Thursday, April 25, 2024

I'm so confused: Cervical cancer screening in Australia is received by 65% of lesbian women and 79% of gay women

Has there been a new development that I need to know about lol? And what does "meanwhile while" mean?

Well, let me tell you a little sumthin: Your average Roman Catholic nun lives anywhere between 82-89 depending on education vs. 79 for the average American female.

If you really want to live a long time, you know what you have to stop doing lol.


Lesbian women die 20 percent younger than straight women due to stress of 'toxic' social stigma, according to new study

  • Bisexual women die 37 percent younger than heterosexual women
  • Meanwhile while lesbian women die 20 percent sooner, the Harvard study found


Petronella Wyatt, 54, is single, childless, and depressed, and blames her feminism on Protestantism lol

 It was among Protestant communities that feminism first emerged, and it is in Protestant countries such as America and Britain in which feminist beliefs have been at their most vocal and strident in tone, like a religion with no dilution of agnosticism. Margaret Thatcher, though she would have denied it, was a feminist de facto, and no Catholic country could have produced her like.
No one dares blame the crazy old Pharisee. That would be a bridge too far.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.  
-- Galatians 3:28

Ilhan Omar: Someday anti-semitism will triumph again, and it will be right

 Import Somali hatred of Jews to Minnesota, and hatred of Jews is what you will get.

Ask yourself why the state's Norwegians Quislings are OK with this and you are on your way to understanding.

Diversity is their strength, not America's.



Maybe New York's open borders Governor Hochul should shut up already and start dismantling that statue in her harbor first


DEI means the Secret Service hires a nutjob, hands her a gun, and puts her on the VP's security detail

 Herczeg showed up at the terminal and began acting erratically, grabbing another senior agent’s personal phone and deleting applications on it, according to two sources familiar with the matter. The other agent, a shift leader, was able to recover his phone and then acted as if nothing had happened.

But Herczeg’s bizarre behavior didn’t stop. She then began mumbling to herself, hid behind curtains, and started throwing items, including menstrual pads, at an agent, telling him that he would need them later to save another agent and telling her peers that they were “going to burn in hell and needed to listen to God,” a source told RealClearPolitics.

Herczeg also screamed at the special agent in charge (SAIC), rattling off the names of female officers on the vice president’s detail and claiming they would show up and help her and allow her to continue working. At that point, other agents on the scene believed Herczeg was suffering from a mental lapse, and the superior officer, SAIC, approached her to tell her she was relieved from the assignment.

“That’s when she snapped entirely,” one source recounted.


Like there weren't signs.