Showing posts with label fossil fuels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fossil fuels. Show all posts

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Former environmental activist takes aim at anthropogenic global warming

AGW gets a dressing down from Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, Ph.D. in ecology, of Rainbow Warrior fame, here:

"[T]he Earth has been warming very gradually for 300 years, since the Little Ice Age ended, long before heavy use of fossil fuels. Prior to the Little Ice Age, during the Medieval Warm Period, Vikings colonized Greenland and Newfoundland, when it was warmer there than today. And during Roman times, it was warmer, long before fossil fuels revolutionized civilization.

"The idea it would be catastrophic if carbon dioxide were to increase and average global temperature were to rise a few degrees is preposterous. ...

"Over the past 150 million years, carbon dioxide had been drawn down steadily (by plants) from about 3,000 parts per million to about 280 parts per million before the Industrial Revolution. If this trend continued, the carbon dioxide level would have become too low to support life on Earth. Human fossil fuel use and clearing land for crops have boosted carbon dioxide from its lowest level in the history of the Earth back to 400 parts per million today.

"At 400 parts per million, all our food crops, forests, and natural ecosystems are still on a starvation diet for carbon dioxide. The optimum level of carbon dioxide for plant growth, given enough water and nutrients, is about 1,500 parts per million, nearly four times higher than today. Greenhouse growers inject carbon-dioxide to increase yields. Farms and forests will produce more if carbon-dioxide keeps rising.

"We have no proof increased carbon dioxide is responsible for the earth’s slight warming over the past 300 years. There has been no significant warming for 18 years while we have emitted 25 per cent of all the carbon dioxide ever emitted. Carbon dioxide is vital for life on Earth and plants would like more of it."

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Propane Prices In MI Skyrocket In Part Because Supplies Were Used To Dry Late-Harvested Taxpayer-Subsidized Crops

But the story, here, never mentions the insane taxpayer-funded feedback loop of government interference in both agriculture and fuels:

Propane prices are up more than 70 percent over last year’s levels amid heavy demand caused by the abnormally cold winter and late harvest that required propane for drying grain throughout the Midwest.

So put it together: corn-growing is subsidized by the federal government which means by you the taxpayer, then the crop happens to be harvested late due to weather conditions and has to be dried with fossil fuel which impacts propane supplies, after which the corn is distilled into ethanol at taxpayer expense to put in your gas tank by government decree which you pay too much for at the pump, and then the hapless souls depending on propane get stuck with enormous bills during a cold snap and above normal snows where bad roads impact the deliveries of already stressed supply.

Brilliant! The taxpayers pay and pay and pay, and the governor, Rick Snyder, condescends to rebate just 10% of a tax surplus.

They should all be in jail!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Gas Hydrates Revolution Will Dwarf The One In Shale Oil/Gas

And the desperate Japanese are leading the way to its successful recovery within 5 years.

So says Ambrose Evans-Pritchard for the UK Telegraph, here:

'The immediate discoveries in Japan's Eastern Tankai Trough are thought to hold 40 trillion cubic feet of methane, equal to eleven years gas imports. The company described the gas as "burnable ice", saying the trick is free it from a crystaline cage of water molecules by lowering the pressure. Tokyo hopes to bring the gas to market on a commercial scale within five years.'

The stuff is all over the world, especially along coastlines of continents, deep, deep down, in quantities double the known fossil fuel varieties.

The future is bright!

Follow the link for more charts and discussion.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Greatest Economic Boom Of Our Time Coincided With The Cheapest Gasoline

Arguably the greatest economic boom period of the 20th Century, the period between 1986 and 2000, was fueled, quite literally, by the cheapest gasoline prices on an inflation-adjusted basis since the end of The Great War. Real gas prices during those years in today's dollars ran down from $2.00 a gallon in the mid 1980s to $1.50 by the late 1990s and up again.

Chart and discussion, here.

Say what you will about former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich's presidential run in 2011-2012, he's the only public figure who has had the vision to understand the imperative of getting the price of gasoline below $2.50 a gallon to gun the economy.

