Showing posts with label Joe Biden 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden 2020. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Joe Biden can't close

Reeled off three points no one will remember.

He couldn't remember 'em either, had 'em written down.

Joe Biden is loudly for tariff punishment of China for burning coal

He's a Democrat Trump.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Bernie was the overwhelming first choice in the Iowa Democrat Caucus, and that's all that matters

In the second round, Biden bled out 2,693 votes, Klobuchar 1,288 votes, Yang a whopping 7,041 votes, and Steyer 2,670 votes. All of that is simply rearranging the deck chairs on their Titanic candidacies.

Bernie picked up just 2,155 of these 13,692 "anybody but Bernie" votes, but still he came out on top.

Case closed.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Biden up in the poles: Thank you, honey, may I have another?

Jobs. Jobs. Jobs.

Joe Biden 1999 Clinton Senate impeachment trial: Senate may dismiss articles of impeachment without holding a full trial or taking new evidence

Politico working real hard to smear Biden with the truth.

It's almost like Politico wants Trump re-elected, almost as bad as CNN.


Monday, January 27, 2020

Deadbeat dad Hunter Biden spotted with latest baby mama and Porsche lunching at Waldorf Astoria

The guy has been ordered to appear in an Arkansas court January 29 on contempt charge.

This looks like his answer to that.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Oops, Bernie Sanders in 1996 advocated the Social Security tax increases and benefit cuts for which he now criticizes Joe Biden

Also, Venezuela is a model of socialism we should emulate. Also, let all the prisoners vote. Also, well, you get the idea.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hunter Biden gonna be hard to compel to appear before US Senate tribunal if he won't appear in little old Arkansas

Slate's Jordan Weissmann is scared of Joe Biden's propensity to flirt with cutting entitlements like Social Security and Medicare

[O]ur ex-VP has talked extensively about his desire to return to an era of bipartisan cooperation. And whether we’re talking about Social Security or another major program, the budget is one area in which those instincts are truly scary.

Read the whole thing here.

CNN orchestrates woman-hater smear of Bernie on behalf of Pocahonky, then releases poll showing Bernie in the lead

Ass-covering, pure and simple.

In all the polling compiled by Real Clear Politics, Bernie has polled in the lead only one other time, in April 2019 in a tiny Emerson poll, where he was +5.

Previously CNN polling has shown Joe Biden consistently and decisively leading, by an average of +12.6 across eleven polls.

CNN polls have also been consistently tiny surveys of registered voters, not likely voters. A very large likely voter poll recently by Morning Consult shows Biden ahead nationally for the Democrat nomination by +5.