Showing posts with label AXIOS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AXIOS. Show all posts

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Joe Manchin wants to pause before spending any more money since we've already injected $5 TRILLION into the economy because of the pandemic

 Ya think?

Last year's spending was an ORGY, and along comes this guy suggesting we take a break and he's public enemy numero uno to Democrats and the picture of conservatism to admiring Republicans.

We are so screwed.

From the story:

  • He's argued Congress should take a “strategic pause” on the bigger package until Congress had more time to assess the effects of the nearly $5 trillion COVID stimulus spending in 2020 and earlier this year.
  • His statements on Wednesday amounted to an I-told-you-so.
  • “By all accounts, the threat posed by record inflation to the American people is not ‘transitory’ and is instead getting worse,” Manchin said. “From the grocery store to the gas pump, Americans know the inflation tax is real and D.C. can no longer ignore the economic pain Americans feel every day.”

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

How much you wanna bet our own anti-Trump CIA fed China the bogus intel of an impending attack?

In mid-October 2020, top Pentagon officials grew concerned about intelligence they'd seen. It showed the Chinese were consuming their own intelligence that had made them concerned about the possibility of a surprise U.S. strike against China, three sources familiar with the situation tell Axios.


Monday, August 2, 2021

The immigration courts have been understaffed for years, and the problem is only getting worse under Biden

The immigration court currently has 535 judges to deal with its backlog of 1,357,820 cases. The plan calls for hiring an additional 100 judges to deal with this crisis.

The immigration court’s most productive year since fiscal 2008, was fiscal 2019, when it completed 276,970 cases. But it received 546,248 new cases that year, which meant that the backlog increased by 269,278 cases. In the second quarter of fiscal 2021, it received 66,158 new cases and completed 43,652, which increased the backlog by 22,506 cases.

In fact, the immigration court has not reduced the backlog a single time during that 13-year period.

How is a 20 percent increase in the size of the court going to turn this around?


There is no mention in this story that Biden is releasing tens of thousands of illegals into the United States who have been given NO court date, an unprecedented failure to enforce the law. So the magnitude of the problem is much worse than the article lets on.

The Biden administration is deliberately flooding the zone with dependents who will be politically beholden to Democrats for their continued future welfare.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

In 2020 global debt to global GDP soared to 356%

Global debt finished 4Q at $281 trillion:  3.56x = $281 trillion, so x = $78.93 trillion global GDP.

US GDP in 2020 was $20.9 trillion, TCMDO was $83.49 trillion (almost 400%).

What could go wrong, right? You are fully invested in stonks, amirite?!

The problem is that the global corporate sector has been caught in the COVID-19 shock with unprecedented levels of financial leverage; global debt on non-financial corporations was $71 trillion at the end of 2018, representing 93% of global GDP.




Friday, June 21, 2019

Trump majored in stopping illegal immigration during his 2016 campaign, but he's flunking the subject

Obama annual deportations averaged about 385,000 a year while Trump hasn't yet cracked the 300,000 level, according to the latest figures.

Big talker, doer of little. 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Investors Business Daily has a sensible editorial on birthright citizenship

As Daniel Horowitz recently noted, the only legal justification for granting citizenship to illegals comes in a footnote to the Supreme Court's Plylor V. Doe decision. In it, ultra-liberal Justice William Brennan claimed that illegal aliens had a right to claim jurisdiction under U.S. law. But it's never really been decided as a separate issue by the Supreme Court.

So on strictly constructed constitutional grounds, Trump is right. Whether you hate him or not.

Of course, the counter-argument to that is: We have allowed this system to go on for so long without direct challenge it now has the force of law. That is a legitimate legal argument. It deserves serious consideration, either by Congress or the courts.

And that's our point. As bad as we think birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants is, any decision should be a matter of law and democratic process, not of screaming and name-calling. We have a Congress. We have a court system. The president has, in effect, challenged them to do their job. So they should do it.

