on Lansing's 1240 WJIM loves him too: 

And here was Gruber's "me love you long time, sailor boy" in June:

It just goes to show once again that libertarianism has more in common with liberalism than it does with conservatism.

Liberal Stevie, John Kasich doesn't stand a chance!

Just 2% of registered voters believe Hillary Clinton has told the truth about her email

Wait until you see his war face

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Trump: I want to make America great again

Obama's going to give Iran nukes and George Will is worried about giving them to Donald Trump

Reminds me of the lefties who once worried about Reagan's temperament in an arms race against the USSR.

Trump comes out swinging with illegal immigration policy paper

Grab your box of Depends. The Donald means business.

Some highlights:

  • Triple the number of ICE officers
  • Implement nationwide e-verify
  • Mandatory deportation of all criminal aliens
  • No more catch and release
  • Cut-off federal funds to sanctuary cities
  • Criminalize visa overstays
  • Deploy ICE with local police in gang raids
  • End birthright citizenship
  • Increase prevailing wage requirements for H-1B visas to stem the tide of foreign hires at US workers' expense
  • Immigrants must prove they are self-supporting
  • Terminate the jobs program for foreign youth
  • Suspend issuance of green cards to foreign workers until employment improves for citizens
  • Make Mexico pay for the wall, or impound remittances derived from illegal wages ($22 billion in 2013) and increase fees on temporary visas of Mexican CEOs and diplomats, on all border crossing cards, on NAFTA worker visas and at all ports of entry from Mexico
  • Generally restore the rule of law and order by actually enforcing existing laws

New FOX NEWS poll boosts Trump to +12 lead over Jeb Bush in Real Clear Politics average for GOP nomination

Donald Trump threatens with a big stick, invokes Generals MacArthur and Patton this morning on NBC's Meet the Press

"General MacArthur, General Patton, they didn't talk, they got the job done. ... They're spinning in their graves when they see everybody talking."

Election 2016: bok jop hae

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Donald Trump said Chris Wallace had "blood pouring out of his eyes too" in the same interview about Megyn Kelly

Inquiring minds want to know: How much of Washington D.C. can he fire?
But you didn't know about that because the subsequent coverage made it all about Megyn Kelly.

Here's the full interview with Don Lemon on CNN and Trump says that at about 4:55 in.

So clearly what's on Donald Trump's mind in characterizing the debate is the mercenary character of the debate moderators, and he was completely within reason to suggest that different interpretations emanated from deviant thinking.

h/t Jim Goad here: "Why place things in context when there’s an agenda to pursue?"

Poor little rich girl Megyn Kelly complains she hasn't had a vacation in six months when many of us haven't since Obama became president seven years ago

Poor little rich girl, here:

Kelly talked on Wednesday's program about how she hasn't had a real vacation for six months. She'll be back on August 24.

New US oil swap with Mexico gives them light sweet crude, us heavier grades bypassing refinery mismatch

According to the story here, perhaps as many as 100,000 barrels a day of light sweet US crude oil will head south to Mexican refineries in exchange for heavier grades for which US Gulf refineries are a better match.

Rand Paul and Chris Christie, Nos. 8 & 9 in the polls, attack No. 1 Donald Trump

He's a lumberjack . . . he's OK
Rand Paul mocked Trump here in the middle of the week while affecting the country style, promptly fleeing the country to do a medical mission in Haiti this weekend. Not quite the same stuff as suspending the campaign to go to Washington to vote for bailouts like McCain did in 2008, but combined with his record of disdain for fundraising and his reaction to the legal trouble hitting his campaign team just before the Ohio debate, running away is what it looks like. Bad optics, so to speak.

