Showing posts with label Justin Amash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justin Amash. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2019

Trump won't stop illegal aliens, Amash won't vote for impeachment, Sanders won't pay $15/hour to his own campaign staff

Pattern development. Trump is run by Javanka, Amash was kicked out by Javanka in a different form, and Sanders is Javanka.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Like immigration-do-nothing Trump, Amash talked a good game about impeachment but voted against it when the time came

I'm sure the excuse was that he had to vote to table the bill because it wasn't perfectly in accord with the constitution.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Just a reminder that Justin Amash used the newspaper of blackface to announce he was leaving the GOP

And he just voted with the Democrats to hand out green cards like candy.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

On July 4th, 2019 MI-3 is finally free, Justin Amash leaves the GOP

Justin Amash is so partisan he is literally a party of one.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Friday, May 24, 2019

LOL, lowly Republican House member stops $19.1 billion disaster relief spending spree Trump caved on

Notice: It's Not Justin Amash.


House Republican holds up $19 billion disaster relief bill expected to pass unanimously:

The bill was expected to pass the House under a unanimous consent process, to which any member may object. ... “Secondly, it’s a bill that includes nothing to address the clear national emergency and humanitarian crisis we face at our southern border,” [Chip] Roy [TX:21] said. ... President Donald Trump has declared the situation on the southern border a national emergency and had previously sought to include border-related funding in the bill. He later dropped the demand. ... Roy, in a statement later Friday, wrote that  “I stayed in D.C. to object because this kind of swampy practice is what Texans elected me to stand against.


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Well, well, well, Justin Amash hung out to dry by the billionaire DeVos family, concerned MI-03 not getting representation

A family spokesperson added that the family had made the decision to cut ties with Amash before his controversial tweets suggesting Trump should be impeached.

“Family members have expressed increasingly concerns about a lack of representation for their district, the third congressional, and I would say an inability to advance efforts connected to important policy matters," the spokesperson told the newspaper

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Memo to Erick Erickson: One of Justin Amash's so-called pro-life principles is that it's OK to abort up to 3-days from conception

Which has been public knowledge since at least March 2013, at the start of the third year of his tenure, but y'all too damn lazy to think about that, or too damn hypocritical to care. I vote both.

Why not up to 4 days?

Why not 4.2?

Why not 42, since 42 is the answer to everything?

How about through the first trimester?

The second?

How about after delivery on Virginia Governor Ralph Northam's desk?

It's laughable to insist Amash has principles when all they are is positions, but it's even funnier to say he's an originalist:

Whether you like Justin Amash or not, he is inarguably one of the more principled members of the Republican conference in the House of Representatives. Amash is willing to take unpopular stands in the name of principle. He is willing to defy his party because of those principles. Amash is one of the more easily predictable members of Congress in how he votes because of his principles. Amash believes in the rule of law, limited government, and an originalist interpretation of the constitution.

Originalism is such tosh. The original Constitution had no income tax, accepted slavery, provided a mechanism for the natural growth of representation, knew nothing of women's suffrage, had legislatures elect senators, and knew only sound money. Justin Amash is not known for any of these causes. He's known only for thwarting the causes of others, Republicans' mostly. All he cares about, maybe, is the Constitution as it is, not as it should be, and as real conservatives know, the current Constitution is a mess, otherwise luminaries like Mark Levin wouldn't be proposing a raft of amendments to fix it.

All this hubbub is about is Amash's Trump hatred.

Which is why NeverTrumper Erick Erickson has weighed in on Amash's side.

Public Opinion Research is polling this morning by telephone about possible primary challengers to Justin Amash (MI-03)

Names mentioned were:

Terri Lynn Land, age 60, the shy loser to Gary Peters for US Senate in 2014;

*James Lower, represents Michigan's 70th House District, once worked for Brian Calley, Gov. Snyder's lieutenant;

*Tom Norton, Afghan War vet, sounds a little too eager for war with Iran, seems like a nice guy but can't spell too well, is "pro-Isreal";

Matt Hall, represents Michigan's 63rd House District, endorsed by Fred Upton who seems to hate Trump as much as Amash does, also worked for Terri Lynn Land when she was Michigan Secretary of State, was a "bound delegate" for Trump in 2016;

Bill Hardiman, age 72, Vietnam vet, former black mayor of Kentwood, Michigan for a decade who went on to defeat 2012 Amash challenger Steve Pestka to serve in the Michigan state senate for two terms 2003-2011, was one of five candidates who had sought the seat from MI-03 in the 2010 Republican primary, losing to Amash.

*have already announced runs against Amash

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Justin Amash has never abandoned his principles, and neither has the Devil

If Justin Amash cared one wit about the Constitution, he'd have spent the last ten years in Congress trying to restore the natural growth of representation guaranteed by Article One of the Constitution which a tyrannical legislative took away from the people by the Reapportionment Act of 1929, fixing the number of districts at 435. Justin Amash has been quite content with this power to lord his opinion over many many hundreds of thousands of people whose views he couldn't care less about, when the founders imagined a ratio of one representative to 30,000 people. You'll never hear about that from Mr. Do Everything By The Constitution. Likewise only direct taxes were Constitutional until 1913, but you'll never hear about "originalism" from Mr. Constitution, only that "What is is holy, and we must do it that way." He's an ignoramus who says is means ought, posing as a genius. All he cares about is his view, the "right" view, and getting re-elected in order to keep imposing it.

Like millions of Christians, Justin Amash has read the Bible, too, but is the member of a sect with just 75,000 members in the US

Most people who have read the Mueller report have reached a different conclusion, including Robert Mueller.

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

What's happened to Justin Amash is simple: He'll be off the political stage in 2021 so he has nothing left to lose

Democrats are about to redistrict him out of a job, he's isolated himself in his own party over five terms, Trump's tariffs threaten the family's Chinese tool business fortune, and his best friends are the likes of WaPo's Jennifer Rubin and union president Randi Weingarten. Might as well go all in against Trump and help deprive him of a win in Michigan while losing re-election to MI-03 or as the inglorious Libertarian Party candidate for president in 2020. It's what libertarians are best at and live to do: spoil elections. Or, just switch to the Democrat Party and go on living like Arlen Specter. Republicans could hasten things along by kicking him out of the party.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

13 Republicans vote with Democrats against National Emergency

Two in Michigan, two in Wisconsin, two in Washington.

The wall will stop the cheap illegal agricultural migrant labor used to pick the apples, grapes, etc. and pour profits into the hands of greedy Republican farmers, who are the real problem.

Monday, February 25, 2019

As often noted @tbsol, Justin Amash and libertarians belong to the left, not the right

Amash posed as a member of the right in 2010 to get elected and fooled enough of us, but he dropped "conservative" from his self-identity not long after. The rubes here in the MI-3 Republican Party have voted for him ever since because of the "R", just like Democrats vote habitually for their "D" candidates.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Republican Justin Amash, insufferable crank, co-sponsors resolution to block Trump's border emergency

Extremism in the defense of libertarianism from Justin Amash means you'll have no borders, no walls, no USA at all

Libertarianism and Antifa end up in the same place because they are absurd, reductionist ideologies.

Man was not made for the constitution. The constitution was made for man.