Showing posts with label Laugh Of The Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laugh Of The Day. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Laugh of the Day 2.0: Boris Johnson objects to "The New English Letter Box"

Quoted here:

"If you say that it is weird and bullying to expect women to cover their faces, then I totally agree," he said.

"I would go further and say that it is absolutely ridiculous that people should choose to go around looking like letter boxes."

And he added that "a female student turned up at school or at a university lecture looking like a bank robber" he would ask her to remove it to speak to her.

Laugh of the Day: Socialist Jew invested in being white gets the bad news that just being white makes him a racist

Isaac Chotiner: What could a white person in America in 2018 do to not be racist, or do you believe that’s impossible?

Robin DiAngelo: Well, I have to ask you a question I forgot to ask you earlier. What is your racial identity?

Isaac Chotiner: I’m white. My family’s originally from Eastern Europe. 

Seen here.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Laugh of the Day 3.0: The thing is, this Google employee PROVIDED the picture

This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy went to Google

Laugh of the Day 2.0: Liberal blogger breaks the rules, reveals source to FBI because it advanced her politics

Liberals always view rules as impediments to their political ends, and break them at will.

Wheeler, who has written blog posts about national security for almost 15 years, is clear that she wasn't motivated to talk to the FBI because she is out to get Trump. She certainly doesn't like him, but she is also not at all a Hillary Clinton fan. But what motivated her recent revelation that she went to the FBI has plenty to do with politics: She is disgusted by the way House Republicans are, in her view, weaponizing their oversight responsibilities and making it all too likely that FBI informants will have their names revealed - and their safety threatened. "It infuriates me," she wrote, to observe the "months-long charade by the House GOP to demand more and more details about those who have shared information with the government . . . all in an attempt to discredit the Mueller investigation."

Marcy Wheeler (a.k.a. "emptywheel") is an American independent journalist specializing in national security and civil liberties. Wheeler publishes on her own site, Emptywheel, established in July 2011. She makes occasional contributions to the commentary and analysis section of The Guardian, progressive news site Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, and Michigan Liberal. Between early December 2007 and July 2011 Wheeler published primarily on Jane Hamsher's FireDogLake (FDL) and prior to that on The Next Hurrah. ... She campaigned for Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean in 2004, and is a former vice chairwoman of the Washtenaw County Democratic Party.

Laugh of the Day: Gretchen Carlson's puritanism at Miss America Pageant takes incoming

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Laugh of the Day: Good Lord, Jeeves, that QAnon thingy where people think a top government agent is speaking to them through 4chan has made it to one of my own family

Aunt Agatha, sir? Say it isn't so.
Story here.

"Wisdom in discourse with her loses discountenanc'd, and like folly shews." -- John Milton

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Clapperism Laugh of the Day: FBI seizes reporter's records in order to protect her

Unnamed sources say the records were suspected to be highly toxic weapons of mass destruction.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Laugh of the Day: Supremes rule 7-2 on behalf of Christian cake-baker, CNBC calls it "narrow"

I guess they don't want us to get too excited about the Supremes slapping down Colorado's anti-religious hostility, which violated the defendant's religious rights, according to the story.

Try again. I'm so excited, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Laugh of the Day: Hollywood Reporter closes Disqus comments on Roseanne tweet story without showing even one

"This discussion has been closed".

What discussion?! (in my best Roseanne voice)

Cowards. You know everyone's laughing at Roseanne. Well, everyone with a sense of humor anyway.

Story here.

Monday, May 28, 2018