And speaking of bad optics, an unsuited Chris Christie here called The Donald unsuited to be the president while wearing a pastel sport shirt, saying a President Trump simply can't tell Speaker Boehner he's fired. Well, not dressed like that.
Easter's over governor

Friday, August 14, 2015

Greeks pass third draconian austerity/bailout package 222 to 64 with 11 abstentions

Looks like Alexis Tsipras' Syriza MPs defected in a big way: 32 No votes this time with 11 abstentions and 1 absent. This could prove fatal to Tsipras' continuance as Prime Minister. The Syriza coalition of the Left with 149 members partners with Independents with 12 in the 300 seat parliament. Tsipras' core support in parliament appears to have fallen to 39%.

The "erratic Marxist" Yanis Varoufakis voted No, after voting Yes and No previously, and reportedly offered to resign his seat so that Tsipras may appoint a reliable vote to replace him. 

The Guardian has full coverage here.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Trump's Real Clear Politics poll average drops because Real Clear dropped the CBS poll

I took a screen shot of the poll average this morning at 9:32 thinking Real Clear Politics would replace the CBS poll it dropped, which reduced Trump's lead, but so far today RCP has not done so. Trump goes from 22.8 to 22.5 in the average as a result, and in the spread from 10.8 to 10.7. Did Real Clear Politics change the order also to deceive?

Here's the last average including the CBS News poll
Here's the average today with CBS News poll removed

Monday, August 10, 2015

Japan will finally restart one nuclear power reactor tomorrow after 4-year shutdown since Fukushima accident

Reported here:

Japan's 48 functioning reactors have largely been shut since the catastrophe at Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi plant in 2011, one of the world's worst nuclear disasters.

Kyushu's Sendai reactor is one of at least 25 expected to restart over the course of the next decade as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe aims for nuclear power to generate 20-22 percent of the country's electricity by 2030, compared to 30 percent before the nuclear closures. Another 20 reactors are in various stages of the restart process, according to the Nuclear Energy Institute.

Megyn Kelly the vampire: blood coming out of her eyes and her wherever

Beauty is a witch against whose charms faith melted into blood.
He tells her something that makes her blood look out.
Many will swoon when they do look on blood.

John Kasich supports amnesty for illegals just like Jeb Bush, and Rubio and Walker formerly did but triangulated after being chastened

Reported here in The Wall Street Journal in 

"Kasich Backs Path to Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants: Republican presidential candidate also calls for a guest worker program".

Notice the redefinition of terms we've seen before from countless others. Illegal immigrants are now just undocumented. The idea that we should let "law abiding" people cut in line ignores the fact that they cut in line, that they are already not law abiding people.

Meanwhile a guest worker program supplants millions of already unemployed American citizens and drives down wages for Americans.

Kasich. Going. Nowhere. Fast.

The whopper of the day is from Jennifer Rubin: "The last thing Roger Ailes and company want is to see Trump disappear"

Jennifer Rubin in a piece of agitprop in WaPo here, the same person who told us last December that traditional conservatives, not libertarians, would have the upper hand in the GOP primary.

They do, so far, and boy is she unhappy about it.

Borders, law and order, respect for American power abroad and jobs for American citizens at home are the front-runner's winning themes.

Which is why libertarians, "a small percent of the electorate", are trying to destroy Donald Trump.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Erick Erickson's cheap grace on display: Red State endorsed Alaska Democrats in 2008 and then changed the headline saying so

And here's the original url showing that's the case:


It's an old story but just reinforces how Erickson and Red State think that issuing an apology for calling Judge Souter a goat-fucking child molester or changing a headline offensive to pro-lifers is sufficient to show "repentance" or in turn makes one "acceptable" again. More to the point, we could have used the tarnished Stevens' vote against Obamacare in the US Senate in 2010, but Red State would rather punish the country with horrible Democrat legislation than rely on a pro-abortion Republican to stop it. 

Straight out of the cheap grace library of evangelicalism, and the loony bin of fanatical politics.

Maybe Erick Erickson can spend some time studying up on the former now that he's in seminary, but for the latter there is no cure.

New York Times and CNBC twist Donald Trump 3rd party statement into threat

Trump said, quoted here:

"If I'm treated fairly by the Republicans, and I don't win, I'm not going to go into doing the third party," Mr. Trump said in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."

