Thursday, December 19, 2019

McConnell can't do anything relative to impeachment because the House hasn't followed through

Technically there is no impeachment until the House gives the Senate the articles.

So, as far as the Senate is concerned, nothing has happened.

If the Senate acts in any way other than to pretend nothing has happened, it will be muddying the constitutional waters. 

Trump should go golfing with Mitch. Or better yet, to the horse races.

Democrats' prototype Stepford wife robot heads home for modifications after proving unable to complete impeachment

The decade is not over for another year

I feel your self-contempt

FISA Court has no excuse for failing to stop FBI crimes, Devin Nunes warned it in letter June 2018


Akshully, Trump has not yet been impeached

Nancy has to send managers over to the Senate with the articles of impeachment before Trump can be said to be impeached.

So, keep holdin' 'em, Nancy! You are doing God's work!