Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2024

Nancy Pelosi, The Queen of Inflation, had the worst record of any speaker for deficit spending

 Pelosi Accuses MSNBC's Katy Tur Of Being An "Apologist" For Trump: "He Had The Worst Record Of Any President"


Pelosi spent 210% of revenues in 2009

Pelosi spent 196% of revenues in 2010

Pelosi spent 216% of revenues in 2020

Pelosi spent 176% of revenues in 2021


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

As much as I sympathize with this guy's tale of Obamacare woe, his timeline is pure fantasy

 The story is here:

My insurance was $185/month with a $1,000 deductible. That was for a family of 5. So I voted for Obama-Biden in 2008 based on Obamacare. ...  the cheapest insurance I could find to replace that one was $1,200 a month with a $6,000 deductible.

The guy had a great plan before Obama!

But Obamacare as he now thinks he knows it didn't even exist in 2008 for him to base his vote on it.

Obama was for something else, the public option, a government-funded health insurance plan designed to compete with private health insurance. That was also Nancy Pelosi's preference, and the preference of the US House Democrat left at the time.

The great fear was the public option would crowd out private insurance and defeat it because it would be more attractive to women and the chronically ill.

The House public option plan put forward in 2009 competed with the Senate plan, and the two proposals were at an impasse by the end of 2009. Eventually the Senate version prevailed in March of 2010.

The Senate plan was actually worse, what we now call Obamacare.

It dictated the much more expensive nature and new shape of all existing private insurance plans instead of providing a separate public option to compete with those already existing private insurance plans. It cost more to provide because it eliminated pre-existing condition exclusions, and treated men and women equally even though women's care is more costly.

It was fascism pure and simple, government dictating to the private sector what will be, and what will not be.

That's how you lost your old plan, your old doctor, and your money: Because Obama bowed to the Senate plan, instead of fighting for what he said he believed in.

If you were too poor, though, to qualify for Obamacare, you just got stuck with Medicaid, health insurance for the poor, and, failing that, with nothing at all.

The once heralded public option for everyone defaulted to Medicaid. Nearly 86 million are now stuck with that, and most are unaware of its clawback provisions.

Today only 21 million can afford Obamacare, and about 25 million non-elderly adults have bupkis, like the poor fella in the story had for ten years.

Meanwhile, 158 million have employer-provided health insurance, the cost of which climbs relentlessly. The average worker had to pay $549 a month in premiums for it in 2023.

Medicare provides coverage to about 66 million aged 65+, and costs nearly $175 a month in 2024.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.




Saturday, March 9, 2024

Adam Shifty Schiff may live to regret painting popular nice guy Steve Garvey as a MAGA boogeyman come November

Four days after the primary election we've gone from 49% counted to 69% counted with Garvey still holding his own against the candidate crowned by Nancy Pelosi.

On the one hand one should be encouraged by Garvey's surprising competitiveness in this blue state.

On the other this is a bad omen for November vote fraud planning by Democrats to make sure the Feinstein seat remains Democrat.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Republicans barely control one half of the legislative branch and eight of 'em decide to eat each other instead of to live to fight again in 45 days

 Brilliant, just brilliant.

McCarthy removed as speaker 216-210.

The roll call vote is here.

Eight Republicans joined 208 Democrats to depose McCarthy as Speaker.

the eight Republicans who voted to oust McCarthy as Speaker included that slut Nancy Mace

not even that Scrooge Thomas Massie voted to depose McCarthy

Nancy Pelosi had just enough class not to vote at all


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Trump threw a tantrum on January 6th, blaming mommy for not stopping it is pathetic


Trump: Nancy Pelosi Is Responsible For January 6th

There's an old saying which says don't get in the way of your enemy while he's busy destroying himself.

And she didn't.

Trump is indeed responsible because he scheduled the event for that particular day. He could have chosen any other.

No one is responsible for the crowd getting out of control but the crowd, but Trump is responsible for the unique intersection between the crowd and the Congress on January 6th.

The Democrats’ prosecution of the trespassers has been wildly excessive, just to make an example of Trump for his childish stunt.

We are children behaving like children, and we have the government we deserve, on all sides.


Saturday, August 5, 2023

This week's lucky number is 2

There's only one Speaker of the House who ever spent more than 300% of current tax revenues twice.
And there's only one Speaker of the House who has ever spent more than 300% of current tax revenues twice after both of which events the ratings agencies downgraded the U.S. debt.


Friday, August 4, 2023

The US debt downgrades of 2011 and 2023 have one thing in common: Nancy Pelosi's record of the four most fiscally irresponsible years in the post-war

Nancy Pelosi owns the record for the four most fiscally irresponsible years in the post-war, spending 316% of tax receipts in 2020, 276% in 2021, 310% in 2009, and 296% in 2010.