The CNBC headline twists this to

"Trump: Treat me 'fairly' or I'll run 3rd party"

based on The New York Times twisting Trump's statement in the lede:

'A defiant Donald J. Trump suggested on Sunday that he had been singled out for attacks by the hosts of Thursday's Republican presidential debate and again threatened a third-party White House bid if he was not treated "reasonably fairly" by party leaders.'

Trump said if he's treated fairly and loses he WON'T run third party.

The real story here is that Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier had their marching orders from Rupert Murdoch to destroy the anti-free-trader and anti-amnesty Trump in order to make sure a pliant candidate wins the Republican nomination who will do the bidding of the libertarians who have overseen the export of American jobs and the dilution of middle class earning power by importing cheap foreign labor.

Who's going to protect Erick Erickson's wife and daughter from Erick "goat-f^#king child molester" Erickson?

Ireland experienced its coldest July since 1988

Reported here:

"Met Eireann's review of July showed it to be cold, wet and windy everywhere with Claremorris, Co Mayo, the coldest since 1965 while Cork Airport, Johnstown Castle, Co Wexford, Mullingar, Co Westmeath and Shannon Airport all reporting their coldest July since 1988.

"Average temperatures were one degree lower than normal right across the country with spots like Markree Castle in Sligo as much as 2.1C below the usual. ...

"Dublin Airport's lowest of 3.9C was recorded on July 15 and turned out to be the lowest temperature on record since the station opened in 1942."

Immigration squish Scott Walker calls Hillary Clinton foreign policy mush

Allahpundit, here, last February:

"So Walker does support comprehensive immigration reform — although we already knew that, given that he was willing to endorse a path to citizenship for illegals on camera as recently as two years ago, when he was already surely thinking of running in 2016. Curiously for a guy who’s running as a conservative hero, he really makes no bones about being an immigration squish."

Scott Walker here yesterday:

“Under Obama and Clinton Putin has found far too many years of mush."

"Everywhere in the world that she has touched is more messed up today than it was when she and the president took office."

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Erick Erickson disinvites Donald Trump, replaces with Bloody Megyn Kelly

Story here:

"I’m not going to have a guy on stage with my wife and daughter in the crowd who thinks a tough question from a woman is because of hormones."

How to make Mexicans pay for the fence, and illegal aliens generally self-deport

Charles C. Johnson has a great idea, here:

"[T]here’s a simple way to get them all to go home: Tax the money they send back to the home country. One in nine Guatemalans are in the U.S., and they sent $4 billion back in 2010. Remittances are big money for most of Central America. ... The illegals borrowing $5,000 in high-interest debt to finance their smuggling on a $1,500 income would think twice if we taxed their ill-gotten gains. Some might even self-deport or, better yet, refuse to come in the first place. Indeed, without the $20 billion a year Mexicans in America send home, Mexico would be even more messed up.

"Other countries already tax their foreigners. Why can’t we? We could even use that taxed remittance money to pay off some of the costs we incur from illegal aliens—and build that danged fence."

Friday, August 7, 2015

Fox News didn't want Repubicans to discuss the economy and jobs last night because that didn't fit Fox News' agenda

Jim Tankersley noticed the glaring omission from last night's Republican debate, here:

Polls continue to show that Americans care more about the economy than any other election issue. Fox News moderators noted that they had received more than 3,000 economy-themed questions on Facebook before the debate. Which is why it's so baffling that neither the questioners nor most candidates seemed eager to talk about growth, jobs and - as Republicans have been promising to do all election cycle - America's beleaguered working class. ...

"Way too little discussion" of economic growth, the conservative commentator Larry Kudlow tweeted after the prime-time debate ended. "If you're one of the 65 percent of Americans who think the U.S. is on the wrong track," said James Pethokoukis, a conservative writer for the American Enterprise Institute who has pushed Republican candidates to address worker angst, "what have these debates offered?"


