Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Those poor, poor people

 Palestinians Describe Beatings, Stress Positions, Other Abuses in Israeli Detention...


You can always tell a millennial, because they can't spell it


Straight men still call all the shots, they're just more perverted now

 The percentage of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer adults in the U.S. continues to increase, reaching an all-time high of 7.6% in 2023, according to a new Gallup report. Broken down by gender, the survey of 12,000 people 18 and older across the country found that women were nearly twice as likely as men to identify as LGBTQ.

“Almost 30% of Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ+, most as bisexual,” Jeffrey Jones, a senior editor at Gallup, told NBC News. “That’s where a lot of the growth seems to be happening.” ...

The group most likely to identify as LGBTQ, by far, was Generation Z women (ages 18 to 26), 28.5% of whom identified as LGBTQ in the survey. The lion’s share of them, of all Gen Z women surveyed, 20.7%, identified as bisexual, followed by 5.4% who identified as lesbians. Gen Z women were nearly three times more likely than Gen Z men to identify as LGBTQ. ... 

Bisexuals made up the highest percentage of LGBTQ respondents, at 57.3% — or 4.4% of all adults surveyed. ...

 “It’s important how much the LGBTQ community is bisexual, and that’s definitely something we see among the younger generations,” Jones said.

More here.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Stephen Curry lol

 NBA super star eyes presidential bid? 'Maybe'...


RFK Jr is not a serious candidate for president, ICYMI

 Aaron Rodgers, Jesse Ventura Top RFK Jr's List for Running Mate...

Anti-white man once allegedly pretending to be black now looks like he was pretending to be Christian: Rev. Shaun King converts to Islam

 “I am a practicing Christian. I am an ordained minister and was a senior pastor for many years,” he noted [in 2020] in response to the blowback and alleged death threats he received for his condemnation of “white Jesus.” King defended his comments, doubling down on his belief that “Christian whiteness has ALWAYS been dangerous.” 

More here:

Progressive activist, former Christian pastor Shaun King converts to Islam


Freedom Works tells you why organizing society around the single utopian principle they believe in has always been bad


Core CPI inflation pops 0.6% monthly in January and again in February 2024


Year over year in February core cpi inflation is still elevated at 3.8%.

The near term trend has definitely turned higher again.




Sunday, March 10, 2024

Joe Biden, president of the United States, asks Pennsylvanians to send him back to Congress one day after his March 7 SOTU address lol

 Is he running for a House seat or a Senate seat?


There were also these whoppers:

"We added more to the national debt than any president in his term in all of history!"

"The U.S. Capitol — the same building where our freedoms came under assault on July the 6th!" 

Biden says almost every world leader has grabbed his arm, pulled him aside, and said "you can't win again".




Having fewer children per family means having fewer rebel last borns and the more docile, compliant, trusting population we have today instead

 Having fewer children per family means having fewer rebel last borns in society and therefore the more docile, compliant, trusting population we have today, which is more easily led and misled.


Weimar America: Every restaurant is going to become a Wendy's, destroying a decade-old meme

 Get ready to pay "market price" at more and more restaurants as docile younger adults are just fine with it.

Pretty insane that every transaction in America is going to become a negotiation. It's a fucking hamburger, dammit, not a 2024 Honda.

This is not progress. This is America becoming a third world bazaar.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

Surge Pricing Is Coming to More Menus Near You

Dozens of restaurant brands use Juicer’s technology to change their prices based on demand trends, with an average swing of up to 15%, Patterson said. Delivery services such as Uber Eats and technology platforms like Tock also allow restaurants to bump prices up or down. ...

An estimated 61% of adults support variable pricing where a restaurant lowers or raises prices based on business, with younger consumers more in favor of the approach than older ones, according to an online survey of 1,000 people by the National Restaurant Association trade group. 

These assholes are trying to sell this as analogous to "Happy Hour".

Happy Hour is happy because the normally COSTLY bar service is CHEAPER during Happy Hour, hello. 

Just wait until the grocery store starts doing this, then see how you like it.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Adam Shifty Schiff may live to regret painting popular nice guy Steve Garvey as a MAGA boogeyman come November

Four days after the primary election we've gone from 49% counted to 69% counted with Garvey still holding his own against the candidate crowned by Nancy Pelosi.

On the one hand one should be encouraged by Garvey's surprising competitiveness in this blue state.

On the other this is a bad omen for November vote fraud planning by Democrats to make sure the Feinstein seat remains Democrat.


Friday, March 8, 2024

You should read The Untold History of the Biden Family about Joe's so-called middle class dad

It's a doozy, in The New Yorker no less, here, August 15, 2022:

Relatively little has been known about the President’s father, whose story reveals a family’s fraught relationship with money, class, and alcohol.

Commenter at Real Clear astounded by Biden's attempt to minimize Laken Riley's murder

He spoke her name: Laken Riley. And then he said, "How many people are killed by illegals?" Apparently not enough to be of any concern to him. I think that was the most astounding comment he made this evening. It should trouble every American. 

-- Tony Siciliano, here 

The contrast is with the concern Biden supposedly has for individual women he showcased whose reproductive freedoms have been curtailed.

Some individuals are more important than others to Joe Biden.

The official transcript of Biden's SOTU address at Time Magazine contains neither Biden's intimidation of the Supreme Court over abortion nor his calling Laken Riley, killed by one of Joe's illegal aliens, "Lincoln"

 Look it up.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Joe Biden wants children to read by 3rd grade

Shouldn't they be reading in Kindergarten? Mine were.

Why do Democrats have such low expectations for public education?

I want to expand high-quality tutoring and summer learning time and see to it that every child learns to read by third grade.