Her four years as Speaker 2007-2010 averaged current expenditures as a percent of current tax receipts of 251%, highest for any Speaker ever.

S&P downgraded the debt in August 2011.

The Boehner/Ryan interregnum averaged 219%.

Pelosi's next four years as Speaker 2019-2022 averaged 252% in overspending.

Fitch has now downgraded the debt in August 2023.

Taken all together, Pelosi's Speakership produced the worst overspending in the post-war at 251% of revenues. The excess has to be borrowed, ballooning the debt.

The ratings agencies sound the alarm bells no one else will ring, but they are mocked by all the experts, whose livelihoods depend on the scam continuing. 

 All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.     

-- US Constitution, Article One, Section Seven


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

LOL, Democrat named Wackerman, $400 donor to Lincoln Project, arrested for setting July 2022 "Oak Fire" in Yosemite National Park which Democrats blamed on global warming

 The so-called Oak Fire destroyed 127 homes and 66 outbuildings. Roughly 6,000 people were forced to evacuate as the inferno torched 30 square miles of land and smoke from the fire drifted more than 200 miles into parts of Nevada and the San Francisco Bay Area.     

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Congress went on a spending orgy since 2019 adding $8.77 trillion to the national debt and dimwits blame the Fed for being unable to control inflation

 Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. Blame yourselves. You elected them.


The chief penalty is to be governed by someone worse if a man will not himself hold office and rule.

-- Plato, Republic, I, 346f.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Tech executive Bob Lee who was stabbed to death was most definitely a libertarian

 Before His Killing, Tech Executive Bob Lee Led an Underground Life of Sex and Drugs:

Mr. Lee remained close to his wife, Krista Lee, even though they were separated. He recently moved to Miami with his father, a widower, but regularly returned to San Francisco to visit his two teenage children, Dagny and Scout, named after characters in “Atlas Shrugged” and “To Kill A Mockingbird.” The family had planned a trip together to Japan in August.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Besides their bad character, what do Trump and Obama have in common in 2009 and 2020?

 Trump and Obama signed off on the two most fiscally irresponsible periods in post-war history, and Biden two years in looks set to join them.

The Executive is supposed to be a check on irresponsible spending. But both Trump and Obama went right along with it instead of vetoing the outrageous spending of the periods.

What else do they have in common?

Two crises, both of which plunged the country into hysteria.

The Great Financial Crisis did not begin to end until March 2009 when the FASB signaled its intent to suspend mark-to-market rules. The stock market bottomed almost immediately, but as with all cases of mass hysteria it took time for the panic to pass as other sectors recovered "one by one". 

The Pandemic Crisis gripped the country in March 2020, sending millions home from work, stocks plunging, toilet paper into shortage, businesses into bankruptcy, and on and on. With just about everyone vaccinated who was going to be by the end of 2021, the country gradually started to come out of it in 2022, eschewing jabs, masks, and social distancing as it became clear that the Omicron variant was infecting tens of millions despite all those measures.

2020 was the single most fiscally irresponsible year in the post-war since 1953. Federal expenditures, bloated by panicked bailouts, outpaced tax revenues by a whopping 216%.

Only 2009 comes close, at 210%, the second worst year on record.

Third, not shown, was 2010 at 196%, and fourth, not shown, was 2021 at 176%, each a part of the respective crisis periods.

Do you know what else those two years share in common?

Spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives.

In 2009 and 2020 its Speaker just happened to be the same person, as she was in 2010 and 2021.

Nancy Pelosi owns the four most fiscally irresponsible years in the entire history of the post-war. Her two speakerships literally busted out all over. 

Monday, May 1, 2023

Bank failure No. 3 of 2023: First Republic Bank of San Fran Freako, California


The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund will be about $13 billion. This is an estimate and the final cost will be determined when the FDIC terminates the receivership.


Saturday, November 26, 2022

The legacy of Pelosi's US House

Thus was the building left
Ridiculous; and the work confusion nam'd.
-- John Milton

Monday, November 7, 2022

Crime has soared in Democrat strongholds under Biden, but the FBI is working hard to hide the data and protect their boy

The BBC reports:

There are questions about the reliability of the FBI's crime report as it excluded data from some of the biggest US cities, including New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

It's important to point out that last year, the FBI switched to a new data collection system. According to one analysis, nearly 40% of law enforcement agencies have failed to report their 2021 crime figures - so we may only have a partial picture of the most recent crime rates.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Capitol Police do another bang-up job, so to speak

 Capitol Police cameras caught break-in at Pelosi home, but no one was watching...

. . . hours after Pelosi left San Francisco last week and returned to D.C., much of the security left with her, and officers in Washington stopped continuously monitoring video feeds outside her house.