If they don't, then Donald Trump, as the nation's chief executive, is well within his rights to issue an executive order if he thinks birthright citizenship represents a violation of the Constitution and threatens harm to the nation. It's his duty.

He has precedent. quoted Trump telling reporters Wednesday that, if President Obama can "do DACA, we can do this by executive order."

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Laugh of the Day: Axios/Politico co-founder complains reporters always seem to prove they are leftists on social media, should hide it to deceive!

Jim VandeHei.

Media: News organizations should ban their reporters from doing anything on social media — especially Twitter — beyond sharing stories. Snark, jokes and blatant opinion are showing your hand, and it always seems to be the left one. This makes it impossible to win back the skeptics. 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Told ya: Trump to raise lowest tax bracket from 10% to 12%

Story here:

Top White House and GOP leaders have agreed to raise the lowest individual tax rate from 10 to 12 percent, paired with doubling the standard deduction, 5 senior Republicans tell us.

The standard deduction becomes the football in this scheme. If the doubling survives intact, which is hardly certain, down the line someone can say it must be reduced, without advocating a change in the bracket percentage and voila, you've got a nice little tax increase on the poorest members of society without directly raising taxes.

This ridiculous tinkering with rates and deductions just continues ad infinitum since 1913.

As with the Obamacare repeal efforts, there are no guiding principles informing the tax reform debate.

Mandating health coverage at the federal level is tyrannical, and so is the income tax, quite apart from its deliberate inequalities.

Trump kept insisting on a replacement for Obamacare as well as a system of progressive taxation during his speechifying.

There's no there there. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

McConnell reportedly set to bring full repeal bill like HR 3762 to a vote in the Senate

Here and here for the story.

There were 52 "Yeas" for the HR 3762 Obamacare repeal bill in the Senate on December 3, 2015 out of 54 Republicans, which Obama subsequently vetoed. It was the only repeal bill ever to reach Obama's desk:

Alexander of Tennessee
Ayotte of New Hampshire (seat lost to Democrats in 2016)
Barrasso of Wyoming
Blunt of Missouri
Boozman of Arkansas
Burr of North Carolina
Capito of West Virginia
Cassidy of Louisiana
Coats of Indiana (Todd Young)
Cochran of Mississippi
Corker of Tennessee
Cornyn of Texas
Cotton of Arkansas
Crapo of Idaho
Cruz of Texas
Daines of Montana
Enzi of Wyoming
Ernst of Iowa
Fischer of Nebraska
Flake of Arizona
Gardner of Colorado
Graham of South Carolina
Grassley of Iowa
Hatch of Utah
Heller of Nevada
Hoeven of North Dakota
Inhofe of Oklahoma
Isakson of Georgia
Johnson of Wisconsin
Lankford of Oklahoma
Lee of Utah
McCain of Arizona
McConnell of Kentucky
Moran of Kansas
Murkowski of Alaska
Paul of Kentucky
Perdue of Georgia
Portman of Ohio
Risch of Idaho
Roberts of Kansas
Rounds of South Dakota
Rubio of Florida
Sasse of Nebraska
Scott of South Carolina
Sessions of Alabama (Luther Strange)
Shelby of Alabama
Sullivan of Alaska
Thune of South Dakota
Tillis of North Carolina
Toomey of Pennsylvania
Vitter of Louisiana (John Neely Kennedy)
Wicker of Mississippi.

There were two Republican "Nays":

Collins of Maine, who is still there
Kirk of Illinois, who lost his seat to the Democrats.

Now out of 52 Republicans in the Senate we have 48 votes this time for repeal that we had last time, plus 3 Republican freshman in the Senate to pressure to vote for repeal, which would bring the total to 51, assuming Collins of Maine again votes "Nay".

We'll see if they have the guts.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

It's May and the top two issues remain healthcare and immigration

Here, but Obamacare is still the law of the land, and not one mile of The Wall has been built.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump fires acting attorney general who would not defend his immigration order

Now we're talking.

From the story here:

The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel. Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.