Obviously the economy and jobs didn't fit Fox News' agenda last night, which was to destroy the candidacy of Donald Trump, who has pledged to end the flood of illegal immigration stealing Americans' jobs, end the farce of free-trade and become the greatest jobs president the country has ever seen.

Fox News, like The Wall Street Journal, is owned by the open borders, free-trade libertarian Rupert Murdoch. It has its marching orders. And every candidate who takes money from the libertarian Koch brothers has his and is similarly beholden to the same ideology which demands the cheapest labor possible in service of the almighty bottom line, not in service of the country's citizens. The involvement of Facebook and Debbie Washerwoman Schultz of the DNC were just the bow around the illegal alien amnesty package.  

And that's why Donald Trump scares the crap out of them and must be destroyed:

He doesn't need their money to run for president, and won't do their bidding when he wins.

Obama's horrible, awful full-time jobs record

The numbers are out this morning and they are not pretty.

Full-time jobs for July 2015 registered at 123.142 million in the report today, not seasonally adjusted. The previous high for the measure was set, wait for it, way back in July 2007 at 123.219 million.

That means full-time jobs still have not recovered to the peak level set eight years ago. Examine the record of recessions since 1969 and you will see that full-time jobs always have bounced back to pre-recession levels after two to three years ... until now.

In fact there are today still 77,000 FEWER full-time jobs than there were eight summers ago. That means it will likely take until next summer to surmount the 2007 peak. That'll make it nine years, versus two to three normally.

Yes, there are 2.4 million more jobs today than there were eight years ago, but they are all part-time: 26.6 million part-time now vs. 24.1 million then, for an increase of 2.5 million part-time. Subtract the decline in full-time and you arrive at just 2.4 million more net jobs in eight years while the population has grown by 19 million.

Obama crows about the all the jobs he's created, but only out of the depths of their decline which he oversaw and did nothing to stop. Full-time jobs fell in a panic by 6 million in the three months from his election in 2008 to his inauguration in 2009, and by another 5 million in the next year.

Arguably all those jobs went away out of fear over what Obama would do to the economy, which after six full years of his maladministration has grown at its slowest pace in the post-war and 26% worse than for the same period under George W. Bush, a surprising outcome considering that there was nowhere to go but up once the economy had crashed.

If the Obama rate of GDP growth from the first six years of his tenure is sustained through the end of it, Obama GDP will underperform the previously worst record of George W. Bush by over 20%. And more than likely, full-time jobs will continue to suffer as a result.  

Trump overwhelmingly in first with 50% in Drudge poll during first Republican debate

Trump first with 50%.

Cruz second with nearly 13%.

Carson narrowly third with 8% followed closely by Rubio.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Governors Christie, Jindal, Perry and Walker allowed establishment of sanctuary cities in their states

So says The Washington Times here:

"[A]t least four Republican governors running for president next year ...  have had cities and counties declare “sanctuary” during their tenure, without suffering the dire consequences the candidates now say the federal government should bring to bear on recalcitrant jurisdictions."

Trump is making a monkey out of Jeb Bush, rising again in the poll average to lead by 11.8 points

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Defunding Planned Parenthood fails in the Senate thanks to Democrats, but Republicans Mitch McConnell and Mark Kirk are also to blame with Lindsey Graham a no show

The roll call vote is here. Three Republicans broke ranks in the 53-46-1 outcome:

Lindsey Graham was a worthless no show, running for president. Ha ha.

Mitch McConnell the Senate Majority Leader should lose his job for voting No.

And Mark Kirk is going to lose to Tammy Duckworth in Illinois next year anyway so he had nothing to lose by voting No.

60 votes were needed to end government funding of the baby butchers, to whom most Democrats pledged allegiance except for Donnelly in Indiana and Manchin in West Virginia, stand up guys who voted No.

Trump keeps rising in Real Clear Politics poll average: now has first with 23.2%, 10.4 points ahead of No. 2 Bush as Walker falls back to third