Showing posts with label THE GRAUNIAD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THE GRAUNIAD. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Grauniad: Barack Obama, poster boy for climate hypocrisy


The young people who were children when Obama took office did not clear the way for a 750% explosion in crude oil exports, as he did just a few days after the Paris agreement was brokered in 2015. Nor did they boast proudly about it years later, as ever-more research mounted about the dangers of continuing to invest in fossil fuels. Speaking at a Houston, Texas gala in 2018, the former president proudly took credit for booming US fossil fuel production. “Suddenly America is the largest oil producer. That was me people,” he boasted jokingly to an industry-friendly crowd. “Say thank you.”

More, lol.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Meanwhile The Grauniad can't decide whether record STDs constitute a crisis which is serious or waning

While neglected, the STI crisis presents a serious public health problem. ...

But Harvey warns that a coordinated effort by national health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is needed to combat the waning STI crisis.


You can always count on THE GRAUNIAD to be clear as mud.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

LOL, the html doesn't lie: The Guardian didn't know that the year 1336 is in the 14th-century

You can change the headline, folks, but you'll always be THE GRAUNIAD.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Big news of the day: Russia admits its COVID deaths aren't 54k but are a much higher 186k

The new calculation is based on an evaluation of excess death data compared with current projections for deaths based on prior years of death data. The US' CDC does the same routinely and that data confirms that US COVID death data is close though underestimated. 

Places like China, Iran and North Korea however will never tell the truth.

Follow the (gullible) science lol:

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Get your affairs in order: If Harvard professor is correct about global coronavirus pandemic, expect 68-136 million deaths worldwide in 2020, dwarfing deaths from ordinary influenza

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch told The Wall Street Journal that "it's likely we'll see a global pandemic" of coronavirus, with 40 to 70 percent of the world's population likely to be infected this year.

"What proportion of those will be symptomatic, I can't give a good number," added Lipsitch, who is the Director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. 

Others have recently estimated that the virus could hit 60 to 80 percent of the world's population.

Current deaths from coronavirus officially are 1,523 out of 66,492 cases, a death rate of 2.29%.

Global population currently stands at 7.44 billion.

A 40% pandemic would infect 2.976 billion people, with 68.15 million deaths at a 2.29% death rate.

An 80% pandemic would infect 5.952 billion people, with 136.3 million deaths at a 2.29% death rate.

100 years ago this year the Spanish flu infected 500 million people, 27% of the world, killing at least 17 million, a minimum death rate of 3.4%.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Hank Paulson, who championed the crackpot TARP as Treasury Secretary under Bush 43, is a Christian Scientist

From the story:

But the reality of the existential crisis remained elusive to church officials. In 2005, Nathan Talbot and J Thomas Black, longtime church leaders who had promoted recklessly irresponsible policies encouraging the medical neglect of children, endorsed ambitious plans for raising the dead. Black argued that Eddy wanted to keep alive the possibility of defeating mortality, saying, “What would set us apart as a denomination more than raising the dead?” What indeed? Black himself has had ample opportunity to demonstrate it: he died in December 2011, and hasn’t been seen since. ...
So did the softening of some Christian Science attitudes suggest that the church was undergoing a genuine change of heart? Or were they trying to save their jobs, their pride and the institution? At that time, officials were grasping at relationships with ecumenical groups and New Age alternative healers – anything to boost membership. Shirley Paulson, for example, sister-in-law of former US treasury secretary Hank Paulson (also a Christian Scientist, taught by Nathan Talbot), contributed to a series of summit meetings – known as “Church Alive” – which sought to jazz up services with ideas fresh from the 1950s: reading from recent translations of the Bible (more recent than the King James version, that is), singing hymns a cappella, and urging Sunday School students to rap their narcotic weekly “Lesson Sermons”.

Monday, July 29, 2019

LOL only WE can say it: In Dec 2015 these two men both called Baltimore's conditions "third world" level

Bernie Sanders' Baltimore visit: hold the Isis, let's focus on 'third world' US cities:

Bernie Sanders: [A]nyone who took the walk we took today around this neighbourhood would not think you were in a wealthy nation, you would think you were in a third world country.

Jamal Bryant: We are 45 miles from the White House and it doesn’t even look like we are in America. It looks like we are in a third world country.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Some day the UK's Grauniad will learn to write the English language, but today is not that day

Ask the Queen. I'm reliably informed that she knows the answer.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Oliver Bullough for The Grauniad blames all the wealth inequality today on an invention of a Jewish banker

Siegmund George Warburg, here, whose invention destroyed the Bretton Woods system.

