Showing posts with label amnesty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amnesty. Show all posts

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Obviously Trump softened his anti-immigration positions in August 2016 after Bannon took over because that's what the data analytics told them to do

Trump turned on a dime in August 2016 after Bannon assumed leadership and it immediately got him in hot water with his core supporters after the Hannity Town Hall in Arizona. But it didn't matter to Trump. Trump knew that was the way to broaden his base because most Americans are forgiving and morally weak, supporting amnesty for the DACA "children". It didn't hurt, either, that softening those positions dovetailed with the libertarianism of the Mercers and their money. Trump was telegraphing to the libertarian money men of the Republican Party that he was in fact "flexible".

There's no there there, folks.

And there's no Wall, either, only a snake (remember the story of the snake?) who is willing to bite by trading a DACA amnesty for The Wall.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

We have met the enemy and it's corporate America, for supporting amnesty

Farcebook, IBM you bm we all bm, Microsoft, Marriott and NAM, the National Association of Manufacturers.

Gee, US manufacturers want the cheap foreign labor just as much as the hotels. What was that again about bringing the manufacturing jobs back to America, Mr. President?

Corporate America ADMITS they hire illegals instead of you, here:

Ending protected status for DACA recipients would push them out of the legal workforce – costing companies as much as $1.8 million a day in restaffing, according to the think tank New American Economy. America's corporate titans have cited the potential damage to the nation's labor force in urging Congress to find a solution for those workers before the program officially winds down March 5.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

It takes a cuck to make a cuck: Another president betrays his supporters

The first pillar of our framework generously offers a path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal immigrants who were brought here by their parents at a young age — that covers almost three times more people than the previous administration. Under our plan, those who meet education and work requirements, and show good moral character, will be able to become full citizens of the United States.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

One of these days Trump may float a trial balloon on immigration we actually like, but the latest one is a nonstarter

The story here says he's now offering a pathway to citizenship to nearly 2 million Dreamers.

Trump needs to understand that his voters aren't going to show up for him if he actually signs an amnesty, and that an amnesty just guarantees that the problem won't go away.

Been there, done that. The country's full. They need to go back. All of them.

Trump is boring me to death with these endless iterations when he's not pissing me off with them.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Trump is scrambling to deal with a not physically fit Navy he inherited from Obama

From the story here:

The Navy will grant a clean slate to nearly 50,000 sailors with fitness failures in their records, part of new shakeup for fleet-wide fitness rules announced Thursday.

A new Navy-wide message instructs commands to immediately stop discharging sailors for fitness failures and to cancel any pending discharges for sailors slated to be kicked out after March 31. The change applies to both enlisted and officers.

The message also unveils a new set of rules for the Physical Fitness Assessment, bringing to an end the rules forcing sailors to leave the Navy if they failed two fitness assessment tests in a three-year period. ...

The new Physical Fitness Assessment rules are part of a broader effort to keep more sailors in uniform at a time when the Navy is trying to increase end strength by over 4,100 by the end of the current fiscal year in September 2018. ...

As of July 2017, the end of the last official PFA cycle, more than 43,000 sailors have at least one failure in the past three years; another 5,477 have at least two failures on the books, according to the chief of naval personnel.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

The top 10 refugee-sending countries according to Amnesty International

Amnesty International, here:

South Sudan
Democratic Republic of Congo
Central African Republic

Average country IQ:

Average: 78.5

US Average IQ: 98
Germany Av.: 99

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Trump's funniest stunt yet: Mocks fake news with fake wrestling

Better than "only Rosie O'Donnell" and giving out Senator Grahamnesty's phone number.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Tea Party darling Sen. Ron Johnson of WI introduces massive guest worker/amnesty: 500k annually

The Tea Party was one half open-borders-libertarian from the beginning. That's why it went no farther than it did.

And Wisconsin narrowly reelected Johnson in 2016 why? It was the price we paid for the very narrow Trump victory there.

Story here.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trump doesn't need to end DACA for those already approved under Obama's unconstitutional amnesty . . .

. . . but he does need to stop approving new cases immediately.

