Showing posts with label CBS Local. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CBS Local. Show all posts

Friday, May 9, 2014

Gay men have become walking syphilis factories exploding the disease by 183%

Story here from CBS in Atlanta:

[T]here has been a steady rise in gay and bisexual men catching the disease. They account for most of the recent infectious cases. ... [Syphilis] was far more common until antibiotics became available in the 1940s, slashing the number of annual cases to below 6,000. Last year, there were nearly 17,000 cases.

Monday, May 5, 2014

The myth of the American holocaust: There were 4 million slaves in the US in 1860, yet "millions" were murdered

Math . . . hard to figure.

Story here:

“Its symbolism in history is directly linked to the enslavement, torture and murder of millions of Americans,” Hall said of the Confederate flag. “The state of California should not be in the business of promoting hate toward others.”

When you consider that in 1860 prime male field hands went for between $1,200 and $1,800 each, it is incredible to believe that such large numbers of slaves were murdered.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Unreliable Conservatism: Judge Bernard A. Friedman, Reagan Appointee, Overturns Michigan's Marriage Amendment

As a Democrat in recovery, Ronald Reagan proved more than once that his journey to conservatism was incomplete.

On the social issues he was full of soothing words to keep the religious rubes in the Republican line at the voting booth, but appointed to the courts people confused by liberalism (the Reagan Democrats), such as Judge Bernard A. Friedman in Michigan, who openly encouraged in 2012 lesbian plaintiffs to challenge Michigan's constitutional amendment of 2004 defining marriage as between a man and a woman. Appointed as Friedman was in 1988, conservatives may wish to console themselves with the thought that Ronald Reagan was already senile in his last year in office and was co-opted by the George H. W. Bush faction. You remember him . . . the same guy who happily signed his name recently as a witness to a lesbian "wedding" in his own dotage.  

And here we are in 2014 and the same judge Friedman has struck down what was passed by the voters with 59% approval just 10 years ago:

In his 31-page written opinion, Friedman said the constitutional amendment known as the Michigan Marriage Act, passed by 2.7 million state voters in 2004, was unconstitutional because it denied gays and lesbians equal protection under the law.

When conservatism admits liberal ideas into its universe, a queer thing known as libertarianism, the rule of law goes out the window because the rules go out the window. Societies form around consensus (culture springs from the cult), and when the consensus breaks down so does the concept of society. Order gives way to chaos, whether imposed from without by judicial usurpation or by voter apathy, acquiescence or decadence.

If capturing the heights through elections has shown us anything it is that sometimes leaders can persuade the people from the ramparts, but unless the laws spring forth organically from the beliefs of the people the future of the idea of one nation remains in doubt.

As many have pointed out, marrying your dog, multiple men or women, a herd of sheep, or minor boys and girls cannot be far behind unless Nature and Nature's God once again capture our imaginations.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Rush Hits A Homor To Open The Show: Gay Bar Can Refuse To Serve Conservative Legislators, But Christians Must Bake Cakes For Queers

The gay bar ban on conservative legislators is in the news here.

A Colorado judge ruled last December that a baker cannot refuse to provide service for religious reasons for a gay wedding reception. Story here.

One law for me, but another for thee.

Obama's Red Diaper Doper Babies Attack Atherton, California, 94027, America's Richest Zipcode

Story here.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Why You Should Boycott ObamaCare If You're Under Age 44

Because at your age you are most likely to die of violence, not disease, and you'll get better care for violence without insurance.

Story here:

Researchers from the Stanford University of Medicine found that patients with insurance are less likely to get the best care than those who do not have insurance. They found that insured patients taken to non-trauma hospitals were 13 to 15 percent less likely to be transferred to trauma centers than uninsured ones. ...

Shootings and traffic accidents are the most common causes of death in this county among people under 44-years-old.  Previous research has shown that severely injured patients are 2 percent less likely to die if treated at a top-ranked trauma center than at a non-trauma center.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Garden Variety Armed Lawlessness Is Now Terrorism

"The state exercises the monopoly of crime"
See how this works folks? 

