Showing posts with label Wikipedia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wikipedia. Show all posts

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Disgusting WaPo story about coverup of Stalin purges runs the most infamous photo involving Soviet censorship but never mentions it

As if it was all Yezhov's fault and not Stalin's.

From the photo caption here:

From left to right: Kliment Voroshilov, Vyacheslav Molotov, Joseph Stalin and Nikolai Yezhov pose at the shore of the the Moscow-Volga Canal in 1937. Yezhov was the senior figure in the Soviet secret police under Stalin during the period of the Great Purge. (AFP/AFP/Getty Images)

Nikolai Yezhov at the far right in the photo was at the center of the purges. He was their intellectual author and the supervisor of the secret police under Stalin, who arrested and executed 700,000 Russians. He was subsequently infamously censored out of this photo by the Soviet propaganda ministry after he himself was purged by Stalin.

But WaPo runs the original photo in a story about the cover up and never tells you that.

Yezhov . . . . baaaaaaaad.

Stalin . . . . . . goooooood.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Our un-American president Barack Obama comes perilously close to encouraging illegal aliens to vote without fear

He uses the slippery rhetoric, does he have any other kind?, that it is the simple act of voting which makes you a citizen.

Here, in response to a question also composed in slippery fashion to propose the hypothetical case of an "undocumented citizen" voting (an oxymoron), to which the president replies:

"When you vote you are a citizen yourself." 

As John Podesta has reminded us via Wikileaks, it's Bill Clinton's 1993 motor voter law which is the mechanism preferred by the left to get illegals to vote:

On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a drivers license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in Federal elections.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Democrat National Committee employee and convicted felon Robert Creamer resigns after O'Keefe video shows him planning to pay people to incite violence at Trump rallies

Thinks you don't deserve to keep all your money
The Democrats have had no problem with the guy up to now even though he's a convicted felon. And guess who else has no problem with him? His wife, Democrat commie Representative Jan Schakowsky (IL-9):

See how fast Wikipedia updates itself:

Robert Creamer (born 1947) is an American political consultant, community organizer, and author. He is the husband of Jan Schakowsky, the Congressional Representative for Illinois's 9th congressional district. His firm, Democracy Partners, works with issue campaigns. He also leads the nonprofit group Americans United for Change.

In 2005, Creamer pleaded guilty to tax violations and $2.3 million in bank fraud in relation to his operation of public interest groups in the 1990s. He was convicted and sentenced to five months in prison at Terre Haute and eleven months house arrest. ...

In October 2016, James O'Keefe released a hidden-camera video appearing to show Creamer and other campaign staffers for Hillary Clinton hiring people to incite violence at rallies for her opponent, Donald Trump. Creamer also works for Democracy Partners. As a result of the video, Creamer announced his resignation from the Democratic National Committee.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hillary Clinton is a clean energy CRACKPOT

Hillary Clinton said today in Johnstown, PA, here:

"We're going to install half a billion solar panels and generate enough clean energy to power every home in America within 10 years."

Oh where oh where to begin?

Your average residential customer used 911 kWh/month in 2014.

Where I live where the sun gives me about 4 to 4.5 sun hours per day, this means I'd need a 9kw system.

A complete do-it-yourself system (!) of that size will cost me $17,600! (And let's not even mention all the things that will not do for me that the current grid does).

But guess what? It's composed of 36 PANELS!

500 million panels divided by 36 yields just south of 14 million homes equipped like mine.

But in 2014 there were almost 134 million households, so 120 million of you are OUT OF LUCK!

Meanwhile the cost for the lucky 13.8 million is about $243 billion, which I'm sure Hillary will make Donald Trump pay for.

Solar power still accounts for just 1.07% of total US electricity in 2016 despite Barack Obama's many promises to expand it, about 43.2 TWh using the most generous assumptions.

Residential customers alone consumed 1,407.2 TWh of electricity in 2014, about 34% of total 2014 consumption.

