Sunday, April 14, 2019

As long as Trump dumps the illegals legally, they're fine with it


107 years ago tonight at 23:40 hours some ship in some ocean hit something and sank two hours and forty minutes later, killing a bunch of somebodies

Anthony Bialy forgets "supporting Arab spring", which destabilized the Middle East and North Africa and flooded the west with refugees

. . . and unconstitutional executive orders, record number of Supreme Court slapdowns, Attorney General held in contempt of Congress, bailouts of big businesses and banks while millions lost their careers, savings and homes, rock-bottom interest rates for eight years depriving savers, insurance companies, pension funds and states of needed income . . ..

Update: And! And! Benghazi!

How could I have forgotten Benghazi?

Reza Aslan's worthless PhD never screened for "cite" vs. "site", you know, as in scholarly citation

Fortunately the examination committee of Twitter is pointing out the underlying intellectual shortcomings, of which misuse of "site" is only a signal.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Stock market return in the last 22 years has underperformed the previous 126 years by 15.3%

James Comey: "I've never thought of court-ordered electronic surveillance as spying"

It all depends on what the meaning of "is" is, remember?

Reuters headline, and I quote: "S.African township squalid despite 25 years of black rule"

S.African township squalid and neglected despite 25 years of black rule:

The shocking conditions in which people like Ditsela live are a big problem for the governing African National Congress (ANC), which faces mounting public anger over its failure to improve the lives of millions of the poorest citizens, 25 years after the end of white minority rule.