Under terror laws they can basically declare you an enemy of the state, deny you all your rights, lock you up and throw away the key if they feel like it. And as we all know by now only too well, Obama is setting precedents and records for what he feels like doing and doesn't feel like doing, whether it's enforcement of the Defense of Marriage Act, taking out an American citizen abroad with a drone without due process of law, or enforcing his own health insurance reform legislation.

The story is here, how an irate Pennsylvania homeowner pulled a gun on a snowplow driver who inadvertently parked some snow on the guy's lawn:

"Eckert has been charged with aggravated assault, terroristic threats, disorderly conduct, and recklessly endangering another person."

It's So Cold In New York The Liberals Have Their Hands In Their Own Pockets

Seen here.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Only Insult In This Instance Is Sotomayor's Insult To Our Intelligence

How do we put up with these morons?

“I figure I may not be the smartest judge on the court but I’m going to be a competent justice,” she said. “I’m going to try to be the best I can and each year I think my opinions have been getting better. And I’m working at finding my voice a little bit.”

Competence, it appears, is a bar, uh hum, too high for The Supreme Court.

Criminal: "a person who has committed a crime".

Story here.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ann Coulter's Hero, NJ Gov. Chris Christie, Will Never Be President

Gov. Christie shows his true colors in attacking the NRA ad which points out Obama's hypocrisy for denying your children armed protection in schools while making sure his kids have it, effectively forever.

Gov. Christie is obviously fighting to survive his reelection fight in NJ, but any Republican who suggests, as Ann Coulter has, that Christie is the preferred Republican candidate for president is smoking what Obama wants to legalize.

Story here.

Why isn't the conservative Ann Coulter married? Shouldn't she be having children by now? Or is the future of America of no interest to her?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why WI Senator Elect Tammy Baldwin Loves Football

Presidential Aspirant Rep. Michele Bachmann Narrowly Re-elected In MN

Results here.

Her stand on many of the issues approximated real conservatism, but her district appears less inclined to vote for her after the presidential run. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Already Got A Free ObamaPhone? Now Get A Free ObamaCar!

Just put a "Romney" campaign sign in your yard and you, too, can get a free Obama Car just like this guy, whose car was vandalized with the word "Obama" keyed into his hood just for parking in front of the house where the sign was.

Just be advised: The Obama Car comes without the "e", available only in the "ObamaCare" model.

Story here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Slum Lord Obama: Lower Class Self-Identification Grows 28 Percent Since 2008

Story here.

Is Obama intentionally impoverishing the middle class as a means to overthrow the constitutional republic? You don't have to be a Marxist to think so.

"When there is a want of a proper number of men of middling fortune, the poor extend their power too far, abuses arise, and the government is soon at an end." -- Aristotle's Politics

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chicago Mob Violence: If The Problem Were Truly Controlled Last Year, Why Do You Have To Get Control Again This Year?

The reporting on uncontrolled black mob violence in Chicago is as absurd as the excuses for it:

Police Supt. Garry McCarthy pointed out earlier this week that there were similar mob attacks last summer, and his department was able to get the problem under control. He said he believes they’ll be able to do it again this year, and it’s a matter of making sure his officers are where they’re supposed to be, to prevent these incidents from happening.

One thing is clear: Rudy Giuliani Rahm Emanuel is not.

Friday, March 30, 2012

North Texas Woman, 71, Gives Wood To Queer, Charged With Hate Crime

The story is here.

I guess he didn't like it like that.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Illinois Firearm Owner Identification Surged 6 Percent in 2010

In the wake of the Supremes' McDonald decision, which neutered Chicago's ban on gun ownership, it appears gun ownership has surged in Illinois, which requires a Firearm Owner's ID Card to purchase a gun in the state. It is thought many of the new holders of the cards are in Chicago.

I used mine in 1993 to protect myself from Bill Clinton.

The story is here:

As of Jan. 1, 2011, there were nearly 1.4 million FOID card holders statewide, compared to more than 1.3 million a year earlier, Bond said. That’s an increase of more than 6 percent.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

US Senate's Biggest Prick Gets What He Deserves

A puck to the face:

Story here.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Ann Coulter's Favorite Governor Picks New Jersey's First Gay Justice

Philly eyeball news has the story here:

If confirmed, Bruce A. Harris would become New Jersey’s first openly gay justice.

Chris Christie gets a twofer: Bruce Harris is black.