Showing posts with label Mike Pence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Pence. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Fox reports Hillary has called Trump to concede

VP elect Mike Pence is taking the stage.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Mike Pence told NH tonight it could decide the election tomorrow

And he's right: Just 4 Electoral College votes in NH could put Trump at 270 tomorrow.

The Michigan Kent County Republicans just interrupted my posting with a recorded call from Mike Pence asking me to vote for Donald Trump

It's about time.

It's the only call I've received AT ALL asking me to vote for Trump.

It's called CYA, covering your ass.

Yeah, well, I'll be voting for Trump happily, but not for that prick Justin Amash, or any other Republican where there's a US Taxpayers Party candidate to vote for. Republicans don't care about me, only about themselves.

Whether Trump wins or loses, the Republican Party is finished. You don't nominate someone and then betray him.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Trump's smart campaign is hard at work in Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio

The Trump campaign is deploying Mike Pence to Grand Rapids and Novi in Michigan today and tomorrow, and Waukesha, Wisconsin tomorrow.

Trump himself is in Toledo, Ohio today.

West Michigan and Wisconsin were Cruz country in the primary season, places where a traditional conservative like Mike Pence will get a more positive response.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Monday, February 28, 2011

Presentative Justin Amash: Making the Perfect the Enemy of the Good

As if there were the remotest possibility his co-sponsored measure would get passed, when de-funding Planned Parenthood was a complete no-brainer. Puh-leeze.

From here:

Amash also voted present on Indiana Rep. Mike Pence’s amendment to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood and said it was “improper and arguably unconstitutional” to single out one entity. He co-sponsored a similar measure that would deny so-called Title X family-planning subsidies to any organization that performs abortions.

Textbook Nirvana Fallacy, a la Voltaire, as here.