Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2022

America and its people have added over $12 trillion to their total credit market debt outstanding just since 2019, but that has done little but stall the decline of debt growth

The $90 trillion millstone: We did it to ourselves.

We are now in the future we tapped in the past for the prosperity of "debt draws forward prosperity", and there's little here to be found.

From 1946 to 2008 when we hit the debt growth iceberg, real GDP grew at a compound annual rate of 3.324%. Since then it has fallen 49%, to 1.68%.

We should have stayed with capitalism in the post-war, where one risks actual savings instead of future notional tax, income, and fiat money "revenues". But capitalism went out the window a long time ago, bringing with it the end of the gold standard, the creation of the Fed, and the introduction of the income tax, among other horribles.

Payback is a bitch, and what can't be paid back won't. The rest comes out of your hide.




Saturday, July 23, 2022

Holy cow, Republican candidate for Michigan State Senate says inflation is a good thing

 If there is a bigger nincompoop running for office this year, I don't know it.

Seen here:








He reminds me of the ding dongs who signed Mark Dice's inflation petition back in 2009:



Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Anyone invited into the Capitol by Capitol police on January 6th (there's video for crying out loud) but still prosecuted will rightly find this to be a double standard


In a statement, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia said that after reviewing the evidence, it “cannot move forward with misdemeanor charges of unlawful entry against the nine individuals who were arrested on June 16, 2022 at the Longworth Office Building.”

The office confirmed that those individuals had been invited in by congressional staffers “and were never asked to leave by the staffers who invited them, though, members of the group had been told at various points by the U.S. Capitol Police that they were supposed to have an escort.”





Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Remembering Michael Moore on Donald Trump, the human Molotov cocktail who blew up in our hands

Moore: "On November 8, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, all the Blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it's your right! Trump's election is going to be the biggest 'fuck you' ever recorded in human history. And it will feel good."  

-- Michael Moore: A Trump Victory Would Be "The Biggest 'F**k You' Recorded In Human History", Real Clear Politics, October 26, 2016, here
YouTube deleted the account with the Moore audio linked to at Real Clear Politics, but you can still find Moore's same perceptive take on Election 2016 here:


Thursday, July 7, 2022

Sunday, June 5, 2022

LOL, The Grauniad just lies that electric vehicles aren't heavier and don't produce more tire pollution than conventional vehicles

The average weight of all cars has been increasing. But there has been particular debate over whether battery electric vehicles (BEVs), which are heavier than conventional cars and can have greater wheel torque, may lead to more tyre particles being produced. Molden said it would depend on driving style, with gentle EV drivers producing fewer particles than fossil-fuelled cars driven badly, though on average he expected slightly higher tyre particles from BEVs. 

More here, in "Car tyres produce vastly more particle pollution than exhausts, tests show".

Meanwhile, the great Scotty Kilmer was all over this like white on rice a couple of days ago:


Saturday, June 4, 2022

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The next war's cannon fodder: Students at Wyoming commencement boo Senator Lummis for saying there are only two sexes

 They will be blown to smithereens in the next war by America's future conqueror, or publicly tortured to death by the victors in a gruesome spectacle of mockery.

During the commencement address on Sunday, Lummis said constitutional rights were under attack in the U.S. and “even fundamental scientific truths such as the existence of two sexes, male and female, are subject to challenge these days.”


The ruin of a state is generally preceded by an universal degeneracy of manners, and contempt of religion, which is entirely our case at present.

-- Jonathan Swift 


Friday, April 29, 2022

Everyone keeps lying about Putin saying he'll use nukes, the latest being Peggy Noonan of all people

From her irresponsible column, here:

Mr. Putin talks about nuclear weapons a lot. He did it again Wednesday: In a meeting with politicians in St. Petersburg, he said if anyone intervenes in Ukraine and “creates unacceptable threats for us that are strategic in nature,” the Russian response will be “lightning fast.” He said: “We have all the tools for this that no one else can boast of having. We won’t boast about it, we’ll use them, if needed.”

He’s talked like this since the invasion. It’s a tactic: He’s trying to scare everybody. That doesn’t mean the threat is empty. 

There are signs the Russians are deliberately creating a historical paper trail, as if to say they warned us. On Monday Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the risk of nuclear conflict is “serious” and “should not be underestimated.”

No he doesn't. No he hasn't. And neither has Lavrov. Listen for yourself. It's Peggy who is supplying "the risk of nuclear conflict", not Lavrov. Lavrov is clearly referring to the dangerous increased rhetoric about the possibility of nuclear conflict, which is precisely the hysteria Peggy Noonan is engaging in. The Russians have been very circumspect. They don't actually use the terminology. They're not bluffing. They're beating around the bush to create uncertainty, to keep their enemies off balance.

Putin has never used the phrase "nuclear weapon" in any of these examples which have been reported in the press since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Putin's hypersonic capability is clearly in focus in his statements. He has them and the West does not. He's threatening to use them with conventional warheads against Western targets, which is bad enough. But nuclear warheads? That's what he wants us to think, to create fear. But he's never actually said it.

The nuclear talk is all Western hype, exaggeration, and lying. And Drudge is a major aggregator of such headlines. It's irresponsible and it must stop, because to continue it is to make the unthinkable, thinkable, and then actual.

Try exercising your free speech absolutism then, as your tongue vaporizes inside your mouth. 

Meanwhile Peggy Noonan appears not to have considered that Putin has daughters, to whom he might really want to leave something other than smoking embers.

Hysteria has a way of blinding one to important facts.

NOONAN: Putin Really May Break the Nuclear Taboo in Ukraine!

Moscow warns 'do not underestimate threat of nuclear war'... ^  

Putin test-fires 'Satan' nuclear missile... ^  

Cronies 'flee to bunkers' in sign might turn nuclear... ^ 

UN Warns: Nuclear War 'Within Realm of Possibility'... ^  

Putin actions trigger long-buried fears of nuclear war for generations of Americans... ^ 

Accused of Nuclear 'Terrorism'... ^ 

Putin nuclear threat part of new escalation policy... ^ 

Even Putin's generals look stunned after being ordered to put nuclear forces on 'alert'... Decree that shocked the world... ^ 

Nuke-capable missiles loaded onto subs... ^ 

CIA Director: Nuke threat not taken 'lightly'... ^
Nuke Fears Stoked With Atomic Weapons Warnings... ^ 

Girds for Nuke Incident... ^

Senators mull unthinkable: Vlad detonating nuke... ^ 

FEAR: More Putin Nuke Threats... ^

Likely More Nuke Threats... ^ 
Nuke threat part of new escalation policy... ^