Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Rush Limbaugh yesterday: So I’m gonna be gone the next couple days as we figure out the treatment course of action and have further testing done.

Rush Limbaugh today:

The End Is Near: Noted conservative celebrates the death of neoliberalism at the hands of a communist, a fabulist and a fag

Democrats: America's biggest single threat to election integrity and security

Clintonite populated Shadow Inc in Iowa suspected of anti-Bernie bias

Hillary can't let go of 2016.

It's not an irony, it's a plot

How, you ask? Hire unemployed journalists from Buzzfeed and HuffPo to write the code, that's how.

Maybe Democrat turnout in Iowa has been in decline since 2008 because of corruption and incompetence

It's almost like there's a Shadow Party rigging everything in Iowa

NYT tech columnist exonerates the polling technology, says stupid Boomers just don't know how to work this thing

Les deplorables, better elections.


Journalists laid off by Buzzfeed and HuffPo come up short with design of Iowa Dem Caucus app

Not everyone can learn to code.


Joe Biden: If at first you don't succeed, keep on succing until you do succeed

Blame Hillary: Failed Democrat Iowa Caucus app was created by Hillary for America firm "Shadow"

The Shadow knows.

Still trying to become president, I see.


Hillary won in 2016, Stacey Abrams in 2018 and now BootyJudge in 2020

It's teh one thing Democrats do know how to do

People are the same everywhere

China can't count bodies and neither can Iowa.

Note to Nancy Pelosi on impeachment from Pocahonky campaign: Every second that passes undermines the process a little bit