Except Bullough never mentions he's the descendant of a long line of Jewish bankers who originated in Venice:

One banker in particular was not prepared to tolerate this: Siegmund Warburg. Warburg was an outsider in the cosy world of the City. For one thing, he was German. For another, he hadn’t given up on the idea that a City banker’s job was to hustle for business. In 1962, Warburg learned from a friend at the World Bank that some $3bn was circulating outside the US – sloshing around and ready to be put to use. Warburg had been a banker in Germany in the 1920s and remembered arranging bond deals in foreign currencies. Why couldn’t his bankers do something similar again?

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Ehhhh ... puto! In the race for most fines for anti-gay slurs, Hispanic soccer fans have everyone else beat

Well, Spain was ruled by Muslims from 711 to 1492 AD.

From the story here:

Homophobia and homophobic chants are not exclusive to Mexico fans. Fifa issued 51 disciplinary actions over homophobia during 2018 World Cup qualifiers. Of these, 11 were handed to the Mexican federation, with Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama and Peru also receiving multiple fines. Fifa additionally cited Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Greece, Hungary and Serbia once each for homophobic chants.

But there is no doubt the chant is most prominent among Mexico fans. “To call your opponent homosexual is definitely along a spectrum of machismo, whereby your opponent is weaker – less masculine,” says Joshua Nadel, author of Fútbol!: Why Soccer Matters in Latin America.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

When terrorism gives you lemons, make lemonade

It's not exactly affection shown for the terrorists, but hey, what do you expect from thorough-going materialism?

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Wow, if this is true USA Today sucks even worse than I thought it did

Reported here:

Consider the experience of writer Ijeoma Oluo, who last week said that USA Today asked her to write a piece arguing a feminist position against due process.

She says an editor there told her, “[...] They want a piece that says that you don’t believe in due process and that if a few innocent men lose their jobs it’s worth it to protect women. Is that something you can do?” 

They were asking her to say feminists are happy to harm individual men for the good of the cause, and not interested in distinguishing innocence from guilt. She refused. That’s not who she is and not who feminists are.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Feminists aren't just emotional, they're so emotional they're redundant

Jessica Valenti for The Grauniad, here:

When so many of us feel powerless, seeing the extraordinary power of one woman felt like a cathartic release. A reminder of what is possible, and of what our daughter – and ourselves – deserve.

So emotional are such feminists that saying "felt like a catharsis" isn't good enough. It has to be "a cathartic release".

And which catharsis isn't a release? And which catharsis isn't felt?

Where is Camille Paglia when we need her? Or is she so old now that she too succumbs to such nostalgia for emotion?

Powerlessness knows no sex. Just ask any old couple married for forty or fifty years. Or a baby, if it could talk.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

It's disturbing that prospective SECDEF Mattis says our hands are tied by the Iran deal when it's not a treaty

Even worse that he wants to predicate US action on prior European action. What is "European" action? And when have they EVER acted without US leadership?

And worse still that the land force part of the nuclear triad is negotiable. He's a M.A.D. dog all right.

Whatever happened to peace through strength?

Mattis, quoted here:

Mattis has voiced deep scepticism about Iran’s motives and warned that the US and its allies would have to remain vigilant for violations. But in April he argued against walking away from the nuclear deal, as Trump has threatened to do. 

“One point I want to make is there’s no going back,” Mattis said at an event at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “Absent a real violation – I mean, a clear and present violation that was enough to stimulate the Europeans to action as well – I don’t think that we can.”

Were the US to renege on its agreement, Mattis said, “I believe we would be alone if we did, and unilateral economic sanctions from us would not have anywhere near the impact of an allied approach to this.”

Sunday, November 20, 2016

And just a reminder: Wikileaks told us "journalist" Jessica Let's Shame 'em Valenti "worked with" the Hillary Clinton campaign against Bernie Sanders, using her Guardian column so there'd be no "fingerprints"

Because Bernie had the temerity to call Planned Parenthood part of the establishment, an offense against the holy sacrament of abortion.

Wikileaks here and here and Valenti here (the column she was "writing . . . as we speak").

Sha sha sha shame, but it is The Grauniad.

Jessica Valenti, feminazi wife of Talking Points Memo publisher, has her work cut out for her shaming Trump voters

. . . Oh well, goodbye
One down in Mike Pence, only 61,898,583 to go, as of this morning.

Story here.