To come close to doing with solar what Hillary Clinton promised today would cost well in excess of $2 trillion.

Not. Gonna. Happen. Ever. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Obama's war on coal kills Peabody Energy, the US' largest coal company

Number two Arch Coal went belly up in January.

Story here.

Meanwhile 7 coal-fired power plants in Michigan are closing this week to meet new EPA emission regulations. Almost 1,000 megawatts of electricity generating capacity go away as a result, to be replaced by north of 500 megawatts of capacity from a natural gas plant.

Details here.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The daughter of anti-Trump billionaire Marlene Ricketts is a gay activist and bundler for Barack Obama

Seen here:

Laura M. Ricketts is co-owner of the Chicago Cubs. Ricketts is also a board member of Lambda Legal and the Housing Opportunities for Women organization. Ricketts' ownership stake in the Cubs is uniquely noteworthy because it makes her the first openly gay owner of a major-league sports franchise. ... Laura Ricketts is a former corporate lawyer. She lives with her partner on the North Side of Chicago. Ricketts received her Bachelor's degree from the University of Chicago in 1994, and her Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan Law School in 1998. Laura talks of her own struggle to come out; "I came out to my family I would say early to mid 90s. I think for a long time I wasn't really out to myself growing up in Omaha, Neb., to a Catholic conservative family. It took me a while to come out to myself and not long after that I came out to them. I think that it really couldn't have been a better experience. They were all immediately supportive. ... I have been really really fortunate in that regard."

The Washington Post reported in 2012 that Laura Ricketts raised about half a million dollars for Obama, here:

[Joe] Ricketts has an unusual profile for a rising political player, with little in his résumé to suggest that he favors controversial or attention-getting tactics.

A former Democrat who became a Republican, he later renounced all party affiliation to become an independent. His daughter, Laura, is a lesbian activist and prominent bundler for Obama; she raised about half a million dollars for the president.

Joe Ricketts, Pete, Todd, Laura, wife Marlene, and Tom

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Trump's tone is the least of our problems: 43% of Democrats in Iowa describe themselves as socialists

Bloomberg poll, here.

The triumph of ideological thinking on both the left and the right can be seen in the equal disdain both have for "isolationism". Poking our noses into other people's business is evidently now synonymous with being an American.

And the Republicans obviously haven't read Eric Hoffer.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Trump's attacks on Cruz in December struck Rush Limbaugh as "Democrat", but we had narry a word today criticizing National Review's cooperation with Politico against Trump

Here was Limbaugh in mid-December:

'But even people who are not particularly aligned with Cruz on the right have gotta be curious about this because this is no different than what the media would say about Ted Cruz.  This is no different than what the Democrat Party would say.  I mean, this is what the Republican establishment would say, for crying out loud.  I mean, this is akin to saying, "I'm the guy who can cross the aisle and work with the other side."  That hasn't been the way Trump has come off up 'til now.  He's not positioned that way.'

National Review provided its anti-Trump issue in advance to Politico, for whom Rich Lowry has written a regular column for many years.

So who's crossing the aisle now to work with the opposition? Who's adopting the methods of the left?

Remember Republican Lowell Weicker losing to Democrat Joe Lieberman in 1988 because of National Review's overt support of Lieberman?

Remember Jeffrey Hart et al. voting for Obama?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Conservatives give thanks for the achievements of John Boehner, libertarians, the ignorant and the stupid just snarl

