Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Devin Nunes drops the bomb on Democrats in impeachment opening for redacting name of Alexandra Chalupa from testimony transcripts

“Violating their own guidelines, the Democrats repeatedly redacted from the transcripts the name of Alexandra Chalupa, a contractor for the Democratic National Committee who worked with Ukrainian officials to collect dirt on the Trump campaign, which she provided to the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign,” Nunes said. ...

Chalupa reportedly worked with CIA officer Eric Ciaramella — who RealClearInvestigations has named as the likely identity of the impeachment “whistleblower” — and visited the Obama White House 27 times, according to official visitor logs.

More here.

The first impeachment witness is a pompous ass: There are 2,826,999 more where he came from

Proportional reasoning, but I repeat myself, makes a comeback

Cernovich makes me laugh: Evangelical support for Israel is so high at 72% or more but somebody else is obsessed with Israel

Frank Lumpy Luntz, who promoted Little Marco, pretends the 2016 Trump Campaign didn't promise to reform immigration to help American workers


Epstein is alive and well and living with McAfee in Uruguay

ABC News: Protect the Trump whistleblower! Expose that goddamn Epstein leaker!

ABC News digging itself deeper and deeper into ignominy, trying harder to find leaker than truth about Epstein

So-called conservative's main accomplishments in the last decade do not include that he was his kids' dad, wife's husband

Note to Tony: The decade doesn't end until December 31, 2020.

$150 million Amazon facility in Gaines Township Michigan appearing complete in Oct will sit idle until 2020


Renting is basically flat under Trump so far, but owner occupied housing, the very definition of middle class, is up big, 3.4 million

owner occupied

renter occupied

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The impeachment is a farce . . .

just like Trump's immigration promises.

Eric Ciaramella is the whistleblower, and . . .

Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

Spare us Mark Levin your comments on Ann Coulter, you were Never Trump for 7 months in 2016

Mark Levin endorsed Canadian citizen Ted Cruz in March 2016 as Trump was clinching the nomination, and openly sided with Never Trump in April out of spite.

Then Levin flipped again just before the election and became Trump's BFF.

Levin's a con-man just like Trump, just not as accomplished.

I've scratched so long now I wear bandaids up there all the time

[I]f you're a Trump voter, you're scratching your head wondering what happened to those campaign promises that set him apart from every other Republican.

Trump turns Coulter into a Never Trumper

Trump's 10-point America First plan in 2016 was all about immigration, nothing else, but now it's about anything but