Showing posts with label Laura Ingraham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laura Ingraham. Show all posts

Friday, April 7, 2017

Trump's little display last night burned up almost $100 million in cruise missile costs

The terrorists can bankrupt the US with every atrocity at this rate: $1.17 million per victim.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Michael Mukasey says Loretta Lynch ordered the surveillance of Trump

From the story here:

“I think he’s right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general – at the Justice Department,” Mukasey told ABC’s “This Week.” 

Laura Ingraham on Friday interviewed Mukasey saying the same thing.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mark Levin is right to be upset about Trump's proposal to grant paid maternity leave and childcare, eldercare subsidies

This is the same sort of objectionable thing rammed through by George W. Bush in the Drugs for Seniors legislation. Totally unaffordable, but helpful for reelection purposes.

The difference this time is that it ain't gonna pass, unless of course you idiots out there give the House to the Democrats.

I think it's all politics and will get drastically pared down. Some token thing may pass, but not the full monty.

If Trump wins, which is what this is really all about.

It is noteworthy, however, that other radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham are nearly rolling over for this thing. The program is objectionable out of the box, except to people like James Pethokoukis, but those two today were almost paragons of equanimity. I think Laura even took a call praising the pro-family aspects of the plan. The worst argument for the idea being repeated is that it will encourage single mothers to work. So we'll subsidize single motherhood? Yeah, that's a Republican value.

I don't expect the Limbaughs and Ingrahams to diss Trump at this stage of the game, but it is this stage of the game. They could have at least hinted at the politics.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Charles Hurt calls Ted Cruz a "rude political has-been"

Cruz joins John Kasich and Jeb Bush in political oblivion. Laura Ingraham this morning called what we saw last night in Cruz' failure to endorse Trump "political suicide".

By contrast people like Scott Walker and Marco Rubio have swallowed hard and backed Trump, and therefore they will live to fight again another day.

But Ted is dead.

A Star is Born: Laura Ingraham rocks the Republican house, rips media and Hillary new ones in stunning performance

Friday, April 22, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Matt Cover thinks Donald Trump is talk radio's Frankenstein

Here, saying Trump is the by-product of an ignorant expectations farce deliberately played on the public by the scheming, self-serving jibber-jabberers Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin:

However, by organizing the GOP base around this fictional system of legislative combat, Movement leaders would lay the groundwork for the ignorant populism of Donald Trump.

Voters, having been told that Congress just lacked strong leaders willing to fight for principle, would flock to a figure who embodied exactly the kind of fiery machismo they had been told was needed.

That's almost amusing, but blindly discounts the "non-ideological" character of the Trump phenomenon's success with the illegal immigration and trade issues. These are conservative issues with a long and storied history but, unfortunately, are not granted legitimacy by today's current crop of so-called conservatives, for whom "principles" and ideology are paramount because they are at heart libertarians, not conservatives.

Trump's immigration and trade crusade may eventually come a cropper, but it won't be because he and the people don't believe in it. It'll be because it has no support from the establishment which runs a "system" organized around antithetical ideas, but also because it has no support from the "anti-establishment" either.

Represented by Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin on the radio, the preferred element of the contemporary demagogue, the anti-establishment has been just as much for open-borders and free-trade as the establishment has been. None of them can even imagine a limited, small American federal government starving from its very beginning on the measly tariffs, excises and land sales with which the founders stuck it. And none in the establishment even wants to.

Laura Ingraham has been waging the lonely battle against illegal immigration almost single-handedly for years on her little radio program in the mornings, with great success, while Michael Savage has had to beat the dead horse for almost twenty-five years as a misunderstood New York Jew.

But the cool thing about 2016 is that New York values are finally getting some respect in the rest of the country for a change, thanks to one Donald John Trump.

"Anti-establishment" talk radio has yet to catch up.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday, March 14, 2016

Ted Cruz' many flipflops: Obamatrade, foreign workers, illegal alien amnesty, birthright citizenship, Edward Snowden, crop insurance

Nicely detailed with links by Laura Ingraham, here.

Defectors from Cruz to Trump are getting through to talk radio this morning

To both the Laura Ingraham Show and the Chris Plante Show, citing the failure of Cruz to stick to principle over the left's attacks on Trump rally attendees in Chicago.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Trump still has a big problem on H-1B flipflop, appearance on Savage Nation today did nothing to assuage fears he's just telling people what they want to hear

Sympathetic critics like Laura Ingraham are exactly right that the time has long since passed for Trump to stop winging it, show more discipline, and spend some money on TV ads.

We're voting for him in Michigan tomorrow, but I predict Trump is going to disappoint us going forward even more than he already has.

It's almost as if he's prepared to hand this thing over to Ted Cruz, who doesn't give a fig for anything but himself.

One way or another, we're going to get the government we deserve, good and hard.

From the story here:

"Furious supporters of Donald Trump . . . are now FORMER supporters of Trump".

Sunday, February 28, 2016

@AnnCoulter: Except for Laura Ingraham

Why Marco Rubio sweats: The New York Times details how he tried to convince conservative talk radio to accept the Gang of Eight bill

It's worth remembering the full court press Rubio made on behalf of his bill, especially now that he's running away from it as fast as he can.

Maybe that's why he sweats so much.

Rush Limbaugh comes off looking like a total dupe, but the truth is Limbaugh remained skeptical of yet another promise to secure the border first. As I remember it Rush had to have Rubio on a second time to clarify that.

More generally, the only conservative talk radio show to oppose the Gang of Eight bill consistently and forthrightly was Laura Ingraham's. Nobody on radio has done more to prepare the way for Trump's message on the issue, and to kill the terrible reform efforts of Bush in 2007 and Rubio's in 2013.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Laugh of the Day: 80% of Republicans reject Marco Rubio!

Mark Halperin clip, played just now on The Laura Ingraham Program.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The libertarian Investor's Business Daily: Conservative talk-radio is in favor of Ted Cruz but it's too late

Naming Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Glenn Beck, here in "Are The Right’s Pro-Cruz, Anti-Trump Moves Too Late?":

Rush Limbaugh and other big names in conservative talk radio have come out in favor of Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz, but the support comes late in the game.

IBD doesn't mention Laura Ingraham, who is favorably disposed toward Trump because of the illegal immigration problem in the United States, nor Michael Savage, who has actually endorsed Trump, nor Sean Hannity, who pretends like Limbaugh to be non-partisan during the primaries but repeatedly asserts that Marco Rubio will be president one day.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Rush Limbaugh never mentioned the Karl Rove expose of Ted Cruz' lying today

Rush Limbaugh did his best to cover for Ted Cruz today by not mentioning the bombshell story which should persuade every honest observer that Ted Cruz is a lying sack of shit.

Real Clear Politics had video of the story here for at least 11 hours already, but Rush wouldn't touch it today.

As far as I can tell, neither did Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity nor Mark Levin, whose shows I could not listen to in their entirety. However Mark Levin spent considerable time ridiculing Karl Rove in the second half hour for some reason, but you can guess why.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Sam Clovis, chief policy adviser to Donald Trump, calls himself a Russell Kirk conservative

Just now on the Laura Ingraham show.

Sam Clovis said as much on Anderson Cooper on January 22nd here, defending Trump against National Review's anti-Trump issue.