  • Saved taxpayers $762 billion over ten years by making the Bush tax rates permanent for 98% of all filers beginning at the dawn of 2013
  • Saved taxpayers $1.8 trillion over ten years by finally fixing the Alternative Minimum Tax for all victims of bracket-creep
  • Saved taxpayers $339 billion over ten years by maintaining the 15% capital gains tax rate for incomes below $450,000
  • Saved families $354 billion over ten years by maintaining the child tax credit
  • Cut average annual federal deficits of $1.3 trillion 2009-2012 by 57%, to $556 billion on average 2013-2016 by ending the emergency Social Security Tax reductions and instituting the sequester spending cuts
  • The S&P 500 immediately responded with total returns in 2013 of 32.39%, the fifth best year since 1970  
  • The moribund US Dollar rose 19%, from below 80 to 95 today as overall fiscal rectitude improved
  • Causing oil prices to plummet from an average of $95/barrel 2011-2014 to $52/barrel on average in 2015 
  • Causing average US gasoline prices to fall from $3.34/gallon one year ago to $2.28/gallon today
  • Helping to keep the all-items consumer price index year-over-year nearly flat, rising just 0.2%

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Gold King Mine disaster video released by the incompetent EPA: let's dig here and see why it's leaking!

Link here for the video.
When you plug leaks at other old mines nearby, the water has to go somewhere. Minor toxic leaks are obviously preferable to releasing by accident 3 million gallons of heavy metal contaminated water into the Animas River.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Speaking of Ben Carson, it's odd that such a smart guy has a crackpot religion

It was Mormonism's turn in 2012, now it's on to Seventh Day Adventism.

Ben Carson's Seventh Day Adventism keeps the Sabbath on Saturdays, believes in the investigative judgment of professed Christians, ongoing somewhere in heaven since 1844, and considers the scores of revelations of the visionary Ellen G. White authoritative, placing the group outside the beliefs of the world's 600 million Evangelical Christians.

But hey, it's a free country, right?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

It speaks volumes about our society that Rush Limbaugh has never been able to count in Roman numerals

Under his "Pearls of Wisdom" no less, here, last week:

"Is this Super Bowl XLIX? Super Bowl XLIX. I've lost track of the ability to count the Roman numerals. Not that I ever did know."


Maybe he'll finally figure it out next year at "Super Bowl L".

Oops, sorry. The NFL is giving up the Roman numeral counting system for Super Bowl 50, according to Wikipedia, here:

"Instead of naming it Super Bowl L with Roman numerals like in previous Super Bowls, this game will be marketed with the Arabic numeral '50'. The game is scheduled to be played on February 7, 2016, at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California, the home stadium of the San Francisco 49ers. This will be the first Super Bowl held in the San Francisco Bay Area since Super Bowl XIX in January 1985."


I guess you'll still need to know the Roman numeral system to count Super Bowl XIX.

Surely The Apocalypse is nigh.

But to me it will still be "Super Bowl L", not to be confused with the official name of the trains of the Chicago Transit Authority:

Only in the United States of Moronica.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Republican enthusiasm for the Line Item Veto began under Reagan and was their version of the imperial presidency

No different than Reagan's enthusiasm for federal mandates like EMTALA, which is the proximate cause of ObamaCare. But J. T. Young doesn't remember it that way, or that far back, here:

'Unmentioned in Obama's legacy is that he killed the line-item veto. While not having done so directly, Obama's presidency has ended this long-time Republican goal just as assuredly as if he had. The political and fiscal role reversals between the Congress and presidency - and between Republicans and Democrats - transpiring for twenty years, have culminated with this administration.

'Twenty years ago, Republicans, armed the Contract with America, dramatically rode to Congressional majorities for the first time in decades. Prominent within that important document was a call for a line-item veto for the president.

'The intent was to give a president power to eliminate wasteful federal spending with pinpoint accuracy. Instead of having to veto an entire bill, and risk shutting down all, or part of the government, a president would be able to stop particular provisions but leave a larger spending bill intact. This authority would reverse the "Hobson's Choice" that prevailed between Congress and a president.'


'Ronald Reagan said to Congress in his 1986 State of the Union address, "Tonight I ask you to give me what forty-three governors have: Give me a line-item veto this year. Give me the authority to veto waste, and I'll take the responsibility, I'll make the cuts, I'll take the heat."'