Friday, February 7, 2020

Correctomundo, Byron, Bernie clearly won Iowa

Friday Afternoon Club: Orkin Pest Control escorts Alexander Vindman out of the White House

You thought I was kidding about Harry Stamper: 69% of MODERATE New Hampshire Democrats prefer a meteor strike to Trump reelection

The Democrat Party has hit the self-destruct button and only Harry can save us.

James Cue Ball Carville: Hillary deleted the emails because the Russians wrote them

You'd better be nicer to us . . . we only have eleven years left and Stamper is booked through 2030

Breaking news: Climate forecast darkens

If you know who John Berman is, then the chances are good that you know a lot of things that aren't true

Joe's a walshout because he thinks we should install presidents by force and remove dictators by voting

The second round of voting in Iowa was undemocratic and corrupt, as this example of vote-padding plainly demonstrates: Just go with the first round totals and be done with it; there's no other way to fix it

You can't keep voting until they say that you got it right and still call it democracy. Bernie won the first round decisively.

He was a walshout in Iowa

Missing full-time jobs in January 2020: 6.3 million

Previous peak for average full-time as a percentage of population: 2006
Percentage @ peak: 52.3%
Percentage in Jan 2020: 49.85%
Full-time in Jan 2020: 129.379 million
Full-time in Jan 2020 @ 52.3% of 259.502 million: 135.719 million
Missing full-time: 6.34 million

Bernie has decided to flip-flop on immigration, jettison the proletariat he's got and import a new one

Find 'em, feel 'em, eff 'em, forget 'em, just like Trump.

Kinda pathetic he comes back after being gone since April and heads straight for the bartender

I don't mind if you steal my Trump/Limbaugh BFI Unemployment Rate chart, just don't call it the Big Fat Idiot Unemployment Rate, PLEASE

Just think of all those girls 40 years ago: They were at home, eating but not working, and they just threw it all away (what WERE they thinking? and what on earth are they thinking NOW?)

Introducing the Trump/Limbaugh Big Fat Idiot Unemployment Rate, and the good news is in January 2020 we're back on track to more people not working but still eating, just like under the Carter Administration 40 years ago

Trump 2020 Iowa Republican Caucus beats Obama 2012 Dem Caucus 31,000 to 25,000

Iowa may have fewer commit[t]ed Democrats than it once did.

Bernie was the overwhelming first choice in the Iowa Democrat Caucus, and that's all that matters

In the second round, Biden bled out 2,693 votes, Klobuchar 1,288 votes, Yang a whopping 7,041 votes, and Steyer 2,670 votes. All of that is simply rearranging the deck chairs on their Titanic candidacies.

Bernie picked up just 2,155 of these 13,692 "anybody but Bernie" votes, but still he came out on top.

Case closed.

Bernie was right in 2015 and it's even worse now: Real wages of men are lower than they were 45 years ago, a fiasco

The median earnings of men working full time year-round in 2018 ticked up to $55,291. Adjusted for inflation, this was below the amount they earned in 1973, according to the annual data trove released by the Census Bureau today. In other words, there has been a “real” income decline for men over the past four-plus decades! ... [M]en’s real earnings are a fiasco.

LOL: Donald Trump's crackpot 35% unemployment in February 2016 is 37% today

Jeffrey Snider:

In February of 2016, then-candidate Trump deployed his typical grandiose, exaggerated style after his win in the New Hampshire primary.

“Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.

[T]he once fake unemployment rate has become his primary campaign symbol.

Big Fat Idiot Rush Limbaugh 2/5/2016:

We have an audio sound bite here from Obama ... He was heralding first-time unemployment rate as being under 5% for the first time in seven years ... Well, there’s a reason he said it. It’s because it’s the only way you can ignore the 94 million Americans not working, not in the labor force ... This is an abject joke. It’s a total joke.