With four more years of a regime which is the enemy of all things fossil fuel, expect little more than idling in the driveway.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Romney's Sins

In no particular order. Just making my list . . . and checking it twice.

  • thinks the 1st Amendment is first
  • wants to index the minimum wage to inflation
  • supports ethanol subsidies
  • flipped on abortion at least 3 times
  • supported Obama's murder of an American citizen
  • supports TARP
  • has a weird religion
  • thinks W prevented a depression
  • believes in the individual mandate in principle
  • was soft on public unions in Ohio
  • thinks government coercion in healthcare is conservative
  • believes in progressive income taxation
  • reassures liberals by pledging to soften up conservatives
  • reassures liberals that Republicans like him can make liberal extremism seem almost mainstream
  • supports domestic partner benefits
  • thinks it's a good idea to shift away from fossil fuels
  • he's way too rich to lead the charge to abolish the progressive tax code even if he wanted to
  • the world's getting warmer and humans contribute to that
  • farm subsidies are a national security issue
  • supports No Child Left Behind
  • agrees with Milos Forman: Obama's no socialist
  • Bain Capital bailed out companies just like Obama bailed out GM and Chrysler
  • corporate restructuring is job creation
  • "We must make equality for gays and lesbians a mainstream concern"
  • "ObamaCare is not worth getting angry about"
  • "I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush"
  • "Fox is watched by the true believers"
  • spending cuts will cause a recession or even a depression
  • gladly accepts support of John McCain in 2012 even though McCain said in 2010 that Obama's was a left-wing crusade to bankrupt America
  • won't light his hair on fire for that angry mob, the Republican base

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Giant Snake Fossil Proves Temps 10 Degrees Hotter Than Today AFTER Dinosaur Extinction

The snake has been dubbed "Titanoboa" in the story here:

Partial skeletons of a new giant, boa constrictor-like snake named “Titanoboa” found in Colombia by an international team of scientists and now at the University of Florida are estimated to be 42 to 45 feet long, the length of the T-Rex “Sue” displayed at Chicago’s Field Museum, said Jonathan Bloch, a UF vertebrate paleontologist who co-led the expedition with Carlos Jaramillo, a paleobotanist from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. ...

Based on the snake’s size, the team was able to calculate that the mean annual temperature at equatorial South America 60 million years ago would have been about 91 degrees Fahrenheit, about 10 degrees warmer than today, Bloch said.

No word on what evil fossil fuel was responsible for the global warming.

The Washington Post story here cuts off the story, leaving out the  part about temperature: "It would have to have been so warm . . .."

So warm what?

Gee, I wonder why they cut him off?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fukushima Reactor No. 2 Overheats: Water Pumps Ran Out of Fuel

Logistical difficulties supplying traditional fossil fuel in the wake of the quake and tsunami emergency may mean a third reactor at the Fukushima complex is toast.

As reported by Kyodo News, here:

Tokyo Electric Power said the water level of the No. 2 reactor had fallen as fuel for pumps used to inject seawater to the reactor to cool it down ran out. The firm had reported the loss of cooling functions as an emergency to the government.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Obama is Deliberately Making Americans Poorer

So says Richard T. Rahn, here:

The Obama administration’s policies are causing Americans to pay far more for gasoline and other fuels than necessary. America is awash in fossil-fuel energy sources with almost 30 percent of the world’s coal and 80 percent of the world’s oil shale - which contains an estimated three times the recoverable oil reserves of Saudi Arabia. ...

The United States should be an energy exporter. ...

The Obama administration has a hatred of fossil fuels and is determined to reduce their use despite the economic damage. ...

[T]he Obama administration has stopped the new oil-production process in the Gulf of Mexico, even in the face of a court order requiring it to issue permits. The administration, through executive orders, has denied oil and gas producers access to millions of acres where large deposits of oil and gas are known to exist. The administration also is holding up permits for many new power plants, pipelines and industrial plants, all of which are costing Americans jobs and driving businesses to other countries.