He can show discretion to illegals under the program already, as he calls them and which they are, by continuing to grant temporary extensions pending his policy finalization.

But he must stop approving new cases, immediately. Otherwise this is a magnet for continuing illegal immigration.

Turn it off.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Trump promised to overturn DACA amnesty "immediately": Well, we're waiting . . .

Immediately was yesterday. Thanks for ending TPP yesterday, but . . ..

From the story here:

His campaign website still includes a pledge to "immediately terminate President Obama's two illegal executive amnesties," a reference to DACA and a later executive action — Deferred Action for the Parents of Americans (DAPA) — applying to illegal immigrants with American children.

"That's crazy and confusing," said William Gheen, founder of the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC. "Donald Trump promised to end Obama's unconstitutional executive orders, and that's DAPA and DACA."

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Open borders Republicans join hands with Democrats to extend Obama's Orwellian DACA overreach

Remember, they're not "illegal immigrants", they're "childhood arrivals".

The Republicans named in the story here, where it is claimed there are up to 60 supporters in the US House Republican Caucus, are:

Senator Lindsey Grahamnesty Graham of South Carolina
Rep. Mike Coffman of Colorado
Rep. Ileana Ros Lehtinen of Florida
Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida.

The House would need 290 votes to override a Trump veto of a bill exempting "Dreamers" from deportation for three years. In the Senate 67 votes would be required. A coalition of 194 House Democrats and 60 Republicans yields just 254 votes, not enough. In the Senate 19 Republicans would have to join 48 Democrats to override a Trump veto.

So Coffman wants to ram the bill through now, before Obama no longer has his pen and telephone.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Trump betrays his base, picks Andrew Puzder for Labor Secretary, another amnesty advocate

Trump must think we're stupid. You know, just like the defeated elites now packing up and leaving DC.

Puzder had a long op-ed in Politico here three years ago outlining his Marco Rubio Gang of Eight immigration ideas, including 

"a pathway to adjusted status for those here illegally now; and special relief for the children of undocumented immigrants." 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Trump has lost Mark Krikorian, says Trump is now the 9th member of the Gang of Eight, so it's over

Link repaired 1/14/24.
Quoted here:

Trump has also infuriated some of his supporters. Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, declared that Trump's latest remarks were the "last straw" for him, especially his statement that there would be "no amnesty," which he made just before saying that illegal immigrants will have to pay back taxes.

"Those are terms of art in the pro-amnesty, Gang of Eight crowd. Every politician pushing an amnesty says 'this version isn't really an amnesty because fill in the blank,'" Krikorian said, declaring Trump the "unofficial ninth member of the Gang of Eight."

"What he just did was make clear that even on his central issue, which is the only reason he's the nominee ... was immigration, and he now has shown that he can't be relied on, even on that," Krikorian said, who had previously considered himself a reluctant Trump supporter — until now.

"I'm done with Trump at this point," he said.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Obama's Justice Sotomayor is the total and complete racist Americans should be worried about

New York Times transcript of 2001 Sotomayor speech, here, where she says physiological differences may and will make a difference in the administration of justice and make decisions better:

Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice O'Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases. I am not so sure Justice O'Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes that line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor Martha Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.

Senate Republicans Alexander, Bond, Collins, Grahamnesty, GreggTARP, Lugar, Martinez, Snowe and Voinovich voted to confirm her, 68-31.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Ted Cruz won't build a border wall, and will increase immigration at the expense of American workers

From his speech announcing his candidacy for president on 3/23/2015, noted here, devoting just two lines to these issues which mention neither a wall nor the horrible impact of H-1B immigration on American stem-workers:

Instead of the lawlessness and the president’s unconstitutional executive amnesty, imagine a president that finally, finally, finally secures the borders.

And imagine a legal immigration system that welcomes and celebrates those who come to achieve the American dream.

Ted Cruz is merely a Marco Rubio without the Gang of Eight Bill.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

So, Michelle Field's mom is Honduran born and runs a nonprofit for illegal aliens

Michelle Fields may have a very strong and until now secret motive to try to bring down Trump.